
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Get organized before Mercury retrograde.

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of March 10 – March 16, 2025

Brace yourself for some astrological twists and turns this week that could impact your bank account and beyond. The wee hours of March 14 bring the year’s first total lunar eclipse, and it’s hitting in the orderly and organized sign of Virgo. Schedules could get turned upside down because of this, and it’ll be easy to lose sight of little details. Things may not go according to plan, so learn to let go of control and trust the universe.

The following day, Mercury retrograde begins — a transit notorious for mixing up logistical matters of all sorts and muddying up communications. Wrap up any tricky work projects and get your finances in order before the weekend hits, because once this logic-minded planet starts backspinning, it may be harder to number-crunch or start new business endeavors.

There’s no shortage of intense cosmic activity coming up, but this week’s money tarot has some advice for how to navigate it. Read on to see what the cards have to say about your career and financial life over the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

This is not the time to second-guess yourself when it comes to money endeavors, because your take on things has a lot more value than you realize. The King of Swords is opinionated, highly intelligent, and totally confident in his beliefs — and right now, you should be embodying that kind of strong-minded energy, too. This card is a sign to own your intellectual power and trust your ability to make competent and lucrative choices. It’s good to be open to other people’s fiscal advice, but at the end of the day, you know your situation best. Be brave enough to take charge and make executive decisions on your own.

Because of the mentally focused nature of the suit of Swords and the authoritative energy of the King, this tarot royal is also a reminder to lead entirely with logic. Instead of being swayed by fear, emotions, or assumptions, approach your financial situation from a purely practical and problem-solving point of view. Being clear-minded and logical about your cash this week will pay dividends.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

You’ll feel the rumbles of Friday’s total lunar eclipse building up all week long, and all the cosmic tension in the air can be unsettling — so if you’re dealing with money anxiety or dodging curveballs that are affecting your cash flow, know that you’re not alone. However, the presence of the sweet and comforting Six of Cups signifies that you may need a temporary mental vacation from life’s constant grind to get back on track. Ignoring financial issues is never wise, of course, but giving yourself a brief break from stress to do something soul-soothing will help you return to your reality with a more refreshed approach.

This card is also associated with the magic of your inner child, so it’s a good time to tap into the innate sense of playfulness, innocence, and freedom you felt in your youth. Remind yourself that things have always turned out OK and that your current financial situation is no different. Because of the nostalgic nature of this card, it may also be a nice week to revisit some of your favorite childhood comforts — like watching an old-school movie you used to love or listening to an artist that always puts you in a good mood.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

The week climaxes with a powerful lunar eclipse and the year’s first Mercury retrograde period, so vibes are intense — but sometimes beautiful things can emerge amidst the chaos of a cosmic storm. When it comes to your career, some exciting opportunities are coming your way this week, and they’re being delivered straight to your doorstep by the dreamy and idealistic Knight of Cups. Always guided by his feelings and intuition, this tarot cavalryman generally brings optimistic offers and emotionally fulfilling news, which bodes very well for your professional life. You may have a chance to pursue something really special or feel that something you’ve been working toward may finally result in something wonderful.

However, keep your wits about you, because the Knight of Cups can also be prone to fantasy. If something sounds too good to be true, don’t put all of your eggs in that basket — even if it sounds like the offer of your dreams. Current opportunities could very well be life-changing for the better, but don’t overly romanticize a situation simply because you like the sounds of it. Let yourself be excited while also being logical and rational.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.

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