
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Don’t be stubborn.

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of March 10 – March 16, 2025

Mental planet Mercury is dipping into whimsical and watery Pisces this week, causing logistical matters to become a little hazy and your decision-making to be more emotional than logical. Keep this in mind as you manage your finances or schedule things at work. You may not be as pragmatic as usual, but your intuition is likely more on point than ever.

In this week’s money tarot reading, trusting your intuition is an ongoing theme, and the cards are stressing the importance of not being stubborn. Stay open to new information and opinions, be willing to ask for help, and know that there’s more to every situation than meets the eye. Read on to see the cards I pulled to offer you some cosmic advice on navigating career and money in the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

Whether or not you consider yourself a finance expert, the cool, compassionate, and confident Queen of Swords reminds you that you know exactly what’s best for your bank account, even if you haven’t followed your own rules. The suit of air symbolizes thought processes, ideas, and communication — and as this tarot royal sits atop her throne, she’s fully in her power about her opinions and observations. Now is a time to make money decisions using logic and trustworthy information, and to have faith in your ability to discern between a sound decision and a reckless one.

One of the great gifts this card highlights is the ability to feel strong and comfortable about your own beliefs without being closed off to the intellectual contributions of others. Open-mindedness is key when navigating this week’s finances, so be willing to hear other people’s advice and take it to heart if it resonates. Knowing the difference between useful information and fluff is all about confidence.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

Teamwork can make the dream work this week, so if you’re feeling anxious about money right now, it’s important to utilize the power and care of your community. The Three of Pentacles is all about bringing resources and minds together in a collaborative way to build something, and the point of the card is to illustrate that doing so is a more effective path to success than trying to accomplish everything solo. You’re probably not an expert on all things finance-related, and that’s OK! There’s no reason to burn yourself out trying to solve your problems alone when there are people who could easily work with you to find even better solutions.

So with the Three of Pentacles’ influence present, now is a great time to tap the people around you for help or advice around your fiscal situation. Do you know of a financial planner you could book a meeting with? Do you have an entrepreneurial friend who might be interested in hearing a business pitch from you? Is there someone in your field you’ve been hoping to connect with to discuss your professional growth? This week is a time to pool resources together to alleviate your stresses.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

In the low light of a moonlit night, looks can be deceiving, and things aren’t always what they seem to be. Such is very likely the case in your career this week. Be aware that while you may be seeing one thing and operating under the impression that you’re in the know with a particular situation, there are likely some less visible factors and circumstances impacting where things stand. The shadows cast by the moonlight can be deceptive, so proceed cautiously with any major decisions that could influence your professional path.

This celestial archetype is part of the tarot’s Major Arcana, so it likely speaks to larger or more long-term themes happening within your career life — which is why it makes sense that the Moon card showed up in this same position in one of last month’s money tarot readings. Remember that whatever clandestine goings-on or subtle vibe shifts were happening around mid-January may still impact your work life from behind the scenes, even if you thought they were wrapped up. The most important lesson here is to trust your intuition entirely. You may not be able to see everything at work clearly right now, but your gut always knows what’s right, so let your intuitive senses lead you in the right direction.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.