‘Tis the last week of Mercury retrograde, so don’t give up on your efforts to double-check receipts or re-read your work emails just yet! The logistics planet stations direct at the very end of the week, on Dec. 15, so keep your eye on the prize financially and professionally.
Keep in mind motivation planet Mars just shifted itself into reverse too, so you may not feel as ambitious or energized as usual. That’s OK! This week’s money tarot reading permits you to take things slow, give yourself some space, and trust the universe to take care of some things for you.
I pulled three tarot cards to help you navigate the week ahead in finances and career matters, so read on for the full scoop.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
One fact to remember about money? It comes and goes. It’s in its nature! So if you’ve been down on your luck with your cash flow lately, the Wheel Of Fortune is a fantastic sign that the tides are turning, and some good fortune may very well be coming your way. Sometimes the most lucrative and helpful financial opportunities arrive when you least expect them, so keep your heart open to new possibilities to build your income that you’ve never imagined. You may also receive some generous holiday gifts, have an outstanding loan repaid, or enjoy some other exciting boon that’ll buff up your bank account.
You’ve got good cash karma in your corner this week, so expect the unexpected and embrace a bit of lucky girl syndrome when it comes to manifesting money right now. The universe works in mysterious ways and this card is an important reminder. Trust it.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?
When you suffer a major financial loss or suddenly lose a gig or client, stress is a natural reaction. But after you let yourself wallow in your feelings, it’s important to pick yourself up, reflect on why things went down the way they did, and start moving forward with more wisdom and awareness. Whatever it is that’s come to an end is likely a lost cause, so there’s no use trying to bring it back to life. In fact, continuing to pour time and energy into a failed business plan or tanking investment will only make you feel more anxious about it. Right now, acceptance is the key to absolving your worries and giving you the clarity you need to move on to something new.
Instead of drowning in the stress of whatever financial losses or setbacks you’ve suffered, consider the silver linings, as they most certainly exist! What have you learned from your recent experiences with money? What will you do differently in the future in work or investments? What better opportunities might the universe be making space for in your life?
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?
The Hermit chooses to retreat from the outside world to get in touch with himself and explore the quiet realms of his higher-minder wisdom. And when it comes to your career this week, you may benefit from stepping away from the group and giving yourself space to get things done in your way, too. There’s no need to rely on everyone else’s opinions or defer to others at work right now — because you have all the answers, ideas, and solutions you need already inside you. It’s just a matter of being able to access this inner knowledge.
This card can also indicate a need to work more independently or generally feel more autonomous in your career, so see about working from home this week or focusing on projects that allow you to get things done independently. Collaboration is wonderful and certainly has its place in the professional world, but right now, embracing your Hermit side will make you feel more productive, capable, and confident.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.