
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Hold on, Mercury retrograde is back.

by Nina Kahn
A hand with vibrant yellow and orange nails holds a blue cardholder filled with tarot cards and a do...

Mercury retrograde moonwalks back into passionate Leo this week, adding an additional helping of confusion and chaos to mental matters. Save your receipts, double-check your emails before you hit send, and save any touchy work conversations for later in the month if possible!

If you need a little cosmic guidance as you navigate work and finances, here are the cards I pulled in your money tarot spread for the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

Money comes and money goes, so even when you’re in a stable financial position, it’s hard not to hang onto a few worries. This week, the Nine Of Cups reminds you that while sure, you can never be too comfortable, you should give yourself a chance to bask in the good moments when they arrive.

Take a moment to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished and have some gratitude for the material abundance that you’ve acquired for yourself, whether that’s a number in your bank account or just the clothes on your back.

If you’re not where you want to be financially at the moment, this card signifies that more abundant times are on the way, so be ready to receive them. And when they arrive, don’t waste them by spending the whole time in a scarcity mindset! Burn the fancy candles, eat on the good china, and wear those expensive shoes.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

If you’re feeling stressed about money, don’t let yourself get carried away with fears or swept up in emotional thoughts. The cool, calm, and collected Queen Of Swords wants you to think logically about your fiscal situation and come up with rational solutions to your problems. Relying on your intellect over your emotionality or impulses will help to mitigate any money anxieties you might be struggling with, so think everything through.

This card also reminds you that you are the authority in your own life and financial destiny. Trust your instincts and ideas when it comes to your current monetary affairs, and work on feeling more secure about your own decisions — but don’t be too proud or stubborn to take advice from others. You don’t need to rely on other people’s opinions or advice, but there’s a difference between being smart and stubborn!

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

Some decisions may need to be made this week, but with Mercury retrograde potentially clouding your judgment, knowing which path is the right one to take could be challenging. With the Two Of Swords showing up, you may feel like you’re unable to see the issues at hand clearly enough to make an informed decision about how to move forward. This could involve an everyday choice that needs to be made at work or some larger-scale choices about your career path on the whole.

It’s possible you may also be actively avoiding looking at a situation head-on — but even with Mercury retrograde, you may have to definitively go with one option or another this week. Combine the cool-headed logic of the intellectual suit of Swords with the intuition you’re feeling in your soul. The person on the Two Of Swords Card may be blindfolded, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still weigh the pros and cons that exist within her mind and heart.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.