Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader
Know when it’s time to walk away.

Tuesday’s Harvest Moon lunar eclipse is here to rock your world and flush away anything that no longer aligns with who you are — so sit back and listen to what the universe is trying to tell you.
Change can happen quickly during eclipse season, so while it’s good to be cautious, this week’s money tarot reading also asks you to be ready to let go of work situations that have hit their expiration date. Pay attention to where energy is flowing and where it’s feeling blocked, as that can guide you toward more lucrative paths.
If you want some extra cosmic support, I pulled a few tarot cards to advise when it comes to career and money matters in the week ahead.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
The Devil has decided to show its face this week, and as always, it arrives with a bevy of alluring temptations in hopes of seducing you to the dark side. When it comes to your finances this week, this means that you should be careful about over-drafting your bank account or otherwise splurging too heavily on excessive indulgences.
When the Devil’s around, it’s all too easy for your vices to get the better of you — whether that looks like going too hard at happy hour, ordering takeout more nights than not, or curbing your stress with online shopping (oops). Whatever the case may be, looking at your bank account the next morning might feel like a hangover.
It’s good to treat yourself, and if you’ve been frugal to a fault lately, then this card may actually be a sign to let loose and give into a “naughty” impulse or two. But for most people, it’ll behoove you to reign in your unnecessary purchases and not let your desires override your budget.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?
Money anxiety is the antithesis of the Nine Of Pentacles. In fact, with her lush garden, opulent robe, and exotic pet bird, it appears the woman depicted on this card has never heard of such a thing! Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way all the time?
This card is a symbol of financial stability, material abundance, and all the pleasures that come along with these things — and it can be taken as a sign that much more comfortable times are on the way as a result of your hard work. But card also carries the energy of financial independence, so now is a time to take pride in your ability to provide for yourself, in whatever big or small ways you do.
If you’re struggling with money stress, remind yourself that you are worth every ounce of effort that you’re pouring into your financial goals at the moment, and you’re 100% deserving of all the good things that will come of it. And when your hard work pays off — perhaps it already is — allow yourself to fully enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?
If the Eight Of Cups looks familiar, it’s probably because you saw it in last week’s money tarot reading. Last week, this card illuminated what to keep in mind financially. But this week, its energy is present specifically in your career realm — and as an astrologer, I’m not surprised.
This card is about knowing when to walk away from something, and that’s a theme closely tied in with a cosmic point called the South Node, which is currently in Libra. Because it’s Libra season, the South Node is being highly activated, and it’s showing everyone what needs to be flushed out of their lives. It’s a reminder not to cling to things that aren’t meant for you, and to trust that letting go will make more space to invite in what is.
So when it comes to your job this week, consider what’s beginning to feel like it’s no longer worth your time. Maybe you’ve had enough of a toxic work situation and are finally hitting a breaking point, or perhaps you’re feeling defeated after failing to reach a certain professional goal or milestone you set for yourself.
Giving up on something out of fear or a lack of self-confidence is never good, but knowing when it’s time to throw in the towel and focus your energies elsewhere? That’s empowerment — even if there’s some grief and disappointment there, too.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.