Your Weekly Pull
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader
It’s time to believe in magic.
Now that Daylight Saving Time is here, you might be in the mood to venture out into the night and — gasp — actually go on a date. With spring just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to shake off the slow coziness of winter and start having fun again.
To see what’s in store for you this week, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three cards to answer a set of romance-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.
Lucky for you — this set of cards is pretty ideal.
Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?
“The Star is a beautiful omen for your love life,” says Wang. “It shines with hope, renewal, and inspiration. If you’re in a relationship, expect a week filled with emotional healing and deeper connection.”
This major arcana card also represents a sense of calm and peace, as well as an optimistic outlook for the future. “It suggests that you and your partner may find yourselves in sync, sharing dreams and aspirations that bring you closer,” he says. “If there have been any recent challenges, The Star indicates a time of reconciliation.”
If you’re dating someone new, but aren’t quite sure where things are going just yet, The Star reminds you to keep your head up. “The universe is sending you a message of encouragement — love is on the horizon and it’s time to believe in its magic,” says Wang.
The same is true if you’re single. You should have an enchanting week ahead of you, especially if you put yourself out there.
Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?
“Two of Pentacles is all about balance and adaptability,” says Wang. It shows a person juggling two coins, which means you’ll attract more love if you find balance and harmony. If you typically come home from an exhausting work day and go straight to bed, this card suggests you should put on your sparkliest ‘fit and head out on the town instead. Rallying will be worth it.
The message is all about working hard and playing hard. “Love thrives when you create space for it,” says Wang. “Be open to new experiences and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.” Have fun. Be flirty. Swipe right. Say yes to dates. Schedule a cute dinner. Put more effort into dating this week — but most importantly, have fun.
“Whether it’s trying a new hobby, attending a social event, or simply striking up a conversation with someone intriguing, the Two of Pentacles also encourages you to go with the flow with a flexible mindset,” says Wang. “Love often finds us when we’re not overthinking it.”
This card also applies to people in relationships. If your busy schedules have prevented you from spending quality time together lately, take it as a hint that you need to throw more date nights into the mix. Meet your SO for drinks (before you both get home and get too comfy) or treat yourself to a quick weekend getaway. It’ll do wonders for your relationship.
Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?
“The Page of Pentacles is a delightful sign that your date or significant other sees you in a positive, grounded light,” says Wang. Pentacles cards are connected to earth sign energy, which is stable, present, and secure. It suggests they’ve fallen in love with your practicality, ambition, and the sense of calm you bring to the relationship.
“If you’re dating someone new, they’re likely intrigued by your authenticity, too, and are eager to learn more about you,” he says. To build on this type of attraction, make sure you spend plenty of time together this week, as a way to show you’re committed. Since pentacles also relate to the material world, consider splurging on an extravagant night out. The entertaining evening will be worth the money.
“For those in committed relationships, your partner may express their appreciation in tangible ways — perhaps through small gestures or thoughtful conversations about the future,” says Wang. “This card suggests a sense of curiosity and admiration, so embrace it and let the connection grow.”
Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor
For more, check out your horoscope.