Open up the windows, get a pump of lavender in your latte, and stow away your winter coats, because the spring equinox hits on March 20 here in the Northern Hemisphere. This astronomical event signals a lot — the first day of spring, the start of Aries season, and one of only two days of the year that’s got equal parts daylight and night. When it comes to love, the warmth and optimism of this transitional period are here to thaw out the staleness of cuffing season and make space for even sweeter feelings to blossom. Your spring equinox relationship forecast is full of April showers, May flowers, and so much more.
The spring equinox is significant in many ways, as it marks the official end of winter and the start of spring — a time of renewal, growth, and new life. It’s also important astrologically, as the spring equinox coincides with the first day of the Aries season when the sun ingresses into this motivating and moxie-driven fire sign. Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac, so this ingress is also the date of the astrological new year. Fresh starts are all around, so if you’re looking to invite some new energy into your love life or spruce up your relationships, now is a fabulous time.
This year’s spring equinox hits right smack in the middle of some of the most important cosmic events of the whole first half of 2025. The first is Venus retrograde, which began on March 1 and lasts until April 12. The love planet only backspins every year and a half, and when it does, it can bring pivotal relationship reevaluations, romantic reconnections, and amorous blasts from the past.
It’s time to align your values with your actions and get serious about honoring what’s in your heart.
This period of desire-centric reflection also overlaps with the year’s first Mercury retrograde, which kicked off one week before the equinox and lasts until April 7. This emphasizes the focus on the past and the sense of revision that many people may be experiencing regarding relationships and otherwise.
The equinox also peaks right in between the year’s first two eclipses. Eclipse season is notoriously a time of cosmic chaos, fast-paced changes, and rapid-fire revelations — so for many people, these sudden shifts could shake things up in the relationship department. Whether via the eclipses or as a result of Venus retrograde, everyone’s love lives are undergoing an intense makeover during the time of the spring equinox, so this special day of the year truly ushers in a new era in love.
The spring season will grace everyone with its romantic blooms and blossoms until the summer solstice hits June 20. Whether you’re single or partnered, knowing your spring equinox relationship forecast is a must. Here’s what to expect.
Equinox Week Brings Clarity
The week of the spring equinox is astrologically major, firstly because it brings the most important moment of the current Venus retrograde cycle. On March 22, lover Venus will cross paths with the sun to form a Venus cazimi, which marks a pivotal moment of clarity in its current backspin. Expect the retrograde lessons to start making more sense and to develop a deeper understanding of the changes that are taking place within your heart. Five days later, Venus will reverse course from Aries into day-dreamy and sensitive Pisces, resulting in more emotionally driven and introspective vibes.
On March 29, a solar eclipse rises in passion-fueled Aries, and it wraps up the recent Aries-Libra eclipse cycle. Over the past two and a half years, most of the eclipses have dealt with relationship dynamics, balancing other people’s needs with your own, and ultimately connecting with your own sense of confidence and sovereignty — so this powerful lunation is here to push you toward independence, no matter how romantically bonded you are with someone else.
April Wraps Up Venus Retrograde
During the first week of April, Venus retrograde will connect with the North Node of Destiny, passionate planet Mars, and commitment-oriented Saturn, bringing the motivation you need to face underlying issues in your love life with bravery and trust. It’s time to align your values with your actions and get serious about honoring what’s in your heart, even if it means confronting some relationship-related fears or struggles from the past.
Come April 12, Venus retrograde ends, at which point you’ll feel a lot more stable and clear-headed about what you want from romance and relationships. Your tastes and needs in love may look different than they did six months ago, so honor this fresh vibe.
At the end of April, Venus will repeat its conjunctions with the fateful North Node and Saturn that took place during the first week of the month — except this time, Venus is moving directly instead of retrograding. Expect to revisit some of the same issues and situations with new eyes. Trust that your heart knows what’s best, even if it means exploring outside your romantic comfort zone.
Love Gets Sweet & Spicy In May
Romantic Venus moves into feisty Aries on April 30 after spending the past month in feelings-filled Pisces, setting the tone for a spicier and more passionate vibe in love throughout May. Prioritize your pleasure and put yourself first. The first week of the month is a lovely time to explore your juiciest and dreamiest fantasies, either alone or with a partner, as Venus will align with the glamorous and imaginative planet Neptune.
A couple of weeks later, the cosmic heat’s getting turned up to full-blast, as the love planet will make a gorgeously lucky trine aspect to deliciously carnal Mars. Take initiative in relationships and ask for what you want. Making the first move is hot now, as is speaking up about what’s on your heart — so drop your inhibitions and let desire move you.
Sensual Vibes For The Last Weeks Of Spring
The first day of June finds amorous Venus crossing paths with wounded-healer comet Chiron, potentially highlighting heartaches and triggering some sensitivities in your love life. Instead of reacting emotionally or impulsively toward your partners, take time to learn from these moments of pain and put your recent growth to good use. Relationships are mirrors, and you’ve got the strength required to look honestly at what yours are reflecting to you.
You’ll start feeling lighter within a few days, as Venus will blow a sweet little kiss to lucky planet Jupiter, casting a feel-good glow over your relationships and making romantic connections flow easily. This is a great time for flirting, socializing, and whispering sweet nothings with your lovers.
Romance gets even juicier once Venus enters its sensual home sign of Taurus on June 5. This luxurious homecoming for the love planet makes pleasure-seeking feel so much more natural. From now through the summer solstice, take your spring flings to a luxe new level and lean into all the sensory delights of love. Fancy dates, indulgent nights out, and extended kissing sessions are a must.