
Your September Money Horoscope

Virgo season wants you to get organized.

by Nina Kahn

September heralds the official end of summer, and the month’s back-to-school vibes and detail-oriented Virgo season influence tend to inspire everyone to get on top of their workload and better organize their lives. The astrology of September 2024 certainly lives up to this reputation, as the planets are serving up some lucky opportunities to manifest abundance and some motivating connections that’ll give you the cosmic elbow grease you need to reach your work and finance goals.

The first few weeks of the month comprise the bulk of Virgo season, and this zodiac energy is meticulous, attentive, and orderly. Use it to analyze the little details of your finances, tidy up your budget, and build more sustainable routines around work. The new moon on Sept. 2 is helpful when setting tangible goals, so map out a practical path to longer-term financial or professional success.

Mid-month brings good luck for manifesting money, as luxury-loving Venus blows a glitzy kiss to prosperity planet Jupiter on Sept. 14. But do your abundance rituals before Sept. 17, as that’s when the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces peaks, and this chaotic lunation will require your full attention. It’s time to ditch the rose-colored glasses and get real about how you’re feeling, whether that’s related to your job or how you’re spending your cash. Libra season begins on Sept. 22 alongside the autumnal equinox, and this harmony-seeking vibe is great for balancing your checkbook or having diplomatic discussions at work.

If Virgo season wasn’t as productive as you hoped, make up for it during the last days of September, as this brings some of the most lucrative aspects of the month. On Sept. 29, go-getter Mars harmonizes with down-to-business Saturn, so put your nose to the grindstone and get serious about working toward your goals. Hard work will pay off big. The following day, a Mercury cazimi in Libra brings mental clarity great for budgeting and creating new ideas that have money-making potential.

Read on for your September money horoscope.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Virgo season is giving you all the cosmic tools you need to organize your schedule, catch up on your to-do lists, and clean up your day-to-day routine — so use this productive energy to tighten up your spending and get ahead at work. The new moon on Sept. 2 is the perfect time to implement new habits.

Business partnerships get a boost once Libra season starts on Sept. 22, so if you’re pursuing a joint venture, now’s the time to make it happen. Some lucrative surprises could be in store for you during the first week of this season, so look out for a windfall or a lucky interruption in your schedule. Remember that unpredictable Uranus starts retrograding through your money sector this month, so changes could happen.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

If you’ve got a passion project you’d like to turn into a side hustle, Virgo season’s vibes could heighten your attention to detail and help you bring it to life, especially under the new moon on Sept. 2. Sept. 15 is one of your luckiest days of the year when it comes to making money moves, as your luxe cosmic ruler Venus is harmonizing with abundant Jupiter in your finance zone. It’s a great time to pursue a new income stream or do a money manifestation.

Once Libra season starts on Sept. 22, you’ll feel inspired to buckle down on your responsibilities. Focus on getting into a balanced work routine and organizing your financial life. The Mercury cazimi on Sept. 30 is a motivating moment to ditch bad spending habits and find ways to be more productive.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The meticulous new moon in Virgo on Sept. 2 is helping you drill into the details, but you may feel a little unclear about how to move forward in your career. But once go-getter planet Mars hits your finance zone a couple of days later, you’ll be motivated to make money moves and have more clarity about what you want. This is a much better time to jump into action and take initiative in your fiscal life.

The lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 is pivotal for your professional life, so while it may bring some reality checks, it’s helping you make space for aligned upgrades to your trajectory. Trust your intuition. Creativity shoots through the roof once Libra season starts on Sept. 22, so channel inspiration into your passion projects or side hustles. You might be struck with brilliant new visions when your clever cosmic ruler Mercury aligns with the sun at the end of the month.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

If you need to spark up some conversations about money, the new moon on Sept. 2 is a good time to communicate clearly. A couple of days later, go-getter Mars is hitting your sign, so expect to feel especially energized and motivated. You can channel this gusto toward just about any goal, so if you need to make career moves or investments, you’ll have the juice to make them happen.

The autumn equinox on Sept. 22 finds artistic Venus entering your passion-fueled fifth house, so if you need to brainstorm some creative ideas for side hustles or ways to make your hobbies more lucrative, this last stretch of the month brings the right vibe. A helpful connection between down-to-business Saturn and Mars in your sign will show you that the last days of September are ripe for pursuing higher education goals or acquiring new skills that could further your career. Get more serious about those higher aspirations.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Virgo season has your mind fixed on your wallet, and the new moon on Sept. 2 is the ideal time to make some long-term investments or incorporate smarter spending habits into your routine. Avoid impulsive decisions and focus on thoroughly planning things out instead, especially once logistics-minded Mercury joins the sun in your finance zone on Sept. 9.

If you have any debts that need to be paid off, the lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 is a good time to get real about them. Don’t sweep anything under the rug. Once Libra season approaches on Sept. 22, you may find yourself especially driven to get ahead at work and ready to make some power moves, as your ruler the sun will be harmonizing with cutthroat planet Pluto in your career sector, boosting your confidence and earning power as summer transitions to fall.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

It’s your birthday season, so you deserve to treat yourself to something lavish and indulgent. If you’ve got the funds, spend a little extra on self-care and pampering. The middle of the month is a fabulously lucky time for lucrative career moves and strokes of good fortune, as luxe Venus in your money sector is vibing with prosperous Jupiter in your ambitious tenth house. Perhaps a raise or higher-paying opportunity is lingering around the corner.

Libra season highlights your resource-focused second house, so get on top of your financial situation and start balancing that bank account, especially if you’ve splurged on birthday goodies. Number-crunching and budgeting come easily once your logistical ruler Mercury joins the sun in your finance zone, and the Mercury cazimi on Sept. 30 is a great time to set your money-making plans in stone.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Motivating Mars starts lighting up your career zone on Sept. 4, giving you loads of energy to put toward professional endeavors. This is your sign to take more initiative at work and show off your ambitious side! If you’re looking for a mentor to help steer your career or financial life in the right direction, the middle of the month is a lucky time to pursue. You may need to restructure your schedule and workflow a bit under the lunar eclipse on Sept. 17, as it’s shaking things up and helping you reevaluate your responsibilities. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Libra season starts on Sept. 22, and your cosmic ruler Venus is hitting your money sector on the same day, giving you a cosmic excuse to splurge on a birthday treat or two. Mental planet Mercury zooms into your sign a few days later, and the whole last week of the month is a prime time for making logistical plans and mapping out the little details of your goals, work-related or otherwise.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Virgo season is a great time for networking, teamwork, or collaborative projects, so schedule some brainstorming meetings at work or make an effort to mingle with more folks in your field. You could make some beneficial connections under the new moon on Sept. 2. Additionally, logistics-minded Mercury is in your professional sector through the first third of the month, so this is a good time to zoom in on the little details of your work projects or do some career planning.

The lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 is helping you look at your passions with fresh eyes, and it can be a powerful time to figure out how to incorporate more creativity and joy into your work. Value planet Venus enters your sign alongside the autumn equinox on Sept. 22, boosting your manifestation powers. If you’re looking to attract new financial opportunities or abundance in general, spend the last week of the month making it happen.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Your career is booming thanks to the productive vibes of Virgo season, and if you put in the hard work, the new moon on Sept. 2 can bring some exciting opportunities for long-term professional success. This is also a great month to take charge of any debts or financial issues you’ve swept under the rug, so clean out the metaphorical closets and tidy up your fiscal life.

Once Libra season starts on Sept. 22, teamwork and collaboration may become more of a priority, so brainstorming with others at work could yield solid results. Thanks to the Mercury cazimi on Sept. 30, you may also connect with some helpful people or networking opportunities around the end of the month. Be open to chatting.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Value-oriented Venus is in your career sector for the first three weeks of the month, giving you a magnetic allure at work and helping smooth out any conflicts with colleagues. If you’ve been toying with the idea of pursuing a higher degree or even just taking a class that could push you further along in your career, the new moon on Sept. 2 might be a good time to plant some seeds or take the first step. Hard work starts paying off mid-month, and some lucky breaks could boost your professional standing.

Career matters come center stage once Libra season starts on Sept. 22, and your confidence should be high. If you need to have an important work conversation, the Mercury cazimi on Sept. 30 is a good time to do it. You may find that some lucrative new ideas or logistical breakthroughs come to you now, too.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

You’ll be ready to buckle down and slay your to-do lists this month, as energizing Mars is hitting your responsibility sector, giving you loads of stamina to tackle work projects and take more initiative with your time. Some bills or IOUs may hit mid-month, so take care of any debts ASAP — because the lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 is a major one for you money-wise. You’re getting real about your finances and making space to level up your abundance mindset.

Come Sept. 22, the diplomatic vibes of Libra season can help connect with a professional mentor, but the most productive vibes of the month come during the final days of September, as Mars will be vibing with Saturn in your finance zone. Use this energy to build toward more security and make some thoughtful money moves.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Energetic Mars zooms into your passion zone on Sept. 4, boosting your creativity and prompting you to take initiative with any side hustles you might be trying to get off the ground. The first third of the month is also a great time to get your books more organized and catch up on any work tasks you may have fallen behind on, as logistics-loving Mercury will be in your responsibility sector.

The lunar eclipse in your sign on Sept. 17 is a major one, helping you shed pieces of your identity that no longer resonate — and perhaps offering more clarity on where you’d like to steer your career. Libra season starts Sept. 22, and it’ll have you diving under the surface of your fiscal life and untangling any knots. Deal with unpaid bills and clear up misunderstandings about shared financial ventures, especially during the Mercury cazimi on Sept. 30.