
September’s Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Will Transform These 3 Zodiac Signs

Brace yourself for a brand-new chapter.

by Nina Kahn
Zodiac signs most affected by the Sept. 17 full moon.
Janina Steinmetz/DigitalVision/Getty Images

If you’re feeling a little bit of chaos brewing in the cosmos, then you’re probably picking up on the energy of the incoming eclipse season. It all kicks off with a powerful lunar eclipse on Sept. 17. This intense lunation also doubles as this year’s full Harvest Moon, rising less than a week before the autumn equinox. And for a few signs, this is the beginning of a particularly significant new chapter.

September’s lunar eclipse peaks at the tail end of Virgo season, throughout which the sun has been shining through this pure and practical-minded earth sign. But the eclipse itself is taking place directly across the skies in the emotional and intuitive sign of Pisces. This is the first time since 2017 that an eclipse will hit this part of the zodiac, so it marks the start of a new era for all signs — and the changes brought forth by this lunation will pave the way for a meaningful emotional and spiritual journey that’ll last for several years to come.

Of course, change isn’t easy, and serious shake-ups and sharp turns can come about during an eclipse. In this case of September’s big lunation, a few planetary aspects will make things feel even more intense for a few members of the zodiac. At the time of the eclipse, the sun and moon in Virgo and Pisces will be in a tense T-square with expansive Jupiter in Gemini, which could make emotions feel larger-than-life and potentially exaggerate your perception of the truth. The moon will also be in a tight conjunction with numinous Neptune, and this hazy planet’s fog could make it hard to see people’s motives clearly.

Additionally, stern planet Saturn will face off with mental planet Mercury in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, respectively — the same signs in which the moon and sun will oppose one another as they form the eclipse. This could bring about some heavy realizations or prompt serious conversations that cause you to steer course or rethink your direction.

Everyone will feel the effects of this important eclipse, for the mutable signs of the zodiac, it’ll be especially tangible. If you’re one of the signs most affected by September’s full moon lunar eclipse, here’s what to expect.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Virgo season has been shining a light on your domestic fourth house for the past few weeks, giving you a chance to tidy things up in your personal life and get your home in order. But September’s lunar eclipse is shaking things up across the zodiac in your public-facing career sector, so prepare for big changes to your professional trajectory. If you’ve been stuck in a stagnant work situation or have found yourself plodding along on a path that’s not putting your talents to good use, then this lunation may very well sweep in to realign some things and help you open your eyes to new possibilities.

Additionally, lucky Jupiter in your sign is forming an intense T-square to the lunar eclipse and hazy Neptune, so while the shifts that take place now may feel destabilizing or larger-than-life, it’s likely you’ll land on your feet. Prepare for big feelings and perhaps some big fears, but be ready to face those things with strength, faith, and confidence. You have it in you.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

This eclipse is taking place directly across the zodiac from the sun in your sign, Virgo, and it’s wrapping up your birthday season with a cosmic bang. Your relationships are about to undergo a major shift over the next couple of years, and you’ll find yourself adjusting to some new dynamics and letting go of any rose-colored delusions that may have held you back from forging true and lasting emotional connections. This particular eclipse marks the start of an important new cycle that’ll transform your identity and your partnerships, pushing you to shed old skin and see others in a completely new light. But to do that, be realistic about where you stand.

Because your ruling planet Mercury is in your sign facing off with Saturn alongside the eclipse, the current events may also force you to set new boundaries and figure out where your limits lie with the people closest to you.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

This eclipse is hitting your sign, Pisces, so naturally it’ll be an impactful time in your life. The last time an eclipse took place in your zodiacal waters was 2017. But the last time a lunar eclipse took place in your sign alongside the North Node of Destiny — as this one will — was another ten years prior to that, so you’re due for a major transformation. This lunation is asking you to look at yourself with fresh eyes. Are you honest about what you see, or are you pretending to be somebody you’re not?

The moon in your sign will also be in a tight alignment with your dreamy cosmic ruler Neptune, highlighting your escapist tendencies and exposing the raw truth beneath your fantasies. It’s time to cut through any illusions or insecurities and start getting real about how you want to show up in the world — whether in relationships or simply the first impressions you make on a stranger.