These 3 Zodiac Signs Can Chill During The September Lunar Eclipse
Welcome these changes with open arms.

Eclipses are no joke. These supercharged lunations have historically been thought of as harbingers of fateful life changes. But the lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept. 17 actually comes in peace — well, as much peace as a chaos-wielding eclipse could possibly manage, anyway. The shifts catalyzed by this lunation are ultimately in everyone’s best interest, and for a few zodiac signs, the effects may not even feel all that much more intense than your standard full moon.
September’s full moon lunar eclipse is taking place in dreamy and watery Pisces, a sign known for its emotional depth just as much as its creative whimsy. Rising during the last week of the Virgo season, this feelings-first lunation temporarily shifts your perspective from Virgo’s detail-oriented and regimented practicality toward Pisces’ intuitive and imaginative sensitivity. The moon is aspecting both of Pisces’ cosmic rulers — hazy Neptune and lucky Jupiter — infusing this lunar moment with even more of the sign’s fantasy-like energy. This influence could add a disorienting sense of ambiguity to the eclipse events for some zodiac signs, but it won’t manifest that way for everyone.
There’s also a beautiful grand earth trine taking place alongside this lunation, bringing the sun, experimental Uranus, and powerful Pluto into an auspicious alignment with one another. With such hard-hitting planets lighting up a magic triangle in the three earth signs, there’s a sense of harmony and groundedness accessible to all zodiac signs — and some pleasant surprises could be in store, too.
Eclipses are challenging by nature, as the whole purpose of these astral spectacles is to help re-align you with your destiny and push you toward the paths you’re meant to be on. But if you’re one of the lucky zodiac signs least affected by September’s lunar eclipse, then integrating these shifts shouldn’t be too difficult. In fact, you may even be ready to welcome them with open arms.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Eclipses, by definition, always involve a precarious alignment between the sun and the moon — and because Leo is the sign ruled by the sun, these cosmic events have a relatively meaningful impact on them, regardless of where they hit in their chart. But this time around, you may find it’s a bit easier to manage. The journey kicking off for you under this eclipse cycle is burgeoning deep beneath the surface of your life, psyche, and relationships, and it’s putting you in touch with your more subterranean feelings and hidden fears. While this can certainly be intense, you may not see any ripples bubbling up to the surface yet. Think of it like dipping your toes in slowly.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re not in for big transformations as this eclipse cycle continues! But for now, give yourself space to be vulnerable and don’t hide from the emotions or desires that come forth. Ready or not, you’re getting to know yourself more deeply.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
There are a lot of planetary clashes and connections happening during this lunar eclipse — but none of them involve any celestial bodies in your sign, Scorpio. So while you’ll still feel the effects of this powerful lunar moment, you’ll probably be able to maintain a level head throughout any shake-ups. This eclipse is rising in your fun-loving and exuberant fifth house, so expect to start working through any creative blocks or anxieties around self-expression that have kept you from shining your light. If you’re hiding your passion due to self-consciousness or fear of failure — whether related to a hobby, an artistic endeavor, or a romantic situation — it’s time to face these feelings head-on.
At the time of the eclipse, your cosmic ruler Pluto will be in a sweet and supportive group hug with the sun and wild-child Uranus, so tap into the feeling of security that’ll be cosmically available to you amidst the shifts.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
September’s eclipse is hitting your chart’s money sector, asking you to take a solid look at your income sources and evaluate your resources more realistically. Of course, dealing with any sudden changes to your financial situation is a scary thought — and while there’s always potential for an unpredictable eclipse shake-up, it’s likely that this lunation in particular could go a little gentler on you. That’s because, despite so many crossing paths during this time, none of them will be in your sign, so you’ll likely have a more grounded perspective on the events that unfold during this period.
Serious planet Saturn has been in your money zone since last year, so you’re already on a journey that involves leveling up your responsibilities and getting more serious about your fiscal life. This eclipse simply arrives to help pave the way for a new path where you can begin putting your invaluable life lessons to good use. Trust that it’ll be for the best.