Welcome to the final stretch of summer, star babes! With the chaotic astrology of August behind you, you can officially start zooming into some new adventures — sans Mercury retrograde and the tangle of planetary T-squares that made last month so tough. Things are looking up, but the astrology of September isn’t free of intensity either, as another retrograde is starting and eclipse season is gearing up. You’ll want to mark your calendar for the major astrological events of September 2024.
The month kicks off in Virgo season, and the tidy and organized vibes are much-needed and appreciated after the planetary drama that marred the latter half of August. A cosmic clean-up is most definitely in order! The purifying new moon in Virgo on Sept. 2 is a time to set practical-minded intentions and incorporate some new hacks or habits into your work and health routine. Throughout the following week, go-getter Mars will enter Cancer to pump up the passive aggressiveness while communicative planet Mercury will hit its home sign of Virgo, giving everyone an editor’s eye and greater attention to detail.
Romance brews mid-month, as abundant planet Jupiter will form a lucky alignment with love planet Venus, which is currently in its flirty home sign of Libra. This aspect perfects on Sept. 14 PT/Sept. 15 ET, so take a chance on a crush or get lost in love. The lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 kicks off the eclipse season’s chaos, forcing you to face the truth behind your fantasies and start rebuilding more sustainable realities.
Libra season begins on Sept. 22 alongside the autumnal equinox, so bringing more balance, peace, and alignment to your life and relationships will become a higher priority. Libra’s cosmic ruler Venus shifts into Scorpio on the same day, making love a little more intense. Chatty Mercury follows the sun into Libra on Sept. 26, which climaxes with a conjunction between the two planets (called a Mercury cazimi) on Sept. 30 that can spark important conversations. At the same time, motivating Mars will harmonize with serious Saturn, making it a great time to make headway on long-term goals, too.
There’s a lot more to dig into with this month’s cosmic happenings, so read on for your full September 2024 astrology forecast.
The Retrogrades Are Retrograding
Last month’s Mercury retrograde is finally out of the way, but more backward-moving planetary action starts up again on Sept. 1, when Uranus retrograde begins. As the planet of shocks and sudden changes, Uranus’ annual backspins bring an opportunity to process any major surprises or unexpected twists in your path that’ve arisen since the start of the year. This retrograde will last through January 2025, so you may finally have a chance to catch your breath and make sense of what’s shifted.
Pluto retrograde has been going down in Aquarius since May, but later in the day on Sept. 1, this power-hungry planet will roll back into Capricorn for one last jaunt. This is the last time that Pluto will backspin through Capricorn in our collective lifetimes, as once it goes direct and re-enters Aquarius, it’ll remain there for the next couple of decades — so it’s time to process some of the subconscious transformations that have catalyzed over the past fifteen years.
Virgo Season & A New Moon
The first few weeks of September make up the majority of the Virgo season, the vibes of which get everyone into a more solid grind, productive schedule, and wellness-focused state of mind. Virgo zodiac energy is attentive and analytical, so it’s a fabulous time to streamline your schedule, add some healthy habits to your routine, and get a little more organized.
Things reach peak Virgo during the new moon on Sept. 2, happening in this mutable earth sign’s terrain. This is a great time to refine some of the rough edges in your routine and find ways to improve the things around you. Thanks to an opposition to down-to-business Saturn, you’ll be challenged to step up and be a little more serious about whatever seeds you’re planting, and it’ll be best to take things slow and steady.
Mars & Mercury Making Moves
The week after the new moon brings some energy shifts for Mars and Mercury, two important planets in your personal life. On Sept. 4, adrenaline-seeking Mars enters the sentimental and soft-hearted sign of Cancer through the rest of the month, which isn’t the most comfortable place for this high-energy warrior planet. You may find it difficult to take direct action or express your frustration, but you’ll feel really strong when it comes to protecting the things that are important to you and taking the initiative to create safe spaces for your goals to take root.
On Sept. 8 PT/Sept. 9 PT, mental planet Mercury joins the sun in its home sign of Virgo — a part of the zodiac where this clever and communicative planet is very effective. For the next few weeks, expect to have a keener eye for details, a more practical approach to problem-solving, and an analytical edge in all you do.
A Lunar Eclipse Kicks Off Eclipse Season
Welcome back to eclipse season! September’s full moon on Sept. 17 is also a lunar eclipse, and it’s plunging everyone back into the high-speed portal of change and realignment that these ultra-intense lunations tend to create. This eclipse takes place in the dreamy and emotional sign of Pisces, and it’ll ask you to let go of your delusions and face reality. This is the first eclipse to hit the Virgo-Pisces axis since 2017, and this storyline is only just beginning to unfold — so pay attention to the themes that arise and trust that whatever revelations come forth are for your highest good.
Libra Season & The Autumn Equinox
Change is in the air come Sept. 22, as the sun moves from Virgo to Libra, heralding the start of Libra season. Libra is the zodiac’s cardinal air sign, and its energy is all about creating harmony, symmetry, and fairness. Relationships come to the forefront now, as Libra is the sign that rules partnerships, and everyone will want to bring a bit more balance to every area of their lives.
Speaking of balance, the sun’s transition into Libra also very fittingly marks the autumn equinox, aka the first official day of fall here in the Northern hemisphere — and one of the two periods of the year where there are equal parts daylight and night. As the midpoint between the summer and winter solstice, the autumn equinox kicks off the journey into the darker half of the year, and it’s a good time to adjust any areas of your life that feel energetically off-kilter and find your equilibrium.
Venus Enters Scorpio
On the same day that the sun enters Libra, the sign’s cosmic ruler Venus — the planet of love — is leaving Libra to engulf itself in the mysterious and watery realm of Scorpio. Relationships can feel intense during this time, and the art of seduction becomes an enticing one to master. Embrace the “dark feminine” aesthetic as you swim through this sultry and secretive energy. This transit also gives you an early taste of the heavier Scorpio vibes that’ll be headed your way next month, so pay attention to the vibe.
Mercury In Libra & A Clarifying Cazimi
Libra season gets even more Libran once Mercury enters the chat on Sept. 26. With Mercury in fair-minded Libra, communicating with poise and diplomacy comes more easily. You may find yourself carefully weighing the pros and cons of your decisions or trying to see both sides of every argument. These themes will be heightened when Mercury connects with the sun in Libra on Sept. 30 for a Mercury cazimi, so use this energy to have conversations that require tact or come up with some creative ideas.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.