How Sagittarius Season 2021 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
’Tis the season to go outside your comfort zone.

Shorter days and chilly weather call for the perfect occasion for cozy nights inside paired with classic holiday movies. And that’s especially true now that we’ve officially crossed over into theatrics that is eclipse season. If the stars have made you want to take refuge inside hidden away from the chaos lately, prepare for quiet reflection indoors to feel just as hectic. That’s because Sagittarius season 2021 is lending us a bit of its bold, fire sign flame beginning on Nov. 22. The blaze of Sagittarius is giving us a push to explore the spaces outside of our comfort zones in an effort to expand. Everyone will be impacted in a different way, so if you want to take advantage of this spiritual growth, you’ll want to know how Sagittarius season 2021 will affect your zodiac sign.
For a Sagittarius, sitting still is nearly impossible when you have the whole world to see, and that’s probably due to the fact they’re ruled by the lucky sign of Jupiter, aka the planet of expansion. Expect to close out the final weeks of 2021 with some serious self-exploration, expanding your knowledge, and pushing your own limits. With Mercury, the planet of communication, also entering upfront Sagittarius on Nov. 23, you may notice yourself becoming comfortable about speaking out and are more direct with how you feel and feel the tensions rise as Mars meets in Sagittarius, too.
All set for your next Eat, Pray, Love moment? Astrologer Alex Caiola, aka The High Priestess of Brooklyn, chats about what eye-opening revelations Sagittarius season 2021 will bring to your zodiac sign.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, you’ll find this season to emphasize inner growth, so you might be extra focused on self-reflection and expanding yourself that way. “This is a season of transformation for you, but first you must suspend into your cocoon and rest,” Caiola tells Buste. “Now, how YOU rest might look really different than everyone else. Maybe you’re hosting parties that truly allow you to relax and regenerate with those you love. For some though, you may want to go deeper into therapeutic efforts.” Try journaling or leaving gratitude notes around your home.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Things are getting a bit heavy for you, Taurus, as you shed a few layers and bloom in your social life. “You’ll be experiencing growth in your relationships this season, Taurus. It seems like you’re used to having all the answers because you’re usually looking internally. This season gives you a chance to look in the mirror of others. While you can’t change how you’re perceived, you can take notes,” Caiola explains.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Sagittarius season is coming in hot and shaking up some of your close, special relationships, Gemini. “While impulse control isn’t usually your lesson, the phrase “act now and think later” comes to mind. You’d usually have a hard time doing anything without polling 100 people, Family Feud style, but this season allows you to observe where you hold yourself back by asking the audience. If it feels right, just do it already!” says Caiola.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, you may feel the need to reflect on your usual ritual of caregiving during the Sagittarius season as means of growth. “Venus directly opposes your sign this season until January. This marks a time of feeling uncomfortable in areas you normally slay — taking care of others. You may feel taken advantage of like love is more transactional, but try to remember that while you are well versed in love languages, you don’t always need to adapt to others. Try focusing on putting on your own oxygen mask first,” Caiola explains.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Leo, this season is uplifting your happiness as it hones in on your personal pleasure, specifically as it relates to the people surrounding you. “The Sagittarius sun is highlighting your love for social interaction this season. But, you may have noticed a totally different group around you this year, compared to last. Are there any friends around you that make you feel amazing or conversely, icky? This is an opportunity to understand the phrase: you are the company you keep,” explains Caiola.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Sagittarius season is all about personal renovations, so expect to feel extra nostalgic and sentimental in the upcoming weeks, Virgo. “Waving your magic wand comes second nature, especially when it comes to home improvement. This season will give you some extra gusto to finish those projects around the house, invest in pieces for the long term, or just do that deep clean you’ve been meaning to… especially before company comes over,” explains Caiola.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Libra, this season is urging you to rest and recollect yourself over the next several weeks, especially if your social battery is running low — it’s OK to spend a quiet night indoors rather than your usual social outings. “You’ve had a busy year, most likely, giving your party shoes a real beating. You may want to take time off this season, only to be dragged back out by the social mob outside your door. Make a compromise to stay local or engage in more productive modes of partying, like attending your favorite live podcast or local comedy show. Think, shop small business not big business gala,” Caiola says.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Scorpio, over the upcoming weeks you’ll feel a shift of focus on your finances and inspiring you to take action to expand your riches. “With the sun out of your grasp, you focus your attention on Mars, which stays in your sign until mid-season. While you may have a hard time letting go, know that all in the shadows must come to light at some point. Take what you learned last season and integrate it into your personal values, maybe even for personal gains. If you were interested in investing crypto, maybe consider it now,” says Caiola.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
It’s your time to grow, Sagittarius, and as the zodiac adapts to your adventurous ways, you’ll be undergoing the most noticeable shifts of all. Take this time to earnestly reflect on the year and focus on the ways you can mindfully expand your heart and mind. “This season feels more karmic than others, allowing you to expand on the areas you’re generally blessed in, and where things have magically appeared or disappeared from your path. That’s because of the culmination of the eclipses on the Sagittarius/ Gemini axis, bringing about material change,” Caiola explains.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
With Sagittarius moving in on matters of your subconscious, you can expect revelations and hidden parts of yourself to come out to play, Capricorn. “Venus will be in your sign for basically forever, as it entered in earlier this month and will move retrograde at the end of this season, staying in Capricorn until the end of January. It’s important because finally people will start to see relationships (love and business) the way you do — tactically and practically. In this way, you can lead quite a few initiatives in evaluating efficiency while others might want to hide,” says Caiola.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarius, this season is gearing you up to accept help from others around you, which you might otherwise think you’re too self-sufficient to do — but once you lean on others, you’ll find abundance waiting for you; you just have to put in the work. “This season gives you an ability to act on the goals you’ve set forth this year, particularly highlighted in your career. However, it's so much easier to stay in 10,000-foot mode vs getting into the nitty gritty details. If you find yourself overwhelmed and unsure where to dive in, remember that a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step,” Caiola explains.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pisces, this season is moving into your house of occupation, so you might notice a shift of focus on garnering professional relationships and looking to a wise mentor to help you achieve your goals. “You’ve been a spiritual work in progress this year, allowing yourself to truly take a time out. But now you must synthesize what you’ve learned, not only about yourself, but your general philosophy on life. Use Sagittarius season as an opportunity to seek out teachers or platforms that allow you to take inspired action,” says Caiola.