We'll Be Feeling More Optimistic During Sagittarius Season
There's a renewed sense of adventure in the air.

If the deep and emotional waters of Scorpio season 2020 have been a lot for you, then get ready for an astrological vibe check — because Sagittarius season 2020 begins on Saturday, November 21. This fiery energy brings a joyful sense of optimism, even amidst the darker days and longer nights. You'll want to know how Sagittarius season 2020 will affect your zodiac sign so you can make the most of its celebratory vibes.
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign of the zodiac, and it's represented by the symbol of the archer — which inspires us to channel our own inner archer and shoot arrows up straight toward our highest aspirations. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of good luck, so now's a time for all zodiac signs to start thinking big and saying yes to new experiences.
Because Sagittarius is the sign associated with higher education and world travel, the energy of Sagittarius season will inspire us to broaden our personal horizons and think globally. The coming astrological season brings us a greater sense of adventure, spontaneity, and positivity, so take advantage of this more optimistic outlook as we approach the holidays.
It's been a dark year in some ways, but the bright and free-spirited energy of the coming astrological season will boost our spirits. Read on for your Sagittarius season 2020 horoscope.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You're thinking big, seeking knowledge, and embracing your worldly side this month, Aries. Consider signing up for an online class, jumping into a philosophical conversation with friends, or watching some of the foreign films on your Netflix queue to scratch your itch for adventure.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You're getting deep in your emotions this month, Taurus, so don't hold back when it comes to speaking your truth and facing your shadows. That means setting boundaries within relationships and clearing up any baggage or debts that are weighing on your conscience. Commit to being authentic, and allow yourself to transform into your next evolution.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This month's energy is helpful for reevaluating the dynamics between you and your partner and checking in about each other's needs. Is it possible you're holding each other back from what you really want, Gemini? Open the lines of communication to allow for more honest support and connection from both parties.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It's nice to feel settled in a reliable routine, but your daily vibe is probably in need of a shake-up Cancer. Make more room for fun and spontaneity in your schedule. By doing something as simple as revamping your morning ritual or adding something exciting to your regular routine, you might find that you light up with more energy and inspiration all around.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
With the sun in a fellow fire sign's territory, you're feeling extra fun, flirty, and creatively inspired. If there's a cutie who's caught your eye recently, now's a great time to lean into romance and say yes to a date night. That said, this is a highly-inspired time for passion of all kinds, so pour your heart into whatever artistic endeavor or playful hobby lights your fire.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
This is an ideal time for nesting indoors, Virgo, and trying out some festive cookie recipes or breaking out the holiday decorations to make your home feel more celebratory. It may be dark and cold outside, but you can create a cuddly, warm, and safe space within your own abode.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You're in the mood to connect with people, Libra — so check in with faraway friends and throw a few Zoom parties to bring your crew closer together. You're coming up with all sorts of creative solutions to maintain connection even when we can't gather in person, so let yourself thrive off the positive vibes.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
It may be time to start holiday shopping, but don't get so carried away that you max out your credit cards and put yourself under financial strain, Scorpio! While it's fun to splurge on lavish gifts, remember that the thought counts more than the price tag — and your real friends will love you regardless.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Happy birthday season to you, Sagittarius! You're ready for anything this month, so keep an open mind and be willing to say yes to new experiences. When you follow your excitement and stay true to what makes you happy, you'll wind up going on all sorts of adventures through life. Right now, your journey will expand the bounds of who you are and help you see yourself in a new light.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Your ability to be productive and focused isn't at its highest right now, Capricorn — but that's OK! Slow down and embrace some restorative time alone. Instead of packing your schedule with extra meetings and taking on new projects, connect with your spiritual side, catch up on sleep, and allow any emotional wounds to start healing.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
It may be getting chilly outside, but you're staying warm by revving up some excitement in your social life and getting more involved with the community around you. Right now, you have the power to bring people together in important ways, Aquarius — so take initiative when it comes to planning Zoom happy hours with colleagues, starting a winter book club, or just organizing more fun virtual gatherings with your crew.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If you want your career path to align with your higher soul purpose, start pushing the limits of your comfort zone, Pisces. Sagittarius season offers you the perfect boost of luck and motivation to take the plunge. Step up at work to ask for a raise, chat with your boss about changing up your trajectory, or putting out apps for a new gig.