
Qi Gong Master Lee Holden’s Upcoming Book Is Set To Crack The Code On The Art Of Slowing Down

Ready, Set, Slow promotes a mindful approach to life, urging readers to slow down for improved health, energy, and relationships.

Written by Kyle J. Russell
Lee Holden

In an age of speed, being told to “slow down” may seem simply impractical to most, but for Qi Gong Master Lee Holden, moving faster by living slowly should be the world’s new renaissance for creating the life one desires. With over three decades of expertise, distilling ancient Chinese wisdom into empirical use for modern-day life, his upcoming book “Ready, Set, Slow” is set to flip how to thrive on its head.

Imagine a world that moves with mindfulness. Just picture it. Gone are the bustling bodies continuously struggling to race against the clock, individuals battling stress and anxiety, and the ever-changing trends that make it feel impossible to stay afloat.

There is no doubt a growing need to slow down, breathe, and reconnect with one’s inner self. Yet, while the population continues to seek out holistic health practices and various techniques to unearth a life of purity and grace, the guide to living the ideal life seems to lead in a thousand directions.

But not for one modern-day mystic. Enter Lee Holden, a Qi Gong Master, author, CEO, and founder of Holden QiGong. He firmly believes that slowing down is not a luxury but a necessity. In other words, the art of slowing down — the body’s natural way of being — is the key ingredient to creating lasting change in relationships, minds, vessels, and souls.

“Our consciousness is shifting regarding what we are awake and open to,” says Holden. “People are seeking answers because they’re disgruntled with Western medicine and pharmaceuticals and how much stress and pressure they face daily. They are looking for answers. The ancient Qi Gong masters all agreed that slowing down absorbs more positive, life-giving energy.”

Drawing on his experience as an athlete and his deep understanding of the body-mind connection, Holden developed a teaching style that was both gentle and empowering. His holistic Qi Gong approach has since boomed.

Holden, who has trained and studied ancient Chinese practice for over 30 years, has global teachings that resonate with millions. Besides teaching Qi Gong, his values and reminders to pause, breathe, and connect with the present shine a light on various ways to counterbalance the high-speed demands of modern life.

Hoping to “share these principles and proven methodologies for accessing the magical benefits of slowing down,” his upcoming book, Ready, Set, Slow: How to Improve Your Energy, Health, and Relationships Through the Power of Slow, will set sail in 2025.

“I hope that after reading this book, you’ll have all the tools you’ll need to redesign your mind, body, and relationships for the better, and in a way that brings forth the best aspects of yourself,” he shares. “It guides you to embrace more of those heightened experiences of love and joy, extend their duration, and skillfully create moments that will be etched in your memory forever. Your life is just that: yours. And it’s time we start living our lives with mastery rather than remaining bound to the clock.”

Regardless of age, experience, or fitness level, Qi Gong is an art accessible to everyone. “It could be anyone, anytime,” says Holden. “You don’t have to change clothes, put on your spandex, or get your yoga mat out — you could do this workout in jeans and a t-shirt and do a practice that will help clear stress and recharge your energy system.”

Filled with many benefits, his external workshops and online programs invite treadmill lovers to step off and step into a new realm packed with slow movement and intentional living. “Picking up where mindfulness and yoga leave off, the book is set to crack the code by revealing a new approach to ancient wisdom that is practical,” he adds.

Lee Holden

From morning rituals to midday breaks and evening wind downs, Holden’s vision is clear: The slower you go, the more you feel, and in feeling lies the true essence of being alive.

“We all want to drink the sweet nectar of life and live it to the max, in total health, with vibrant energy, enthusiasm, love, joy, and happiness,” he says. “But to do that, we need to slow down. And this book is the first to bring all the slowness principles together.”

Not only have these practices changed the lives of countless others, but with Holden as a spearhead, “a million-strong community has since formed part of the Slow Revolution.”

With his pure passion and enduring commitment, Healing Series, PBS television program Your Fountain Of Youth, and other successful reads like 7 Minutes of Magic, Holden continues to help countless individuals rewire their inner being to thrive.

“Even though there is still a lot of nuance in Qi Gong, it expresses itself through our lives in myriad ways. It has changed me in ways I can’t even imagine,” he acknowledges. “Listening to your Qi will guide you in leading an elevated, inspired life.”

Visit Lee Holden's website to learn more about slowing down, finding inner calm, or relieving tension and stress.

Stay tuned for the release of his new book Ready, Set, Slow.

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