The October Solar Eclipse Will Be A Game-Changer For These 3 Zodiac Signs
You’re on the brink of a total rebirth.

October marks the unofficial start of spooky season, and the current cosmic circumstances fully affirm this vibe — as the month also kicks off under the rays of a powerful solar eclipse. In the social and relationship-oriented sign of Libra, the upcoming new moon solar eclipse rises on Oct. 2, showing everyone the paths they can take toward more balanced partnerships and a stronger sense of independence. Of course, some people will feel more transformed by this cosmic spectacle than others, and it's a big deal for those few zodiac signs most affected by the solar eclipse.
This is the last eclipse that’ll take place in Libra for nearly a decade, so while its new moon energy will certainly open doors to new beginnings, it’ll simultaneously feel like endings are in the works, too. And that’s because they are! A release-oriented lunar point called the South Node has been in Libra since July of last year, forcing you to own up to whatever crutches you’ve been holding onto in the Libra-ruled parts of your chart to avoid facing issues head-on. Eclipses occur when a new or full moon aligns with one of the Nodes Of Destiny, so this final Libra-ruled eclipse is giving you one last push toward embracing more independence, asserting your needs in relationships more confidently, and letting go of toxic dynamics with others that are keeping you from true happiness.
Everyone’s got an eclipse story that’ll reach its penultimate episode during this powerful lunation. But if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by the Oct. 2 new moon solar eclipse, the plot points are set to be especially potent.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
As Libra’s zodiacal opposite, your sign is heavily involved in the current eclipse series. This solar eclipse is rising in your relationship sector, so you may find that some major life lessons about love, partnership, and cooperation are finally clicking into place. If you can resist the urge to stay inside your comfort zone, you’ll make some strides in the right direction for the first time in a long time. You may also find that it’s time to embrace a new beginning by saying goodbye to something — whether that’s a toxic relationship you’ve been holding onto or some resentment that needs to be worked through.
It’s not easy, but trust that whatever shifts happen in your life are in your best interest. Your cosmic ruler Mars is in a beautiful alignment with lover Venus and stability-centered Saturn, so if you need to set a boundary, now’s the time.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You’re the singular sign of the zodiac ruled by the moon, Cancer, so eclipses will always strongly influence you. But this one, in particular, is crystallizing some life-changing growth spurts, as it’s hitting your chart’s sensitive and domestic fourth house. The dichotomy between your private life and public life has been undergoing a major shift over the past year and a half, and now, you may have to let go of some long-held beliefs or realize that you need to stop clinging to certain memories. No matter how hard you grip onto the past, nothing will ever be exactly as it once was — but this lunation can help you realize that’s a good thing.
Celebrate the past and relish in the sweet nostalgia these reflections bring, but be open to the idea that the future could hold completely new but equally meaningful experiences.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
This eclipse is taking place in your sign, transforming your identity, sense of self, and how you show up in your relationships. Because it’s the last eclipse that’ll hit your sign for nearly a decade, it also marks the twilight of an important personal journey in your life. You’ve been letting go of past versions of yourself, identifying and parting ways with the qualities holding you back from true authenticity. You’re shifting your mindset and letting go of self-consciousness. You’re on the brink of a total rebirth.
While this requires a lot of release on your part, which can come with a lot of grief, important new paths are materializing in front of you. Embarking into the great unknown can be scary, but perhaps you’re beginning to see that growth lies on the other side of the mystery. If you push through this eclipse, you’ll get a solid glimpse.