
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Breeze Right Through October's Solar Eclipse

It’ll feel like a regular new moon.

by Nina Kahn

Almost everyone can appreciate autumn's crisp and refreshing vibes, with its stunning color-changing landscape and vast array of pumpkin-themed pleasures. But this year, the autumnal equinox arrived during eclipse season, so the first major lunation of the fall will be an intense solar eclipse. The new moon eclipse rising on Oct. 2 is taking place in the balanced and relationship-oriented sign of Libra, and it’s the last eclipse that’ll take place in this part of the zodiac until 2033. This lunation is swooping in to wrap up a journey relating to the self and others, and how your needs and goals fit in with your interpersonal connections. This is an important lunation for everyone, but a few zodiac signs will slide through without too much drama.

Eclipses are inherently intense and are known for bringing sudden changes, realizations, and shake-ups. But this one is being supported by some feel-good planetary alignments that can help make any major shifts feel more immediately productive and positive. Because this lunation is taking place in Libra (with the sun, Mercury, and the South Node of Destiny by its side), its energy will report to the harmony-seeking planet Venus — Libra’s cosmic ruler.

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At the time of the eclipse, Venus will be forming a beautiful grand water trine with passion planet Mars and responsibility planet Saturn. Mars and Saturn can sometimes bring challenging energy, but in a supportive triad with Venus’ loving influence, it’ll be easier to set boundaries that contribute to the longevity of a relationship.

Major endings and beginnings lie ahead, but if you’re one of the signs least affected by the October solar eclipse, it might not feel quite as intense.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

October’s eclipse is happening in your routine-oriented sixth house, changing the way you think about your day-to-day work tasks and wellness practices. You’ve been working on finding a better work-life balance over the past year and a half, and you’re finally figuring out how to let go of some of the responsibilities that have been weighing you down and making it difficult to prioritize what’s truly important to you.

Your cosmic ruler Venus — which is also the ruler of this Libran lunation — is sending out magical vibes to both Mars and Saturn, bringing stability to any boundaries you set. And right now, change-maker Uranus in your sign is blowing a sweet kiss to intuitive Neptune, giving you pleasantly prophetic dreams to boot. With so many positive planetary alignments impacting your chart alongside this eclipse, trust that you don’t have anything to worry about.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

The way you communicate your ideas and feelings to the world is shifting, and over the past couple of years, you’ve been on a journey to embrace entirely new ways of thinking. And with October’s eclipse in your social and busy-bodied third house, it’s time to let go of your fears about speaking your truth. Now is a magnificent time to express your feelings and find new ways to stay present with your thoughts — whether that’s through a podcast that’s blasted out to the world or in a private journal that only your eyes will see.

As the singular sign ruled by the sun, eclipses are always going to have a significant impact on you, as they’ll always involve a precarious alignment between the sun and moon. But even still, the vibes of this lunation will be a little gentler on you than most, and you can trust that whatever new opportunities arise will be in your best interest.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Sagittarius will have an easier time with October's solar eclipse.

How close do you feel to the people around you right now? Where do you derive your sense of community? October’s eclipse is happening in your social and group-oriented eleventh house, so it’s asking you to get real about your current position in the collective. If you’re feeling lost in a sea of unknown faces and disconnected from the people around you, it might be time to start distancing yourself from certain crowds and focusing on finding your true crew. This eclipse could push you toward the like-minded people you’ve been looking for — but you’ve got to be willing to put yourself out there.

Additionally, your cosmic ruler Jupiter is positively aspecting the sensitive comet Chiron, bringing the potential to heal any relationship issues — so if there have been struggles with your friend group, this is a great time to figure out how to move forward. Setting boundaries could be the antidote you’ve been looking for.