What October 2022's New Moon Solar Eclipse Has In Store For You
A solar eclipse just before Halloween? Spooky season is living up to its name.

rIf you thought Halloween was the only spooky event going down this season, then you clearly haven’t checked up on your astrological calendar. The new moon on Oct. 25 is also a powerful solar eclipse — meaning that eclipse season is back in town, and we’re in for some intense transformations. The October 2022 new moon solar eclipse is pulling us deep inside our souls and asking us to discover new parts of ourselves. Because of this, you’ll want to know how this lunar event will affect your zodiac sign.
Rising in the dark and mysterious sign of Scorpio just a few days after Scorpio season begins, this new moon eclipse is plunging us deep into the oceans of our emotions and asking us to connect with things that lie beneath the surface of ourselves. Solar eclipses in astrology tend to bring about sudden new beginnings or unexpected news, and this one is no exception. But with Scorpio’s zodiac energy at the helm, expect to be tapping into your intuitive spidey senses and unearthing buried desires — or developing new ones entirely.
At the time of the eclipse, the sun and moon will be conjoining with the value-oriented planet Venus, which could bring matters of love, relationships, and self-worth into the mix, too. The things we take pleasure and find meaning in are undergoing a transformation, and this could result in a new set of personal priorities. It may feel like the tectonic plates within your soul are shifting now, causing earthquakes and heartaches galore — but don’t be afraid to plunge into the cracks. Magical opportunities could be waiting for you in those uncharted waters and shadowy sidelines.
This lunation is bringing big transformational energy for all zodiac signs, so read on for your October 2022 new moon solar eclipse horoscope.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The darkened skies of this solar eclipse might feel more like a dark night of the soul for you, Aries — as this lunation is catalyzing some deep shifts within your internal landscape. New depths may suddenly be reached in intimate relationships, or you may find yourself facing some intense inner desires that hadn’t yet made themselves known. Don’t be afraid to venture into your shadows, as you may discover something you’d thought you’d never find.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
This eclipse cycle is strongly activating your sign, Taurus, so get ready for some serious shake-ups in relationships. You may suddenly find yourself getting closer to someone in a meaningful way, or making deeper commitments to a partner. Either way, relationship dynamics are shifting, and powerful new opportunities to connect with people one-on-one are emerging. Roll with changes are make room in your life for these connections.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Your daily responsibilities are shifting, Gemini, so get ready to revamp your schedule. This eclipse is taking you on a deep inventory of your day-to-day needs and to-do lists, helping you get clearer on what you should keep and what’s just clutter. You might find that the events surrounding this lunation shift the rhythm of your routine — and while this may feel destabilizing at the time, it’s probably exactly what you needed in the long run.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Energy is changing when it comes to matters of the heart, Cancer — so it might be time to capitalize on this lunar surge and push your passions to the front burner. Whether it’s a new romance that suddenly sweeps you off your feet or a surprising energetic shift in your dating preferences, now is a time to follow your heart and let your excitement lead the way to new horizons and connections. Inspiration will flow your way, even if it comes in an unusual form.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You’re rebuilding your life from the inside out during the current eclipse cycle, Leo — and this lunation could rock your heart. Emotional events pertaining to your familial connections, a living situation, or childhood memories may occur now, stirring up a reconnection to your personal roots and a redefinition of what makes you who you are. The very foundation beneath your feet is taking the shape of something new. Trust the process.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You’re always attuned to the particulars of any situation, Virgo, but this eclipse will bring even more nuance to the seemingly little things in your life. Casual conversations or minor interactions could have major implications — in love, money, and your overall mindset — so keep your ears and eyes peeled for information and inspiration hiding right beneath your nose. New opportunities could crop up where you least expect them, so don’t discount the details, no matter how minute.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Eclipse season is here to help you get real about your financial situation, Libra. This lunation is excavating any shame or hangups you have about your income, your value, and the worth of what you have to offer — so prepare to dig deep and start breaking out of patterns. It may even shake things up when it comes to money or resources, as sudden expenses, acquisitions, or work bonuses are likely.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
With this intense eclipse climaxing in your sign, now is a time of deep personal reinvention, Scorpio. Your sign is sometimes represented by the symbol of the Phoenix, rising from the ashes in a magnificent transformation — and that’s exactly the process you’re in the midst of now. Prepare to shed old skins as you step through new doors, into an unknown but exciting future. The light of the luminaries may be eclipsed, but your star power is shining as brightly as ever.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You’re normally the life of the party, Sagittarius — but under the eclipsed beams of this new moon, you may find that it’s time to turn that free-spirited energy inward, toward your higher self. Now is primed for great inner awakenings, spiritual growth, and intuitive expansion for you. Spending time alone and prioritizing rest and relaxation will help ensure you have the capacity to make room for all this soul stretching.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
As a hardworking Capricorn, your career is always going to be important to you. But this eclipse is asking you to look beyond job titles and figure out what kind of contribution you want to make to the world. How can you best be of service to your fellow humans? How can you align your talents with the needs of the collective? New ways to connect with your community and aspirations are emerging, so open your heart to them.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
This eclipse cycle is an important one for you, Aquarius, as it’s activating some accelerated growth when it comes to your authority and how you shine in the world. Career transformations are taking place in a big way now, and you might find that some important professional opportunities come up during this lunation. Don’t be afraid to step into your power and take charge of your reputation — as well as your future.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
This eclipse might feel like someone has taken you out of your goldfish bowl and tossed you straight into the ocean with the big fish, dear Pisces — that’s how much your comfort zone will need to expand. You’re digging deep within your mind and soul, questioning everything you thought you knew and believed about life. Embrace the new perspectives and fresh ways of thinking that are being beamed into your consciousness.