
How To Navigate The Eye-Opening "Beaver Moon"

Nov. 27 could kick off the new you.

by Brittany Beringer
Here's how to navigate November's full beaver moon.
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The November full moon arrives in multitasking Gemini on Nov. 27, 2023 at 4:16 a.m. ET (1:16 a.m. PT). Also known as the Beaver Moon, it pushes us to sharpen our skills and seek understanding of the world around us. Meanwhile, with Sagittarius season in full effect, we can expect the cosmos to prod and poke at our curiosity, spurring us to shapeshift into new, improved version of ourselves.

“November’s full moon in Gemini will give the opportunity to work through mental and emotional clutter that has been weighing us down,” says astrologer Tamerri Ater.

Gemini is the sign of communication, logic, and travel (yes, this includes exploration of the mind). The curious air sign is all about trying on different hats; seeing situations from different perspectives a thrill.

With the full moon heightening our emotions, November’s Beaver Moon prompts us to find balance between our hearts and heads. Here’s how to take full advantage of this mind-opening lunation.

DO: Let Go Of Outdated Convictions

Because full moons are the closing act of the lunar cycle, these lunations are a time to release whatever is holding us back or keeping us stagnant.

With Gemini being a generator of ideas, expect to see your beliefs evolve as your mind aligns with your core values. “There will be a theme of letting go of an old way of thinking in order to move towards spiritual evolution and growth,” Ater says.

DON’T: Forget Your Spiritual Practice

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“Gemini’s ruler Mercury is in Sagittarius during the full moon, making an exact square to Neptune in Pisces,” Ater says.

Whenever planets square off with each other, it denotes tension and conflict. Mercury rules the mind, while Neptune governs our imagination, so it’s likely that there will be a clash between your dreams and your current circumstances.

Ultimately, this is a chance to quiet our minds. “Look at it as a chance to practice the art of presence and mindfulness. You can always find peace, even in moments of chaos,” Ater says. Tend to your spiritual health, and the rest will follow.

DO: Seek Knowledge

Full moons put our emotions on overdrive. However, because the moon is stationed in think tank Gemini, we’ll seek understanding without losing sight of logic.

“Gemini is about practical knowledge with its Mercury rulership and Sagittarius is about spiritual knowledge with its Jupiter rulership,” Ater says. Both come into play here.

What’s more, the sun, moon, and Mars are squaring off to strict Saturn, the planet of discipline and hard work. Ater says, “There may be restrictions or lessons that need to be learned so we can move forward.” Keep an eye out.

DON’T: Be Flaky

While Gemini is great at juggling a million things at once, they tend to be fickle when it comes to commitment. It doesn’t help that Sagittarius season is the time of travel and adventure. “There’s an abundance of mutable present with three planets in Sagittarius, and the moon in air sign Gemini,” Ater says.

Your attention is going to be called to so many things, so try to keep up! You’ll benefit from staying organized, making plans, and skipping commitments you know you’ll ultimately dread.

DO: Brave Conflict

Since a major theme of November’s Beaver Moon is letting go of old ways of thinking, there are bound to be naysayers who detest your new ideals, hobbies, or habits. Don’t forget, whatever you’re releasing under this full moon is intentional. Sagittarius season is here to advance your growth.

“This may come about through an event or even a conflict since full moons are about culminations and endings, and action planet Mars is sitting next to the sun,” Ater says.

Mars is the planet of aggression, and because it’s sitting in Sagittarius, you’ll approach conflicts with more confidence. That said, be careful how you express yourself — you don’t want to go overboard.

DON’T: Spread Yourself Thin

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Sagittarius season and the energetic full moon will keep us busy, but watch how you manage your time. These conditions are ripe for burnout.

Action-oriented Mars makes a square to dreamaker Neptune, creating potential for squabbles when it comes to work and our boundaries. “There could also be confusion around things Mercury is connected to in addition to communication: travel, commerce and driving,” says Ater.

Sure, full moons prompt action, but taking things slow is also an important component to moving closer to your goals.

DO: Boost Productivity

Gemini is known as a multitasker for a reason: The twins are quick on their feet, and likewise, we’ll feel the air sign’s burst of energy.

“Fire energy is useful for getting things done in small spurts, so use the energy for productivity instead,” Ater says. “This is a great time to get better aligned in spiritual practice, reading, writing, studying, or learning about different cultures.”

As 2023 comes to a close, check items off your to-do list and get ahead of the curve as we inch closer to the new year.


Tamerri Ater, astrologer and founder of Gift of the Nile