
Your November Tarot Reading

Embrace boundaries.

by Jezmina Von Thiele
Your November 2024 tarot reading highlights the importance of embracing boundaries.
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The holiday season is fast approaching, but you don’t need to get swept up in the chaos. Every month, I ask my tarot deck, “What do we need to know?” This November, boundaries will keep your head clear and your heart kind.

This tarot spread I created represents...

  • Energy: Your vibe right now.
  • Situation: What’s happening around you.
  • Obstacle: A struggle you’re facing.
  • Action: What to do about it.
  • Lesson: What you’ll learn from this.

Your November 2024 Tarot Reading

Your Energy: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords charges you up with independent, bad*ss energy. Be confident in your abilities and your boundaries. You know exactly what you can and can’t take on, so make sure that you let the people around you know too.

This card is about clarity, so use this time as an opportunity to untangle your thoughts. Journal, communicate, plan, and strive to work more smoothly with other people. You’re smart, capable, and you have no time for BS.

Your Situation: Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles calls in new opportunities, especially in the realms of home, health, career, and wealth. Be receptive; this is an ideal time for fresh starts.

Whether you’re looking to make a big change (like moving or finding a new job), or smaller one (like taking a different running path), switching things up will yield good results.

Your Obstacle: Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands cautions you against impulsiveness and temper tantrums. You have so much creative energy, passion, and potential — you just need to find the right outlet. When you feel a surge of fiery inspiration, channel that into a realistic, sustainable plan, and do your best to follow through with diligence.

If you’re overwhelmed or angry, hold off on making big decisions. Give yourself a chance to vent and process your feelings first.

Your Action: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords brings cool, collected energy. When life gets chaotic, take a step back. Assess the facts and focus on taking one step at a time.

Do you have relationships, situations or even beliefs that need pruning? Trim them and don’t look back. Keep your attention squarely on setting yourself up for a promising future.

Your Lesson: Temperance

The angel of Temperance reminds you that good things take time. If you’ve ever enjoyed perfectly caramelized onions or delicious “low and slow” barbecue, you know that’s true. You are changing — alchemizing, even — and that takes patience, tenderness, and grace.

Be gentle yet disciplined with yourself as you learn new skills and find your footing.

How To Use November’s Tarot Lessons

This month asks you to stay focused and maintain healthy boundaries, but that doesn’t mean you need to be cold or robotic. Instead, maintain compassion for yourself and others while also being honest about your limits.

This time of year is often busy, and on top of that, the Ace of Pentacles is bringing in new opportunities in the realms of home, health, career, and wealth. It’s a lot to balance, so look for routines that make you feel grounded. Practice checking in with yourself, perhaps with a breathing exercise.

I like the 4-7-8 technique. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and exhale slowly and fully through your mouth for a count of eight. This method comes from pranayama (ancient yogic breathwork) and can reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Before you respond to a tense situation or make a big decision, try doing a few rounds of 4-7-8 breathing to increase your calm and clarity.

Jezmina Von Thiele’s tarot readings celebrate their Romani heritage. Their forthcoming book with Paulina Stevens, Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling, shares more details about how they read tarot and other divinatory tools. For more on tarot, click here.