What To Expect From November’s Upcoming Mercury Retrograde
Check the fine print.

The holidays are fast approaching, which generally means there is an influx of travel plans, shopping lists, social obligations, and end-of-year work projects to keep track of. But this year, you’ll need to be extra conscientious as you manage all of these technical tasks, as Mercury retrograde starts on Nov. 25 and it’s bringing nearly three weeks of its usual mental mix-ups and communication slip-ups. The timing isn’t ideal, but knowing what to expect can help you handle everything gracefully.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of November’s Mercury retrograde, let’s review what these backspins mean in general. Mercury in astrology is the planet that rules communication, timing, thinking, tech devices, and logistical matters of almost any sort. Several times a year, it stations retrograde — which means it starts moving backward through the zodiac for a few weeks, slowly retracing its recent steps and subsequently causing delays and slowdowns in all the cosmic realms that it governs.
This is why Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing misunderstandings, tech mishaps, traveling snags, and other obnoxious inconveniences that will wrench your daily flow. All the logistical details of your day will be subject to this backspin’s antics, so when it’s happening, it’s a good idea to double-check the fine print on things, re-read your texts before firing them off, and leave some wiggle room in your schedule in case timing gets thrown off.
But there’s a silver lining here too, as retrogrades are not inherently bad. Mercury retrograde is a good reminder to slow down and check in on where you’re at — mentally, socially, and otherwise. Review the decisions you’ve made recently and the opportunities that have presented themselves to you, and give yourself a chance to re-examine your options through a less grind-focused lens. Reflection is much more favorable than action now, so it’s usually good to avoid starting brand-new projects. However, you might find that revisiting older projects, conversations, or ideas can be fruitful, as you’re seeing the past in a fresh light.
Every Mercury retrograde shares some common threads, but no two backspins are the same. Here’s what to know about November’s Mercury retrograde so that you can make it through (relatively) unscathed.
How Long Is This Mercury Retrograde?
The upcoming Mercury retrograde kicks off on Nov. 25 at 9:42 p.m. ET and wraps up on Dec. 15 at 3:56 p.m. ET, meaning there will be just under three weeks of its usual mayhem to deal with. Some Mercury retrogrades last nearly four weeks, so the shorter duration of this backspin is something to be grateful for.
As always, there’s also a pre- and post-retrograde shadow period on either side of the backspin, which are subtle but important parts of this cosmic story. The pre-retrograde shadow starts on Nov. 7, so pay attention to the themes that arise in your conversations and plans — as you’ll be reviewing some of these matters during the retrograde itself. Once Mercury stations direct, the post-retrograde shadow period will last through Jan. 2, so you have a chance to smooth out any retrograde mix-ups and integrate the lessons you’ve learned.
What’s The Flavor Of Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius?
Mercury will spend the full duration of its retrograde in fiery and free-spirited Sagittarius, moonwalking from 22 degrees of the sign back to 6 degrees. According to traditional astrology, Mercury is considered to be “detrimented” in Sagittarius — which means that this meticulous-minded planet doesn’t feel very at home amidst this fire sign’s broad way of thinking. When this fleet-footed planet retrogrades in Sagittarius, you may find that it’s even easier to overlook smaller details in favor of big-picture ideas, and more difficult to slow down enough to thoroughly review things. However, it can be a good time to rethink your personal philosophies and let go of beliefs may have been blindly following despite outgrowing.
Mercury isn’t getting into too much trouble during this particular backspin, but the first week of December will be the peak as far as retrograde action goes. A positive connection to wounded-healer comet Chiron could provide a chance to resolve any difficult emotions that happened to resurface, while clashes with abundant Jupiter and restrictive Saturn could bring about some frustrations or oversights. The most important aspect is Dec. 5, when a moonwalking Mercury meets with the sun in a connection known as a Mercury cazimi. This brings clarity during an otherwise confusing retrograde, so take things slow and pay attention to what comes up.
How Will It Affect Your Sign?
Because this retrograde is in Sagittarius, the fire signs will feel it on a personal level. They might find it difficult to see themselves clearly or to take action on the things they’re passionate about.
Meanwhile, earth signs may notice that the retrograde brings up more sensitive feelings, pushing them to revisit resentments, familial disagreements, or emotional boundaries. It’s not easy when old wounds come bubbling up like this, but it also brings a chance to heal.
When it comes to the air signs, they should watch out for communication clashes, as the retrograde will be hitting some of the most social and interpersonal parts of their charts. Being extra thoughtful about how they come off in conversation or via text will be helpful.
Last but not least, water signs will find that matters of work and money will be affected most, so they should be careful about making financial investments and might want to consider putting off any brand-new professional endeavors until the retrograde ends.