
Here's Your November Horoscope

A new era begins on the 19th.

by Alexandria Lettman
Here's every zodiac sign's horoscope for November 2024.

It’s time to leave the past behind you. The transformative new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1 signals an opportunity to move on and rebuild your strength. The secret to healing is releasing the anger, resentment, and fear that hold you back. Once Mercury (the planet that rules your mindset) reaches Sagittarius on Nov. 2, inspiration will flow with ease. Stay optimistic, keep an open mind, and you will manifest positive experiences.

Fiery Mars enters proud Leo on Nov. 3, daring you to stand out from the crowd. Step into the spotlight and embrace your star quality. By Nov. 11, you’re feeling cautious about developing projects and romances. Take matters of the heart seriously by prioritizing slow growth and longevity as Venus treks through mature Capricorn.

Celebrate the end of hurdles and frustrating delays on Nov. 15. As Saturn, the planet of karma and restriction, turns direct in Pisces, you’ll feel more certain of your responsibilities, boundaries, and aspirations. On the same day, liberating endings are in sight as the full moon in Taurus lights up the sky. Expect the unexpected as you’re shaken out of your comfort zone and forced to address your stubborn attachments.

You’re entering a new era on Nov. 19, marked by Pluto’s re-emergence in non-conformist Aquarius. This slow-burning renewal will revolutionize your beliefs in old traditions and spark independent thinking. Open-mindedness becomes the most important value in Sagittarius season, which begins on Nov. 21.

However, this honest, brave, and adventurous month leads up to Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, which spans from Nov. 25 to Dec. 15, causing difficulties with communication and technology. If you’re surrounded by distant relatives over the holiday season, you’ll be forced to reconsider your morals, principles, faith, and political beliefs.

Happy birthday, Sagittarius!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Expect lessons about forgiveness in November. Give yourself time to overcome emotional wounds. Refrain from comparing your past to your present, and gradually, you will feel more optimistic and resilient.

The fine line between passion and drama is blurred when impulsive Mars energizes your love life on Nov. 3. Keep the spark alive when dating, but make sure the flames of your intense desires don’t burn too brightly.

You’re moving up the corporate ladder; by mid-month, you’ll be full of ambition. Take the slow and steady road to success, and don’t be afraid to ask for the raise you want when the full moon lights up your financial life on Nov. 15.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It takes courage to be vulnerable, but you’re ready to go there. Open your heart and allow your significant other to explore your desires and what makes you tick. Trust that they are as devoted to you as you are to them.

If you’re single, be mindful of stubborn and prideful instincts that create more distance than connection in your romantic relationships.

Long-term plans to travel or take a new class are falling into place by mid-month. Embrace sudden redirections and the overwhelming urge to reinvent yourself. When plucked from your comfort zone, you’ll get a taste of true freedom.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The secret to success lies in your routine. Establish new patterns and rituals that are easy to commit to. Set clear intentions with your work and wellness goals, and prioritize consistency over speed.

You don’t have to act alone, Gemini. Bouncing your most enthusiastic ideas off someone else will help you sort through your muddled mind. Team up with someone more grounded, practical, and realistic than you are.

The second half of the month turns the spotlight to your finances. Be disciplined and save as much as possible.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Love is in the air, but you shouldn’t go overboard with your affections. Take things slow, Cancer. To protect your heart, restrain yourself from giving too much emotional investment. If you want a partnership that withstands the test of time, start by establishing trust. A commitment will develop gradually.

Visualize the road ahead, and you’ll see a dramatic increase in your work ethic. Be intentional when creating your to-do list, and focus on the impact of every activity.

As the month nears its end, re-evaluate whether your routine supports or restricts you. Embrace change.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Get curious about your roots. Investigating the lives and legacies of family members from the past may offer perspective on current family dynamics.

As you navigate tense confrontations and emotional outbursts, practice communicating more tenderly with the people you love. Be wise and open-minded.

You’re finding purpose in the day-to-day activities that make you feel accomplished and confident. Set yourself up for success by starting your to-do list with an objective that’s easy to meet, like making your bed.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

If you communicate without emotional clarity, situations may quickly spiral out of control. Set a new intention to explore deep feelings under the Scorpio new moon on Nov. 1. Probe beneath the surface of your mind, and ask attentive questions that entice people to open up.

Too much structure, seriousness, and rigidity around your pleasure will quickly strip your life of its vibrancy. Rather than scheduling in time to get intimate with your partner, explore the fear that leaves you hesitant to embrace spontaneity.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your worth isn’t attached to your belongings, Libra. Remove yourself from unhealthy competition that tempts you to compare your achievements with others. Stretch your mind through explorative conversations, and you may discover that other people are as eager to prove themselves as much as you are.

Beginning on Nov. 3, watch your pride as Mars rages through your social life. Your friends may call patterns of selfishness to your attention, which could arouse a strong reaction from you. Celebrate your growth rather than punishing yourself for your flaws.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

November marks a powerful rebirth for you, Scorpio. The transformative new moon in your zodiac sign on Nov. 1 encourages you to explore who you are behind your layer of mystery. Communicate your values honestly and reintroduce yourself to the world. Your inviting energy will attract new people who wish to get to know you at intimate levels.

Be slow to vocalize your commitments, especially when shocking waves of change ripple through your love life on Nov. 15. A relationship you thought would last forever may break down. Or it could be upgraded in light of realizations about what you truly need and value.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Self-reflection will empower you to break a pattern, habit, or instinct that’s been dragging down your mental wellbeing. As you observe your emotions, you may realize they stem from a “glass-half-empty” perspective. Restore your optimism by meeting life with more playfulness than seriousness.

Financial help may manifest right when you need it most. However, you must believe that you deserve support to receive it. Don’t insist on struggling if there’s another option.

When Mercury switches direction and turns retrograde in your zodiac sign on Nov. 15, address the bitterness that has soured your outlook on life.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You’re sealing the bond of friendship through deep and intimate discussions. However, you can’t trust everyone. Be careful about who you spill your secrets to, Capricorn. Assess who is trustworthy before you open up about your insecurities and fears.

The more you pour into your own cup, the stronger your self-love grows. Adopt a “me first” attitude when Venus shifts into your zodiac sign on Nov. 11. Keep your standards high, and you’ll attract a surprising suitor or repel a lover who wasn’t right for you anyway.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The more you emotionally invest in a goal, the more likely you are to succeed. Give your all to your career in November. Pour your heart and soul into completing a project or dazzling your boss. A short burst of hard work will put you miles ahead. But if that doesn’t work, sharing your aspirations with passion will inspire a coworker to help you out.

You’re breaking free from traditionalism as the month progresses. Be honest about your feelings. Engaging with a family member or friend who holds different values or beliefs may be uncomfortable at first, but you’ll feel liberated by staying true to yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your problems won’t dissolve through neglect, Pisces. However, a change of scenery may offer the new perspective you need. Get a fresh start far from home. Your mind will clear, and you’ll find yourself becoming an unlikely motivational speaker for those who are learning lessons you have already overcome.

A strong work ethic is putting you on track to achieve your long-held dreams, but the road ahead won’t be easy. Manage your expectations as the month progresses. Don’t be afraid to change your mind when you aren’t getting the results you need.