
Your November 2024 Astrology Forecast

Mercury retrograde is coming.

by Nina Kahn

The end of the year is fast approaching, star babes! But the astrology of November shimmers with a sense of change and newness — as it brings a slew of zodiacal shifts and some critically-timed retrograde activity. Your calendar is probably already packed as you head into the holidays, but you’ll still want to make note of November’s major astrological events because some of them could have major energetic impacts.

This month feels like a fresh start in more ways than one, partly thanks to the powerful new moon in Scorpio that rises on Nov. 1. Prepare to dive deep into your feelings and make some magic from the mayhem. The personal planets are switching signs this month, so expect to shift gears in your daily energy flow. Additionally, Pluto — the smallest and most distant outer planet in the solar system — is also switching signs. This is a big deal because once Pluto re-enters Aquarius mid-month, it’ll stay there for 20 years. Talk about the start of a new era!

The action doesn’t stop there. November’s full moon lights up the skies with some unexpected twists on Nov. 17 then Sagittarius season’s celebratory vibes take the wheel a few days later, making everything feel a little more festive. However, a slight party foul arrives on Nov. 25, when Mercury stations retrograde in this fun-loving fire sign’s territory. Thanksgiving travel could be marred with mix-ups and delays, so take the proper retrograde precautions. November ends on the precipice of another new moon, which peaks at 10:21 p.m. PT on Nov. 30 / 1:21 a.m. ET on Dec. 1.

That only scratches the surface of what’s happening in the stars this month. Read on for your November 2024 astrology forecast.

Scorpio Vibes & A Spiritual New Moon

Scorpio season reigns supreme during the first three weeks of the month, and as always, its intense and emotionally driven energy catalyzes all sorts of personal transformations for people, both big changes and small. Hold up a mirror to your inner self and embrace the shadows, because now’s a great time to explore your darker desires.

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The Scorpio waters are running especially deep as the month begins, as the zodiac’s luminaries will be side-by-side in the cosmic scorpion cave, culminating in the new moon on Nov. 1. The new moon is being supported by responsible Saturn, pushing you to face all that lies beneath the surface as you begin a new emotional journey. There will also be a gorgeous grand water trine lighting up the skies, setting the stage for an especially spiritual lunation that happens to share a date with the Day of the Dead and the pagan celebration of Samhain.

Open Your Mind With Mercury In Sagittarius

Communication planet Mercury zooms into the free-spirited fire sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 2, shifting everyone’s mindset away from Scorpio’s shadowy mystery-solving toward a more knowledge-seeking and mind-expanding vibe. You may look at life from a different perspective or be more receptive to alternative views.

This ingress also leads into the Mercury retrograde that kicks off later this month, so pay attention to whatever conversations or logistical plans take place over the coming weeks.

Passion Fires Up With Mars In Leo

Passionate planet Mars is feeling extra saucy come Nov. 3, as it enters the fierce and fiery lair of Leo, giving you the power to galvanize your goals. This is a major mojo boost for all zodiac signs, especially given that Mars has been treading water in soft and sensitive Cancer for the past couple of months — a sign where this red-hot planet struggles to be its usual assertive self.

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Pay close attention to the vibes, because Mars retrograde starts a month from now, meaning it’s already in its pre-retrograde shadow period. It’ll be retracing all of its current steps through Leo during the last stretch of this year, giving you a chance to rethink your motivations.

Love Gets Serious With Venus In Capricorn

Mercury and Mars have already made moves this month, and love planet Venus is next, as it enters the pragmatic and down-to-earth sign of Capricorn on Nov. 11. You may start thinking about love through more practical terms, being more selective about where you invest your time and energy. With Venus in Capricorn, quality is much more important than quantity in relationships, so decide what’s valuable to you in the long run.

Goodbye To Saturn Retrograde

After four and a half months of backspinning, Saturn retrograde ends on Nov. 15. The planet of time and maturity embarks on a zodiacal moonwalk each year, bringing an opportunity to process all the new responsibilities life has thrown your way. Now that it’s moving direct again, you can start implementing all the lessons you’ve learned about setting boundaries, focusing on your long-term visions, and generally stepping up your game.

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A Wild-Hearted Full Moon On Nov. 15

On the same day that Saturn retrograde ends, a full moon will light up the skies through the earthy and diligent sign of Taurus. While Scorpio season is all about emotional intensity, the Taurus energy of this lunation pulls you deep into your sensory experiences instead. This full moon joins forces with the wild-child planet Uranus, adding an unpredictable flavor to this cosmic experience. Expect the unexpected and brace for exciting plot twists.

Pluto Enters Aquarius For The Last Time

Small but mighty planet Pluto has been hovering over the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius for the past year and a half, moving back and forth over its border during its last couple of retrogrades. But on Nov. 19, this transformational planet will shift into future-focused Aquarius for the last time in a lifetime. Once Pluto hits Aquarius, it’ll stay there for the next two decades, so this innovative ingress is kicking off an important new period of growth for all zodiac signs.

Welcoming Sagittarius Season

Time to pull yourself out of Scorpio’s deep and swampy waters and get into a more festive spirit, because the sun is entering party-hardy Sagittarius on Nov. 21, officially kicking off Sagittarius season. Sagittarius zodiac energy inspires you to seek higher knowledge and new experiences, so say yes to some spur-of-the-moment adventures and think more optimistically. This mutable fire sign is also beloved for its happy-go-lucky attitude toward life, so it’s the perfect vibe to put you in a celebratory mood ahead of the holidays.

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Mercury Retrograde’s Home For The Holidays

As if the holidays weren’t stressful enough as it is, the mental planet Mercury is stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on Nov. 25 — just in time for Thanksgiving weekend. Mercury rules everything from communication and correspondence to transportation and scheduling, so when it backspins, it can cause snags in these areas of your life. This means that from now until Dec. 15, you should take extra care to double-check the details of your plans and leave extra room in your travel itineraries for hiccups.

Slowing your roll during the hustle of the holiday season isn’t an easy ask, but if you want to avoid some pesky Mercury retrograde headaches, it’ll behoove you to move with a little more conscientiousness.

Ushering In December With A New Moon

November kicked off with a new moon and it’s closing with one, too. The new moon in Sagittarius is rising at 10:21 p.m. PT on Nov. 30 / 1:21 a.m. ET on Dec. 1 — so for those of you on the western side of the United States, it’ll be the second new moon of the month, earning it the title of a rare black moon. Regardless of which side of the calendar this lunation falls on for you, this fiery new moon is a fabulous final push toward your 2024 goals and can inspire you to reach a little further when setting personal intentions.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.