All Of November 2022's Astrology Events, Including A Lunar Eclipse
Eclipse season ends, and the Sagittarius party begins.

It’s somehow already November, so it’s officially time to roll back the clocks for daylight savings, dive into the holi-daze, and kick off the countdown toward 2023. October was filled with all sorts of cosmic tricks and treats, but November’s astrology will help to further our internal transformations and prepare for all the excitement the planets have in store for us next. All zodiac signs will want to mark their calendars for the major astrological events happening in November 2022.
The last week of October set the stage for a new month in a big way: We ushered in eclipse season on Oct. 25 with the solar eclipse in Scorpio, saw Jupiter dip back into Pisces on Oct. 28 for its final jaunt through the sign of the fish, and kicked off the biennial Mars retrograde period that’ll be restricting our energy flow for the next two and a half months. That said, we saw the end of three different planetary retrogrades, too — so while we’re in the midst of a change-heavy eclipse season, we may also feel a refreshing sense of momentum on our sides.
Meanwhile, the deep and mysterious energy of Scorpio season inspires us to dive beneath the surface of our feelings during the first few weeks of November, and these white-hot emotions will come to a boiling point under the rays of the total lunar eclipse in Taurus on Nov. 8. All that raw intensity should start to lighten up post-eclipse, as Venus, Mercury, and the sun will enter happy-go-lucky Sagittarius, officially kicking off Sagittarius season on Nov. 22. This is followed by a passionate new moon on Nov. 23, which sets the stage for a social and celebratory Thanksgiving weekend. Sagittarius’ ruling planet Jupiter ends its retrograde this month, too, enhancing our wanderlust and setting our hearts free.
Here’s your November 2022 astrological overview.
Swimming In Scorpio Season Vibes
The first three weeks of November make up the majority of Scorpio season, which is catalyzing all sorts of personal transformations and emotional intensity in our lives. Now is a good time for getting deep with yourself and dealing with whatever lies beneath the surface of your desires. Additionally, love planet Venus and mental planet Mercury are also spending the first couple weeks of the month swimming alongside the sun in Scorpio, so expect your relationships and conversations to be enhanced by this mysterious and watery influence, too.
Total Lunar Eclipse In Taurus On Nov. 8
Scorpio season is always a little spooky, but this year it overlaps with the chaos of eclipse season — tinging it even more heavily with the energy of transformation, revelation, and truth. The dizzying twists of October’s solar eclipse are still fresh in our hearts as we kick off this month, but things will really come bubbling up to the surface on Nov. 8 during the last eclipse of the year. November’s full moon and total lunar eclipse are both taking place in the earthy and resourceful sign of Taurus, and it’s likely to shake up our sense of stability and bring forth some big surprises. Stay grounded through the shifts and be willing to expand your comfort zone.
Sagittarius Season Energy Is Ready To Party
On Nov. 16, relationship planet Venus enters Sagittarius, giving us our first glimmers of the upcoming Sagittarius season and bringing a burst of fun and free-spirited energy to our romantic lives. Emotions in partnerships will likely lighten up a little now, and we’ll feel more adventurous and spontaneous when it comes to love, beauty, and more. Communication planet Mercury follows Venus’ lead and enters Sagittarius the very next day, on Nov. 17. During this transit, we'll likely find ourselves expanding our belief systems, seeking fresh knowledge, and embracing a more worldly mindset.
With two personal planets having entered the sign of the archer, we’ll be fully primed and ready once Sagittarius season officially begins on Nov. 22. This mutable fire sign is open-minded, happy-go-lucky, and always up for a last-minute adventure — so its energy helps us to ring in the holiday season with added optimism and joie de vivre. The celebratory sparkle of Sagittarius zodiac energy brings warmth and excitement to one of the darkest periods of the year.
New Moon In Sagittarius On Nov. 23
Eclipse season is finally over, and the gorgeous and glittering new moon on Nov. 23 symbolizes new beginnings for all zodiac signs. The November 2022 new moon takes place in free-spirited Sagittarius, just one day after the sun enters the archer’s rainbow realm — so it’s bringing all sorts of opportunities for spiritual growth, lucky breaks, and a desire to follow our hearts toward new adventures. This lunation is the first since eclipse season ended, so it’s a beautiful time for moon magic, intention-setting rituals, and manifestation spells galore.
The End Of Jupiter Retrograde On Nov. 23
On the same day as the new moon in Sagittarius, the cosmic archer’s planetary ruler Jupiter will wrap up its annual retrograde period after nearly four months of backspinning. It feels ultra auspicious to have Jupiter stationing direct at the time of a Sagittarius-ruled lunation — especially since the new moon will be forming a lucky trine aspect to Jupiter, too. With Jupiter retrograde ending, we can look forward to feeling more galvanized in our beliefs and philosophies, and will begin to embrace all the expansive paradigm shifts that have taken place within our spirits over the past months.