All The Major Astrological Events Happening In November
Eclipse season, here we come.

Somehow it’s already November, which means it’s time to roll the clocks back on daylight savings, dive into the holi-daze, and officialize cuffing season. The astrology of November 2021 is as transformational as it is exciting — and because we’re entering another eclipse season, you can guarantee that change is on the horizon, too. All zodiac signs will want to mark their calendars for these major astrological events in November 2021.
October delivered the end of a four different planetary retrogrades, so we’re kicking off November with a refreshing sense of clarity and momentum. The dark and mysterious energy of Scorpio season inspires us to dive beneath the surface of our feelings for the first few weeks of the month — especially during the emotional new moon on Nov. 4. Two weeks later, a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus will swoop in to shake up our sense of stability and herald in some serious changes. Eclipse season has arrived, star babies, so brace yourselves!
The raw intensity of Scorpio season will begin to lighten up after the eclipse, as the sun enters free-spirited Sagittarius two days later, on Nov. 21. Sagittarius season helps us to party through the darkest days of autumn with joy, optimism, and a sense of adventure. Change is in the air thanks to the upcoming eclipses, but Sagittarius’ mutable and happy-go-lucky energy will help us embrace the shifts and roll with life’s magic.
Read on for your November 2021 astrological overview.
Super Scorpio Vibes & A New Moon On Nov. 4
The first few weeks of November comprise the bulk of Scorpio season 2021, which puts us in touch with our deepest feelings, darkest secrets, and all of life’s mysteries (NBD, totally casual). Action planet Mars (Scorpio’s traditional planetary ruler) is also in Scorpio throughout the duration of the month, imbuing us with a concentrated energy force, a powerful drive to conquer our goals, and a heightened libido, too. Ooh la la!
The raw Scorpionic intensity peaks during the first week of the month under the November 2021 new moon on Nov. 4, during which the sun and moon will come together in this water sign’s swampy realm. They’ll be squabbling with wild child Uranus and squaring off with strict Saturn, which could shake up our emotions and force us to figure out how to play by a different set of rules.
The Scorpio stronghold continues as mental planet Mercury enters Scorpio on Nov. 5 — meaning that we’ll briefly have a whopping four planets in Scorpio at once (a phenomenon known as a stellium in astrology). During Mercury’s stint through Scorpio, we’ll be a little more private in the way we communicate and may find ourselves searching for hidden truths or secretive information. When Mercury aligns with bold Mars in Scorpio on Nov. 10, we’ll have a powerful opportunity to dig beneath the surface of our desires and take action on our goals. These two planets won’t come together again until 2023, so use the motivation burst to your advantage!
Getting Grounded With Venus In Capricorn
On Nov. 5, Venus (planet of values) enters pragmatic earth sign Capricorn, which gives us a more grounded and no-nonsense approach to our love lives and money situations through the rest of the month. During this transit, we’ll be less interested in romantic flings or financial risk-taking, and more drawn to situations that offer us stability, longevity, and security. Capricorn energy is all about making practical investments, so we won’t want to waste our precious time or money on people or things that aren’t going to bring us pleasure for the long haul. If you’re starting a new job or flirting with the idea of a new relationship, think about how these fresh affairs fit into your future — and whether you see yourself actually putting in the work necessary to make them worth your while.
Full Moon & A New Eclipse Cycle
The November 2021 full moon occurs on Nov. 19 in the earthy and sensual sign of Taurus — and this lunation also happens to be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses in astrology tend to bring about sudden revelations, endings, and shocking twists of fate, so brace yourself for some foundation-shaking changes that’ll force you to explore outside of your comfort zones. Call upon Taurus’ patient and hardworking energy to help you stay grounded and in touch with yourself through the eclipse chaos.
This lunation is an especially notable one, as it’s the first eclipse to take place on the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac since 2014. We’ll have seven more eclipses take place on this axis over the next two years, so this full moon marks the beginning of an important and fateful cycle of changes that relate to our values, possessions, and energetic bonds. Pay attention to the themes that arise now, as you’ll probably be working through them over the next couple years.
Get Ready To Party With Sagittarius Season
On Nov. 21, the sun enters the realm of fiery and free-spirited Sagittarius, kicking off Sagittarius season 2021 and helping us ring in the holidays with some added optimism and excitement. This mutable fire sign is open-minded, adventurous, and bursting with luck, so we’ll be feeling more outgoing and ready to connect with the world around us.
On Nov. 24, communicative Mercury also joins the sun in Sagittarius, which amplifies our desire to expand our belief systems and seek fresh perspectives on life. The sun will align with Mercury in a perfect conjunction aspect for the last time in 2021 on Nov. 28 (PT)/Nov. 29 (ET), creating a connection known as Mercury cazimi. This is a great period for pursuing higher-minded interests, saying yes to new things, and doing whatever you can to broaden your horizons.
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