
210 "Never Have I Ever" Questions That Aren't Rated R

So you won't feel weird playing this with your work friends.

Friends asking Never Have I Ever questions sitting on rocks in a circle
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Looking to refresh your stock of “Never Have I Ever” questions? There’s nothing worse than being the reason the party pace comes to a screeching halt. The turn comes to you and you’re just sitting there with your fingers up, willing your brain to hurry up and come up with anything at all. But alas, you’re drawing a massive blank.

Group hangs are supposed to be fun, not stressful, so you better arm yourself with the best “Never Have I Ever” questions to prepare yourself with the most creative and juicy contributions that are sure to get the tea spilling — which is why everyone plays this game after all, right?

Though you’ve probably frequented this game at sleepovers or while playing King’s Cup, the rules are simple if you need a refresher:

1. Each player puts up three (or five, or all 10) fingers.

2. One person will start by saying the first “Never Have I Ever” question, i.e., “Never have I ever been scuba diving.”

3. All those who have been scuba diving put one finger down.

4. Take turns going clockwise until either one person has all their fingers down (playing for a loser), or until there is a single winner with the last finger up.

There is certainly a time and place for games with the potential to get really juicy, super personal, and perhaps even a little dirty. At least those are all the things that might typically come to mind when you hear “Never Have I Ever.” But really, it all depends on your crowd.

It can be a family-friendly game, believe it or not — you’ll just need to vet your questions well. Be sure you think about what you actually want to know about your family members and vice versa because you can’t unsee your dad putting a finger down for “Never have I ever sucked a toe.”

Otherwise, this makes for a great party game with friends where everyone is guaranteed to have a laugh and learn something new about each other. Especially when one friend asks those “Never Have I Ever” questions that are so obviously super targeted at a specific player just to get them out or make them share a dirty little secret with the group.

To keep the party going, take note of the best “Never Have I Ever” questions to ask at your next group hang, below.

Best “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever accidentally set something on fire.
  2. Never have I ever regretted getting bangs.
  3. Never have I ever got kicked out of a party.
  4. Never have I ever saved someone’s life.
  5. Never have I ever cried at work.
  6. Never have I ever met someone with my exact same name.
  7. Never have I ever been skydiving.
  8. Never have I ever bungee-jumped.
  9. Never have I ever been chosen by the cat distribution system.
  10. Never have I ever used a streaming service.

Juiciest “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever been fired from a job.
  2. ​Never have I ever climbed a tree to sneak into someone's room.
  3. Never have I ever called off an engagement.
  4. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
  5. Never have I ever had jury duty.
  6. Never have I ever spied on someone.
  7. Never have I ever ended a friendship.
  8. Never have I ever been in a love triangle.
  9. Never have I ever run away from home.

Most Scandalous “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever accidentally texted someone with gossip about themselves.
  2. Never have I ever accidentally sent an email to the wrong person.
  3. Never have I ever gone commando.
  4. Never have I ever used a fake ID.
  5. Never have I ever had a secret relationship.
  6. ​Never have I ever lied to my parents about where I was going.
  7. Never have I ever been skinny-dipping.
  8. Never have I ever changed my identity.
  9. Never have I ever bribed someone.

Funniest “Never Have I Ever” Questions

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  1. Never have I ever eaten pet food.
  2. Never have I ever given myself a DIY haircut.
  3. Never have I ever tried to bleach my own hair.
  4. Never have I ever farted in public.
  5. Never have I ever burnt off my eyebrows.
  6. Never have I ever burnt off my eyelashes.
  7. Never have I ever crashed a wedding.
  8. Never have I ever been chased by a bear.
  9. Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza on my own.
  10. Never have I ever gone streaking.

Grossest “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever worn something from the dirty laundry.
  2. Never have I ever eaten toothpaste.
  3. Never have I ever used another person’s toothbrush.
  4. Never have I ever reused floss.
  5. Never have I ever eaten bugs.
  6. Never have I ever rolled around in the mud.
  7. Never have I ever gone 48 hours without showering.
  8. Never have I ever swam in a dirty pool.
  9. Never have I ever been farted on.
  10. Never have I ever reused unwashed dishes.

Most Embarrassing “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever googled myself.
  2. Never have I ever cried in public.
  3. Never have I ever tripped in front of everybody.
  4. Never have I ever spilled food on myself in public.
  5. Never have I ever sworn in a quiet room.
  6. Never have I ever clogged someone’s toilet.
  7. Never have I ever gotten into a fight in public.
  8. Never have I ever fallen down a flight of stairs in a crowded area.
  9. Never have I ever fallen in the mud.

Most Creative “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images
  1. ​Never have I ever played Never Have I Ever up until now.
  2. Never have I ever seen my sibling on a dating app.
  3. Never have I ever done a backflip.
  4. Never have I ever used a pogo stick.
  5. Never have I ever rode a unicycle.
  6. Never have I ever flown a plane.
  7. Never have I ever ridden an elephant.
  8. Never have I ever been on a roller coaster.
  9. Never have I ever slept under the stars.
  10. Never have I ever traveled solo.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Crushes

Unai Huizi/imageBROKER/Shutterstock
  1. Never have I ever been attracted to a cartoon character.
  2. Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher.
  3. Never have I ever doodled my crush's name with mine.
  4. Never have I ever tested out how my first name sounds with my crush's last.
  5. Never have I ever accidentally texted my crush instead of a friend.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Dating

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  1. Never have I ever met up with someone from a dating app.
  2. Never have I ever had two dates in one day.
  3. Never have I ever used a pickup line.
  4. Never have I ever made up an excuse to leave a date early.
  5. Never have I ever dated someone for just their looks.
  6. Never have I ever picked out an outfit with a special someone in mind.
  7. Never have I ever slid into someone’s DMs.
  8. Never have I ever been set up with someone.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Love

Marco VDM/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever been in love.
  2. Never have I ever fallen out of love.
  3. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
  4. Never have I ever received a love letter.
  5. Never have I ever received flowers from someone.
  6. Never have I ever had someone to spend Valentine's Day with.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Relationships

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  1. Never have I ever called a significant other by the wrong name.
  2. Never have I ever been in an open relationship.
  3. Never have I ever had a FWB.
  4. Never have I ever mistaken someone else for my significant other.
  5. Never have I ever been in a relationship that lasted over three years.
  6. Never have I ever been in a serious relationship.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Cheating

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  1. Never have I ever cheated on someone.
  2. Never have I ever been cheated on.
  3. Never have I ever caught a friend's significant other on a dating app.
  4. Never have I ever confronted someone about cheating.
  5. Never have I ever considered cheating on someone.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Breakups

Daniel de la Hoz/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever ghosted someone.
  2. Never have I ever broken up with someone over text.
  3. Never have I ever been broken up with by someone over text.
  4. Never have I ever had a breakup in public.
  5. Never have I ever been broken up with.
  6. Never have I ever cried about a breakup.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Exes

J. Vespa/WireImage/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever found a dumb excuse to text my ex.
  2. Never have I ever stalked an ex's new partner online.
  3. Never have I ever got back together with an ex.
  4. Never have I ever stalked an ex online.
  5. Never have I ever wanted to get back with my ex.
  6. Never have I ever gotten revenge on a ex.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Fame

Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever been on TV.
  2. Never have I ever gone viral for something.
  3. Never have I ever met a celebrity.
  4. Never have I ever thought about running for office.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Lying

bymuratdeniz/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever called in sick to play hooky.
  2. Never have I ever lied to someone about how cute their baby is.
  3. Never have I ever lied to my doctor.
  4. Never have I ever lied about my age.
  5. Never have I ever made up a fake name and life story at a bar just for fun.
  6. Never have I ever got caught telling an embarrassing lie.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Health

FatCamera/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever fainted.
  2. Never have I ever gotten surgery.
  3. Never have I ever had frostbite.
  4. Never have I ever broken a bone.
  5. Never have I ever had a black eye.
  6. Never have I ever donated blood.
  7. Never have I ever tore something.
  8. Never have I ever had a cast.

Random “Never Have I Ever” Questions

kali9/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever gotten on the wrong train or bus.
  2. Never have I ever lived alone.
  3. Never have I ever hitchhiked.
  4. Never have I ever cheated in a board or card game.
  5. Never have I ever slept outside.
  6. Never have I ever owned an iPhone.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Travel

Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever traveled to another country.
  2. Never have I ever traveled with a significant other.
  3. ​Never have I ever worried the plane was going to crash.
  4. Never have I ever gone on a road trip with friends.
  5. Never have I ever stayed in a hostel.
  6. Never have I ever gotten lost in another country.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Driving

FG Trade Latin/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever run out of gas while driving.
  2. Never have I ever hit a parked car.
  3. Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket.
  4. Never have I ever failed my driving test.
  5. Never have I ever got in a fender bender.
  6. Never have I ever had my windshield crack.
  7. Never have I ever totaled my car.
  8. Never have I ever had my catalytic converter stolen.

Clean “Never Have I Ever” Questions

RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever sleepwalked.
  2. Never have I ever talked in my sleep.
  3. Never have I ever pretended to be on the phone.
  4. Never have I ever been stung by a bee.
  5. Never have I ever been bitten by a bug.
  6. Never have I ever seen a whale.
  7. Never have I ever been on a boat.
  8. Never have I ever been on an airplane.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions For Teens

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  1. Never have I ever stayed up all night playing video games.
  2. Never have I ever watched five episodes of TV in one sitting.
  3. Never have I ever snuck out to go to a party.
  4. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I cried.
  5. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
  6. ​Never have I ever had a lemonade stand.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About School

Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever had someone else do my homework for me.
  2. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  3. Never have I faked sick to stay home from school.
  4. Never have I ever played a prank on my teacher.
  5. Never have I ever gotten detention.
  6. Never have I ever gotten written up.
  7. Never have I ever gotten suspended.
  8. Never have I ever flunked a class.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About TikTok

David Espejo/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever created a TikTok account.
  2. Never have I ever posted a TikTok dance.
  3. ​Never have I ever seen my therapist on TikTok.
  4. Never have I ever gone viral on TikTok.
  5. Never have I ever participated in a TikTok trend.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Food & Cooking

FG Trade/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever tried a food and instantly regretted it.
  2. ​Never have I ever forgotten to turn the oven off.
  3. Never have I ever gotten food poisoning.
  4. Never have I ever had food explode in the microwave.
  5. Never have I ever cooked pasta.
  6. Never have I ever burnt a cake.
  7. Never have I ever used the grill.
  8. Never have I ever eaten pickles.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Drinks

FilippoBacci/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever​ laughed so hard, my drink came out my nose.
  2. Never have I ever scalded my tongue on hot coffee.
  3. Never have I ever had a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
  4. Never have I ever drank an energy drink.
  5. Never have I ever drank hot milk.
  6. Never have I ever drank apple cider vinegar water.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Life

AzmanL/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever run a mile.
  2. Never have I ever lost my wallet.
  3. ​Never have I ever been to a football game.
  4. Never have I ever traveled overseas.
  5. Never have I ever planted a garden.

Spookiest “Never Have I Ever” Questions

skynesher/E+/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever seen a ghost.
  2. Never have I ever been to a haunted house.
  3. Never have I ever had a supernatural experience.
  4. Never have I ever been haunted.
  5. Never have I ever spoken to a medium.
  6. Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Sports

Icon Sportswire/Icon Sportswire/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever hit a home run in baseball or softball.
  2. Never have I ever biked over eight miles.
  3. Never have I ever gotten a hat trick in a soccer game.
  4. Never have I ever played a sport outside gym class.
  5. Never have I ever won a game or meet.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions About Books & Reading

Anastasiia Krivenok/Moment/Getty Images
  1. Never have I ever read a book that had a thousand pages or more.
  2. Never have I ever read Harry Potter.
  3. Never have I ever read a horror novel.
  4. Never have I ever not returned a book to the library.
  5. Never have I ever read an entire book in a day.
  6. Never have I ever finished a book.