Neptune Retrograde Is Giving All Zodiac Signs A Reality Check
Prepare for illusions to be shattered.

If it seems like the astrology of July 2021 has unleashed Pandora’s Box of emotions, it’s because it basically did thanks to heavy squares in Leo bringing friction between worlds and unwelcome surprises. Right now, we may be feeling extra delicate after recovering from July’s new moon in sensitive Cancer. Our emotions may be heightened by Neptune retrograde 2021, which started on June 25 in its home sign of Pisces and ends on December 1, 2021. As a collective, this five-month-long backspin will snap us out of our dream-like trance, forcing us to see life through a more practical lens over the next few months. But it can be helpful to know how the upcoming Neptune retrograde will affect your specific zodiac sign.
“Neptune is the ultimate illusionist, but in retrograde it’s about looking at the world in a sober and realistic way — which means we can no longer gloss over the problems we may previously have been sweeping under the carpet,” says astrologer Clarisse Monahan, who adds that anyone born between March 10 and 14 is extra susceptible during this backspin.
Even though our illusions (like setting unrealistic goals or believing we can be friends with everyone) will be shattered, it’s going to help us evolve spiritually and move us closer in alignment with our highest selves. Over these remaining months, you could find yourself making adjustments to your vision boards or recalibrating your goals and metrics. But don’t let these reflections mask the magic of Neptune! “After all, Neptune is the planet of dreams, hope, and faith,” Cho Hwang, astrologer and creator of astro.forecast, tells Bustle. “It’s time to remember our magic and dream bigger for the future. We must allow ourselves to see possibility in the ‘impossible.’” Here’s the scoop on how Neptune retrograde 2021 will affect your zodiac sign.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
When it comes down to strong-willed ambition, you know a thing or two, Aries. However, during this backspin, you’re being called to reevaluate the metrics you set for yourself and question if the standards you submit to are creating a false idea of what you’re physically capable of. Without a doubt, you’re a powerhouse, but you’re also human and can only stretch out so far. This Neptune retrograde will ask you not to spread yourself too thin by making too many commitments so to avoid breaking promises. Your biggest wake-up call could illuminate your tendency to outdo yourself and view yourself as your biggest competition. Be more gentle and compassionate about your downfalls and internal dialogue.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You have a unique talent to remain patient through life’s motions despite being the fixed sign of the earth clique, Taurus. Because this retrograde is all about shattering illusions and helping you become more realistic in your goals, you’re likely to embrace this transit easier than others. You could be faced with reexamining your current self-care rituals. Are you abusing the art self-care as a means to escape the external world? Or are you too grounded that you find it difficult to act on important ambitions of yours? Neptune retrograde will illuminate specific perceptions that hinder your natural abilities. Now’s a good time for you to write down specific goals — whether they’re reasonable enough for an earth placement or not — you’d like to see manifested by December, when Neptune goes direct.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Right now, you’re being tested by illusions you create for yourself in the external world, Gemini. This Neptune retrograde will illuminate your tendency to cling onto your social image and status too tightly and asks that you take this time to reevaluate how available you are to others. You might even be called to assess how much merit you give to the opinions of others. As one of the great communicators of the zodiac, you’re given the challenge to learn and move through silence. Now’s a good time to emphasize self-care and meditate.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
When it comes to tapping into your intuition, you know what you’re doing, Cancer. You often rely on your inner voice and most of the time, you can prove yourself right (even when you don’t want to be). But right now, you’re being asked to make some radical changes to your habitual routine, specifically when it comes to relying solely on assumptions you’ve made solely based on your gut feelings. You could come to terms with how your imagination can lead to creating problems that aren’t there and be forced to reassess how you assert yourself in the world. If you tend to make assumptions under the guise of being an empath, you could face the consequences of missing out on something, like meaningful connections or professional opportunities.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You love to remind others not to take life too seriously, Leo. At times, it can appear as though you have a little too much fun, even when it comes down to doing earnest work. But sincere enjoyment of life requires a healthy amount of work, and your seriousness could be challenged during Neptune retrograde. During the upcoming months, you’ll face a harsh reality check because your philosophy that life is a party will be called into question, and you’re being asked to dispose of your illusions that can ultimately set you back from your true potential. Seize Neptune retrograde as a time to create realistic deadlines for your goals and budgets you can stick to. Don’t have a planner? Now’s a perfect time to get one.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Structure is your safe haven, Virgo, and during Neptune retrograde’s final months, you’re going to recognize the darker side of your reliance on an organized system. How much do you depend on things to go exactly as planned, and how well do you handle situations when they go in a different direction? The illusion that everything needs a structure will be challenged during this transit. You could be asked to reevaluate your close eye to detail and embrace the world in all its fluid and unstructured chaos. And don’t be surprised if you feel called to act on your intuition and impulses rather than a practical routine. Now’s an important time to stay vigilant about long-term goals, but seize them in an untraditional way in order to stay on beat.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You have a knack for making others feel comfortable, Libra, and your popularity and intoxicating energy are celebrated by all signs of the zodiac. However, you might find that you’re spending a ton of your precious time trying to balance so much at once that you might feel pressure to shut down. You want to avoid the overwhelm, but you also want to stay centered and focused on the serious goals you’ve set for yourself during the rest of Neptune’s backspin. Now’s a good time to create an Excel sheet and organize your important documents and budget to help you stay on track.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Your intuition might feel intensely powerful during the remaining months of retrograde, Scorpio. The wave of self-reflection you’ve been riding during recent weeks is responsible for these feelings of empowerment. You’re in the thick of serious work on your emotional resilience. And because you’ve been putting some of your problematic habits in the forefront, including comparing your life to others’ lives on social media, you’ll be more equipped to handle Neptune’s illusion-shattering affair. Use this time for reviewing the goals you might have doubted in the past and allow your dreams to inspire you to initiate them. Avoid getting too carried away, though, because clouding your judgment now could make a huge mess later.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
As a Sagittarius, you’re an optimist by nature, and this Neptune retrograde is a reminder to set realistic expectations for yourself and not to get too caught up in your own fantastical revelations. You’re being shown your tendency to be blindly optimistic in situations that require you to sit with uncomfortable feelings. You might feel especially eager to explore and experience the external world — because that’s what makes you excited about life. But Neptune’s backspin will ask you to sit still and reassess your ambitions and inner spiritual journey. It might be a good time to journal or make a Pinterest board.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You might find yourself pressured to reexamine your ambitions during Neptune retrograde, Cap. At times, you can see the world from an overly practical and traditional lens. Since Neptune’s backspin is a transit that illuminates our illusions and created narratives, this will serve as a specific reminder for you that being too realistic is a good way to limit yourself. What areas of your life do you feel stagnant? Neptunian energy is all about transcendental reality, which directly conflicts with your grounded philosophy. Ask yourself how you’d embrace life if limits didn’t exist.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You’re the elusive sign of the air bunch, Aquarius, and you have a way to keep others on their toes. While you pride yourself on your unconventional thinking and uniqueness, this Neptune retrograde will shatter any harmful illusions of individuality that can often lead you to distance yourself from others and detach from the external world. You’ve got a lot going on inside, and you can often find it difficult to connect with others. Right now, you’re being asked to ground yourself and be more present with the tangible world. Try to initiate sincere connections with your followers on social media rather than living vicariously through their stories. You can also feel present by grounding yourself through meditation or strolling through nature.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
With all the Piscean energy supercharged in Neptune retrograde, you could feel particularly uneasy about this reality check, Pisces. Right now, your most potent assets, like your affinity for daydreaming, are being challenged, and you’re in the hot seat. If you’ve taken on more than you can handle because of the feeling that it’s the only way you can fulfill your destiny, then it might be time to rectify your illusions. You’re being pressured to revisit your goals and be honest with what is and isn’t possible right now. The good part? Your mutable nature will help you shimmy out of uncomfortable feelings, so you can flow freely through this retrograde’s influence.
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