M&S Is Selling Bags Of Colin The Caterpillar Faces
Forget the mini versions, these babies are full size.

A staple of office birthday parties through the UK, Colin the Caterpillar has become one of Britain’s most beloved cakes. And for those who spent time arguing over who got the eat the caterpillar's face, I've got great news for you, as Marks & Spencer are selling Colin the Caterpillar’s face as a standalone snack.
Yep, the time has finally come. That delicious white chocolate smiley face may have been a one-off treat in the past but now you can buy a whole bag of them to enjoy — for just £1. Of course, in the past, the faces have been available in miniature, but we all know that's not the same as having the full-sized thing.
The caterpillar himself even commented on the news. “Since I got so much attention for Colin Mini Faces my head’s got a little bigger, literally!” he said (via Delish). “I’ve had a whole lot of love from my fans in lockdown and I’m so pleased that they can enjoy Face Time with me all year round!”
And as if that weren't enough to get excited about, M&S have done and launched another caterpillar-themed treat: a gift bag full of Colin the Caterpillar goodies. Whether you’ve got a birthday coming up or just want to bring some caterpillar cheer to lockdown, this £25 hamper includes the cake itself as well as gummies, mini Colin faces, and mini Colin the Caterpillar cakes.