The Most Spontaneous Zodiac Signs, According To An Astrologer
They thrive on adventure.

While some signs are detail-oriented homebodies who love a plan, others are running around, causing chaos, and dragging their friends on random and unplanned adventures. These are the most spontaneous signs of the zodiac — and it’s nearly impossible to predict what they’ll do next.
If this describes you to a T, it’s likely because you have various spontaneity-loving placements in your chart. Your birth chart can reveal whether you’re the type of zodiac sign that needs an itinerary for every outing or a sign that has a better time diving into spur-of-the-moment plans. (Hint hint, Sagittarius.)
The most free-spirited signs have a habit of following their hearts and always choosing the most fun option, whether it comes to their career, friendships, outings, vacations, or even their dating life.
In astrology, your sun sign can reveal a lot about your self-expression and how you assert yourself, but it’s also worth looking at your Mars placement. The planet Mars governs passion, determination, and impulses, so depending on what zodiac sign appears in Mars in your natal chart, it can reveal why you’re more inclined to impulse-buy the latest gadget or embark on a random road trip with half a tank of gas.
Do you find yourself making impulsive decisions on a whim? If you seem attracted to serendipity or get caught up in the heat of the moment, then it’s highly likely you’re one of the most spontaneous zodiac signs. Read on to find out the top four signs that fit the bill, according to an astrologer.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As an Aries, you’re notorious for your impulsive, spontaneous approach to life. Thanks to your outgoing personality and endless energy, you’re a pro at throwing together last-minute plans and fun nights out. If you’re bored on a Saturday, you’ll gather the girls or drag your partner out of bed to hit the town.
Thanks to your ruling planet Mars — which governs determination, aggression, and, you guessed it, spontaneity — your impulsiveness can take many forms. If it isn’t a spur-of-the-moment party, you might book a last-minute flight, quit your job to chase a new career, or treat yourself to a shopping spree just because.
The spontaneity can impact your dating life, too. According to astrologer MaKayla McRae, aka TheStarryEyedMystic on Instagram, the ram has an exciting energy that makes it easy for them to meet new people. You’re always turning heads and seem to have your pick when it comes to potential partners, and it means you often bounce from one relationship to the next, never settling.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini, you’re one of the deepest thinkers of the zodiac, but you’re also a mutable sign, which makes you all the more fluid and adaptable. If someone invites you to an impromptu get-together or you feel the urge to hit the open road, you’ll say yes every time.
Due to your unpredictable, air sign energy, it can be hard to pinpoint what direction you’ll go next, and it also explains why your friends have such a hard time keeping up with you. You’re the type to get lost in the crowd at a concert or disappear for an hour only to be found singing karaoke in another bar. You love to go where the wind takes you.
“Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, so they can’t help but gravitate toward people, situations, and scenarios that pique their curiosity,” says McRae. “Their biggest fear is becoming stagnant, so it’s no wonder that Geminis can react quite impulsively!”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
As the zodiac’s whimsical archer, Sagittarius is best known for their free-flowing attitude and ability to change plans on a dime. As a lifelong learner, you’re fueled by your sense of wanderlust, so it shouldn’t be surprising that you’re one of the most spontaneous zodiac signs — and one that thrives on uncertainty. You never fret if a flight gets canceled or if your car breaks down. Instead, you view it as a fun redirection towards another adventure.
This energy stems from your fire sign element as well as your lucky ruling planet Jupiter, which allows you to trust that everything will always work out in your favor. Jupiter also represents intellectual exploration, so you often let your curiosity guide you to places unknown. You see everything and everyone as part of a bigger story, and it’s taught you to trust your gut and try new things.
According to McRae, Sagittarians’ thrill-seeking nature follows them into their romantic lives, too. “When someone special catches a Sagittarius’ eye, they’re often quick to jump into action,” McRae tells Bustle. “They fearlessly accept the fact that it’s better to face rejection or disappointment than to wonder ‘what if?’”
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarius isn’t the type to consider every possible outcome or potential hiccup before starting a new adventure. This air sign favors last-minute plans, go-with-the-flow get-togethers, and whimsical evenings that take them to interesting destinations. The less they know ahead of time, the better.
Instead of meeting up with friends for dinner at a favorite spot, you prefer to float around and let serendipity take the wheel. You’re so good at discovering new hole-in-the-wall restaurants and funky underground dive bars. You have a reputation as the cool explorer in your friend group, and one who always makes a night out fun.
Due to your Uranus ruling planet, which is all about independence and unconventionality, you’ve also been known to make a few spontaneous decisions in love. You’re open to dating more than one person at a time, breaking up and making up, and giving your ex a second chance. You have a desire to “do it for the plot” deep in your bones, and it’s why you have so many fun stories.
Initial reporting by Brittany Beringer
This article was originally published on