202 "Most Likely To" Questions That'll Spark Entertaining Conversations
Which friend is most likely to be late to their own wedding?

Let’s be honest, it’s always a little awkward joining an established friend group. They’ve all known each other much longer while you and any other newcomers aren’t yet cued in on the inside jokes or familiar with the gang’s quirks and dynamics. A round of “most likely to” questions will change that real quick. There’s no faster way to learn who’s who in a friend group than having them vote on the person “most likely to get caught first in a horror movie” or “most likely to drink a bottle of ranch for $1.”
And if you think you know your friends through and through, the “most likely to” questions game is your chance to prove it while finding out what they *really* think of you in return. Spoiler: it may not be what you’d expect. You might think you’d totally make it to the end of a slasher, but your friends may see someone who wouldn’t last five minutes. The best part is hearing the justification for each pick — you just can’t argue with embarrassing personal anecdotes. You may even find your own votes swayed as you learn new things about your buddies from the other players.
The next time you’re at a group hang, get the party going with the best “most likely to” questions to ask your friends. These silly prompts will entice a belly laugh at the least and strengthen your bond and understanding of your peers at the most.
Funny “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who’s most likely to like this little life?
- Who’s most likely to attempt a DIY tattoo?
- Who’s most likely to clap when the plane lands?
- Who’s most likely to lose their phone while it’s in their hand?
- Who’s most likely to play mermaids in the pool?
- Who’s most likely to make awkward eye contact and keep holding it because they’re not a quitter?
- Who is most likely to sleep through a natural disaster?
Juicy Most Likely To Questions
- Who’s most likely to think they’re an expert after watching a single YouTube video?
- Who’s most likely to snitch?
- Who’s most likely to dine and dash?
- Who’s most likely to get into a political debate?
- Who is most likely to sell feet pics?
Unhinged “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who’s most likely to survive off Girl Scout Cookies and good vibes?
- Who’s most likely to eat the food off their floss?
- Who’s most likely to take a bite out of Play-Doh spaghetti?
- Who’s most likely to go one v. one with a grizzly bear... and win?
- Who’s most likely to eat a slightly moldy blueberry?
- Who’s most likely to down a whole jar of mayonnaise just for the applause?
- Who’s most likely to lose a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to a Golden Retriever?
“Most Likely To” Questions For Friends
- Who’s most likely to fall in love with fictional characters?
- Who’s most likely to become a stunt double?
- Who’s most likely to not know where that bruise came from?
- Who’s most likely to study abroad and come back “a different person”?
- Who’s most likely to buy a tiny home?
- Who is most likely to know exactly what to say when you’re feeling sad?
- Who is most likely to make new friends on a night out?
- Who is most likely to be the first to sign up for karaoke?
- Who is most likely to cancel on plans last minute?
- Who is most likely to get drunk first on a night out?
- Most likely to ask for advice but never take it?
“Most Likely To” Questions For Couples
- Who’s most likely to steal clothes from their partner’s closet when they haven’t done laundry?
- Who’s most likely to fall asleep during a movie date?
- Who’s most likely to steal all the blankets?
- Who’s most likely to apologize first?
- Who’s most likely to create a romantic playlist?
- Who’s most likely to cancel plans?
- Who is most likely to get lost while using GPS?
- Who is most likely to get baby fever?
- Who is most likely to not give in during an argument even when they’re wrong?
- Who is most likely to give the silent treatment after an argument?
Sci-Fi “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who is most likely to accidentally find a portal to another dimension?
- Who’s most likely to get abducted by aliens and become their leader?
- Who’s most likely to catch feelings for a robot?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Weddings
- Who is most likely to object at a wedding?
- Who’s most likely to have the best speech at a wedding?
- Who’s most likely to lose the rings at a wedding?
Most Likely To Questions About Being Late
- Who is most likely to be late for brunch because they stopped to pet a dog?
- Who’s most likely to be late for their own wedding?
- Who’s most likely to be late for a date?
- Who is most likely to be late for their own birthday party?
- Who is most likely to text “On my way!” when they’re still getting ready?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Dating
- Who’s most likely to ghost after a first date?
- Who’s most likely to pick the most fun date ideas?
- Who is most likely to cancel on date night?
- Who’s most likely to go on multiple dates in one day?
- Who’s most likely to date more than one person at a time?
Social Media “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who’s most likely to regularly check an ex’s Instagram?
- Who’s most likely to accidentally like a post from way too long ago?
- Who’s most likely to DM their friend’s ex?
- Who is most likely to get blocked by a celebrity on social media?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Fame
- Who’s most likely to date a famous person?
- Who’s most likely to be famous?
- Who is most likely to be mistaken for a celebrity?
- Who is most likely to be written about in future history books?
- Who is most likely to write a memoir?
- Who is most likely to become a shark on Shark Tank?
- Who is most likely to win a Grammy?
- Who is most likely to break a world record?
- Who is most likely to become a stand-up comedian?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Food
- Who’s most likely to burn their mouth repeatedly instead of waiting for their food to cool?
- Who’s most likely to eat food after the 5-second rule is up?
- Who’s most likely to ignore their allergies and eat it anyway?
- Who’s most likely to put ketchup on caviar?
- Who’s most likely to accidentally give their family food poisoning at Thanksgiving?
- Who’s most likely to send their food back at a restaurant?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Animals
- Who’s most likely to cry during animal adoption commercials?
- Who’s most likely to get a pet that looks like themselves?
- Who’s most likely to adopt a goldfish and forget about it four minutes later?
- Who’s most likely to befriend all the little woodland creatures with a song?
- Who’s most likely to think they can talk to animals?
- Who’s most likely to think they actually conceived their fur baby?
- Who’s most likely to blame their gas on a pet?
- Who’s most likely to buy matching outfits with their dog?
- Who is most likely to let their dog lick their face for as long as they want?
- Who’s most likely to give their pets mouth kisses?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Being Forgetful
- Who’s most likely to forget their credit card at a bar?
- Who’s most likely to forget your birthday?
- Who’s most likely to forget an anniversary?
- Who is most likely to accidentally forget something important at home?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Phones
- Who’s most likely to completely misinterpret a text?
- Who’s most likely to be a lurker in the group chat?
- Who’s most likely to take a month to respond to a text?
- Who is most likely to drunk-text their ex?
Fashion “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who’s most likely to rock Crocs on a night out?
- Who’s most likely to wear mismatched socks?
- Who’s most likely to wear athleisure 24/7?
- Who’s most likely to be allergic to anything that’s not Lululemon?
- Who’s most likely to forgo undergarments?
- Who’s most likely to look like they have a personal stylist?
- Who’s most likely to coordinate their outfit with their SO?
- Who’s most likely to start the next fashion trend?
- Who’s most likely to hate on new trends the longest and then be all about it?
- Who’s most likely to own the most cowboy attire?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Driving
- Who’s most likely to hit a parked car?
- Who’s most likely to talk themselves out of a ticket?
- Who is most likely to get car sick?
- Who is most likely to have the worst sense of direction?
- Who is most likely to be the worst driver?
- Who is most likely to race a cop?
- Who is most likely to get road rage?
- Who is most likely to take up two spaces when they park?
- Who is most likely to have a fuzzy steering wheel cover?
- Who is most likely to blow their car speaker?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Love
- Who’s most likely to fall in love with a stranger?
- Who is most likely to go on a TV show to look for love?
- Who is most likely to say “I love you” first?
“Most Likely To” Questions For Adult Children
- Who’s most likely to sleep with their baby blanket?
- Who’s most likely to get offended when their mom takes down their macaroni art?
- Who’s most likely to never change their sheets?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Lying
- Who’s most likely to lie about what they did last night?
- Who’s most likely to lie to a cop?
- Who is most likely to lie on their resume?
- Who is most likely to call in sick at work to go to the beach?
- Who is most likely to lie to the waiter that it’s their birthday to get free cake?
- Who is most likely to lie to get out of a family holiday?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Water
- Who’s most likely to wear a life jacket in the bathtub “just in case”?
- Who’s most likely to get seasick on a pool noodle?
- Who’s most likely to have thought they were a mermaid after watching H2O: Just Add Water?
- Who’s most likely to be a certified scuba diver?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Accidents
- Who’s most likely to accidentally start a forest fire?
- Who is most likely to accidentally become a millionaire?
- Who is most likely to accidentally start a fire in the house?
- Who is most likely to accidentally call their boss “Mom”?
- Who is most likely to accidentally poison someone with terrible cooking?
- Who is most likely to accidentally leave their mic on during a Zoom meeting?
- Who is most likely to accidentally send a flirty text to their mom?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Gifts
- Who’s most likely to gift a knock-off and play it like it’s the real deal?
- Who’s most likely to pretend not to notice cash in a birthday card as they read it?
- Who’s most likely to buy gifts at the last minute?
- Who’s most likely to re-gift a present?
- Who’s most likely to have the most over-the-top gift-opening reactions?
- Who’s most likely to be the most awkward gift-opener?
- Who’s most likely to ruin a surprise gift?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Money
- Who’s most likely to become a millionaire?
- Who is most likely to splurge on expensive items?
- Who’s most likely to mooch for cash for a powdered donut?
- Who’s most likely to spend their life savings on literal rocks?
- Who’s most likely to lose big in Vegas?
- Who’s most likely to win big in Vegas?
- Who’s most likely to find random cash in odd places?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Being Gullible
- Who’s most likely to accidentally join a cult?
- Who’s most likely to join an MLM?
- Who’s most likely to get into a stranger's van for “free puppies”?
- Who’s most likely to wire money on a random unsaved international call to “get their grandmother out of jail”?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Fame
- Who’s most likely to star in a reality show?
- Who’s most likely to go viral on TikTok?
- Who is most likely to become an internet meme?
- Who is most likely to rank on the New York Times bestsellers list?
- Who is most likely to become president?
- Who is most likely to become a social media influencer?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Secrets
- Who is most likely to actually be a spy?
- Who is most likely to be a secret doomsdayer?
- Who is most likely to be a lowkey conspiracy theorist?
Lifestyle “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who’s most likely to put the toilet paper on the wrong way?
- Who’s most likely to cook dinner?
- Who’s most likely to leave the door open when they’re using the bathroom?
- Who is most likely to buy more underwear instead of doing laundry?
- Who's the most likely to have read the most books?
- Who is most likely to go off the grid?
- Who is most likely to research their ancestry?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Travel
- Who is most likely to miss their flight because they packed at the last minute?
- Who is most likely to have visited the most countries?
- Who is most likely to move to a foreign country?
- Who is most likely to hike the Appalachian Trail?
- Who’s most likely to complain the most on a road trip?
- Who’s most likely to be the biggest passenger princess?
- Who’s most likely to drive across the whole country because they’re scared of flying?
- Who’s most likely to see a colonial woman on the wing of the plane Bridesmaids-style?
Spontaneous “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who is most likely to get a random tattoo on a night out?
- Who is most likely to have a new hairstyle the next time you see them?
- Who is most likely to get a matching tattoo they’ll later regret?
- Who’s most likely to buy a plane ticket for the next morning?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Crime
- Who is most likely to start a heist?
- Who is most likely to commit a crime?
- Most likely to end up in jail?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Work
- Who is most likely to “Reply All” to a company-wide email?
- Who is most likely to bring their dog into the office?
- Most likely to get a promotion?
- Most likely to dress inappropriately in the office?
- Most likely to achieve their dream career?
- Who’s most likely to plan an office pizza party?
- Who's the most likely to have worked the most jobs before?
- Most likely to have tech issues on Teams?
- Most likely to embarrass themselves in front of their boss?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Being A Nuisance
- Who’s most likely to say they’re not hungry and then ask for a bite of your food?
- Who is most likely to laugh in a serious situation?
- Who’s most likely to give the wrong directions on purpose?
- Who is most likely to keep an item they “borrowed”?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Homes
- Who is most likely to injure themselves while doing chores in their apartment?
- Who is most likely to renovate their entire house?
- Who is most likely to DIY something instead of buying it?
- Who is most likely to have a signature Bath & Body Works candle for every surface in their house?
“Most Likely To” Questions About Beauty
- Who is most likely to spend hours getting ready to go out?
- Who is most likely to experiment with bold makeup looks?
- Who is most likely to have a skin care routine with multiple steps?
- Who is most likely to own the largest collection of lipsticks?
- Who is most likely to know the weirdest beauty hack?
- Who is most likely to wear no makeup?
- Who is most likely to dye their hair blue?
- Who is most likely to paint their nails neon green?
- Who is most likely to cut their own hair?
- Who is most likely to get bangs after a breakup?
Embarrassing “Most Likely To” Questions
- Who is most likely to trip up the stairs?
- Who is most likely to accidentally send a text to the wrong person?
- Who is most likely to forget someone's name immediately after meeting them?
- Who is most likely to laugh at their own joke?
- Who is most likely to snort when they laugh?
- Who is most likely to have a wardrobe malfunction in public?
- Who is most likely to accidentally spill a drink on themselves at a formal event?
- Who is most likely to have their phone ring loudly during a wedding ceremony?
- Who is most likely to unintentionally wear socks that don’t match?
- Who is most likely to get caught eating their roommate’s food?
This article was originally published on