Your Daily Pull

Your Tarot Reading For Monday, March 3

Feeling anxious? Don’t sweat it.

by Carolyn Steber
Your tarot card for Monday, March 3, 2025 is The Moon.
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Your tarot card for today is The Moon. This member of the major arcana is associated with all things mysterious, including dreams, intuition, and your subconscious. Its message? Not everything is as it seems.

The Moon tends to pop up in a tarot reading when you’re feeling fuzzy-headed or when you need to get back in touch with yourself after a period of feeling lost, confused, or anxious. Since this glowing celestial body lights up the night sky, The Moon is a reminder to shine a light — aka your attention — on whatever has you feeling disoriented or stressed.

Instead of sweeping your worries under the rug... again... take some time to analyze what’s going on. Make a cup of tea, grab your journal, and see what your scribbling surfaces. You may want to put your phone on DND for a few hours so that no one can distract you.

If you’re trying to make a big decision or suss out a problem, this card suggests you have too many outside voices clouding your judgment. (See: the two barking dogs.) While it never hurts to ask for advice, you ultimately have to silence the noise and refocus on what you truly want and need. The Moon suggests there’s a path stretched out before you or an answer to your questions. To see it, try tapping into your intuition or your gut feelings.

If journaling doesn’t feel natural to you, think back on your recent dreams. Try to remember the themes and imagery and see if it helps you see life more clearly. Your nighttime visions can reveal hidden anxieties that you might be pushing down during the day.

For others, The Moon suggests your head will be far too cloudy to think clearly today, and that’s OK. If you can wait until tomorrow to make big decisions, do that. Take the day to tap into how you feel, then sleep on it. You’ll likely wake up tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes.

For more, check out your horoscope.