Your Daily Pull
Your Tarot Reading For Monday, March 24
Tap back into your childhood.

Today’s tarot card is the Six of Cups. It represents nostalgia, memories, and sentimentality, and can also hint at a message from your inner child.
Since it’s popping up for your Monday reading, it could be connected to something you did over the weekend. Did you rediscover an old interest, maybe something you used to love as a kid? Hobbies are a hot topic on social media right now, so maybe you were inspired to dive back in.
If you cracked open a puzzle, played an old game, or rode your bike in the sun, the Six of Cups could be encouraging you to stick with it. It’s so easy, after all, to get stuck in the boring, everyday rut of adulthood where you get up, go to work, go to bed, and that’s it. Seriously! What a snoozefest.
The appearance of this card reminds you to tap back into that carefree, fun-loving part of yourself — the one that’s down to have a good time, even if it isn’t productive. Not only is it relaxing to have hobbies, but it also helps you get back in touch with your true self.
There might even be a little lesson tucked away in it all, such as “remember to have fun” or “embrace the cringe.” Whimsy is back in a big way, so lean into it and do what makes you happy.
Since this card comes steeped in nostalgia, it’s possible you’ll feel compelled to reach out to an old friend today, particularly someone you lost touch with. If a specific person immediately came to mind, be the one who extends the olive branch. It could be nice to catch up, swap stories, and maybe even rekindle that friendship.
Another option is to text a sibling, family member, or childhood friend for a quick chat. What’s nice about these people is they’ve known you through all your various stages. It could be comforting to reminisce today, especially if you’re feeling homesick, sentimental, or in need of advice from someone who truly gets it.
If you’ve been stressed, the Six of Cups could also be your sign to regress — if only for a few hours. Put on your favorite movie from childhood, grab a nostalgic snack, and forget all your cares. Don’t watch a hard-hitting drama. Don’t answer any emails. Don’t make a healthy three-course meal.
Instead, eat ice cream for dinner, fall asleep on the couch, and let the TV stay on all night. It could be just what you need to relax and reset.
For more, check out your horoscope.