November’s Mercury Retrograde Will Cause Drama For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Slowing down is easier said than done.

As if the holidays weren’t hectic enough, some added cosmic mayhem on the horizon this year will overlap with the seasonal madness and add to the chaotic energy. The next Mercury retrograde period begins on Nov. 25 — just a few days before Thanksgiving — and will throw a few wrenches in communication, travel plans, and more. While it is the last time this planet will backspin this year, it could make for a dramatic few weeks, especially if you’re one of the zodiac signs November’s Mercury retrograde will affect most.
The upcoming Mercury retrograde is taking place entirely in the realm of mutable fire sign Sagittarius — a spontaneous and free-spirited sign all about chasing new experiences, seeking new perspectives, and adopting big-picture ideas. With Mercury retrograding here, you might find it difficult to move forward on your higher-minded goals due to mix-ups, slowdowns, or simply a lack of mental momentum. If you’re doing any Thanksgiving traveling or planning trips for later in the season, you’ll want to triple-check your itineraries and leave wiggle room for delays, as Mercury retrograde is especially likely to interfere with transportation and timing while it’s in this worldly and wanderlusty sign.
On the bright side, this upcoming backspin is the last Mercury retrograde of the year, and it’s also the shortest, as it wraps up on Dec. 15. So even if its effects are headache-inducing, you know there’s an end in sight. Do your best to take things slowly during these few weeks of Mercurial moonwalking.
Everyone will feel Mercury retrograde’s influence, but for a few of the mutable zodiac signs, its effects will be intense. If that’s you, buckle up, and don’t forget to take some Mercury retrograde precautions.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Mercury will be retrograding through your relationship zone, Gemini, so get ready to revisit some conversations you thought you’d left in the past. During this backspin, you may find buried resentments, commitment issues, or even ex-lovers could come up to the surface again, requiring you to look at things from a new perspective and figure out how to resolve matters for good. It could be difficult to express yourself in one-on-one partnerships, as misunderstandings are more likely now, too. You’re one of the chattiest signs of the zodiac, but you’ll want to be choosy with your words now — and give your partners some grace if something they say to you comes out wrong.
Beware of drama around Dec. 4, as Mercury retrograde will be locked in a face-off with expansive Jupiter in your sign, which could cause any retrograde-related issues to get exaggerated or trigger an excessive response to something that shouldn’t be a big deal.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Mercury is moonwalking through your sign for the whole retrograde, so naturally, you’ll feel the impact more than others. You’re usually a fireball of confidence, but having this backspin in your sign could make it temporarily challenging to figure out your current place in the world. You might feel like there’s a disconnect between how people see you and how you see yourself or have difficulty showing up for others authentically. Fortunately, this self-reflective period can help you check in with yourself and figure out how to feel more comfortable in your skin.
Relationship drama or miscommunications with a lover could bubble up around Dec. 4, but a bright spot in this retrograde journey comes the following day when Mercury joins the sun for a clarifying cazimi. Trust your instincts now and lean into your natural sense of optimism.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Mercury rules logistics and communication, so it can be a doozy for job-related matters. And this time around, it happens to be hitting your career sector, so that’s where you’re likely to feel its effects most powerfully. You may find that your work projects or other professional endeavors hit some roadblocks or delays during these weeks — especially around Dec. 6, when Mercury squares off with restrictive planet Saturn in your sign. That’s why you should avoid starting anything new or signing any major contracts. Right now, it’s best to review where you’re at or pick back up on an older unfinished project rather than starting on the next big thing.
If you’re looking for a new gig or considering making a career change, you may have more mental energy and clearer connections with others once the retrograde ends. However, you can use this backward-focused energy to circle back on old opportunities that may deserve a second look.