These 3 Signs Can Chill During November’s Mercury Retrograde
You deserve a break.

Every few months like clockwork, mental planet Mercury starts moving backward through the zodiac in a celestial dance known as Mercury retrograde. As the planet that rules logistics, timing, communication, and other necessary details of your day-to-day life, these backspins can be especially frustrating, as they tend to bring slow-downs and mix-ups in all the areas Mercury governs. The year’s final Mercury retrograde kicks off on Nov. 25, bringing nearly three weeks of its usual antics. But for the lucky zodiac signs least affected by November’s Mercury retrograde, it shouldn’t be too hard to manage.
From Nov. 25 to Dec. 15, Mercury will be retrograding through fiery Sagittarius, bringing the potential for confusion, scheduling mishaps, and miscommunications during the height of the holiday season. And while it may be more challenging to make and keep plans right now, retrogrades are not inherently bad. Having Mercury moonwalk through Sagittarius can be a good time to check in with your inner compass and ensure you’re being guided by a system of beliefs that still aligns with who you are today. It’s easy to act on autopilot, following philosophies that may have resonated with you in the past but don’t necessarily make sense anymore. But if your worldview has evolved, it might be time to start looking at life through a new perspective — and this backspin’s reflective energy can help you do exactly that.
While everyone will feel this transit’s effects in some way, each Mercury retrograde impacts some people more than others, depending on where it’s happening in their birth chart and what planets it’s activating. And this time around, the earth zodiac signs might find that it will be smooth sailing.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Are you protecting your energy the way you should be, Taurus? This Mercury retrograde probably won’t stir up anything too outwardly dramatic, but it is bringing some opportunities to reevaluate your personal boundaries and figure out where you may need to either loosen up or start running a tighter ship. Old instances of people crossing you could come back up in your consciousness now, forcing you to deal with the beneath-the-surface resentments they left in their wake. Focus on cleaning out your proverbial closet and lightening your spiritual load — and then use this time to decide who and what you’d like to allow to stick around in your energy field.
When it comes to number-crunching and finances, you may find that an unpaid debt from the past comes back around during this retrograde, making it a good time to take care of it once and for all. Alternatively, someone who owes you money might finally repay you, giving you an unexpected but relieving boon.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Mercury is your ruling planet, so as a Virgo, it’s hard not to notice the effects when it retrogrades. But thankfully, this time around, most of the Mercurial mix-ups will probably happen behind closed doors. The retrograde will take place in your homey and domestic fourth house, so expect to feel especially nostalgic and wistful over the past, perhaps even by rediscovering some long-lost music or movies from your childhood. If there are unresolved issues with family members or loved ones you haven’t spoken to in a long time, now is a great time to extend an olive branch and reach out.
While most of this retrograde should be relatively low-key, remember that during the first week of December, Mercury could potentially activate some drama at work or in your relationships. Do your best to stay chill and be thorough as you communicate with others and focus on your tasks.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Mercury retrograde can be super disruptive to people’s day-to-day flow, but this time, expect its effects to be much more subtle. That’s because it’s backspinning in your sleepy and restorative twelfth house, so most of its work will be taking place in your subconscious mind and working itself out in less tangible ways. It’s a good time to tap into your intuition to make sense of things rather than relying on pure logic. For example, try to remember your dreams or pay closer attention to the seemingly random thoughts that pop into your head, as these visions could hold a key that your conscious mind isn’t fully aware you have.
You might also have a heavy case of brain fog during this transit, so be patient with yourself if you’re struggling to focus and try to prioritize getting plenty of rest to recharge those mental batteries.