
These 3 Zodiac Signs Should Brace For Impact During Mercury Retrograde

A run-in with an ex might be coming.

by Nina Kahn
Zodiac signs most affected by Mercury retrograde 2024.
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From late-night Aug. 4 up through Aug. 28, communication planet Mercury will be backspinning, causing all sorts of logistical mishaps and misunderstandings as it retraces its recent steps through the zodiac. This Mercury retrograde starts in detail-oriented Virgo, but it’ll dip back into dramatic Leo partway through its backward journey, which means it’ll be activating multiple areas of everyone’s birth chart. Because of this, you’re even more likely to feel its effects at one point or another — but for the zodiac signs most affected by Mercury retrograde this month, it’ll probably feel intense the whole way through.

Mercury will make important connections during its retrograde that’ll shake things up for all zodiac members. On Aug. 7, Mercury crosses paths with love planet Venus in Virgo, making a run-in with an ex likely or prompting some romantic thoughts about your past. Things get especially intense after Mercury re-enters Leo, as there will be a Mercury cazimi on Aug. 18 — which is when this fleet-footed planet links up with the sun. The following day, these two celestial bodies will find themselves locked in a frustrating T-square with the full moon in Aquarius and unpredictable planet Uranus, sprinkling a bit of emotional chaos over the few days surrounding this lunation. Take things slowly, as it’ll be easier to dodge any cosmic curveballs when you’re being cautious.

With such intense planetary aspects littered throughout Mercury’s reverse motion this month, this is undoubtedly becoming a rocky retrograde. A few zodiac signs are going to feel its effects even more powerfully though, so read on to find out if you should take some extra Mercury retrograde precautions over the coming weeks.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

As a Gemini, Mercury is your cosmic ruler, so it’s only natural that you’ll feel the effects of its backspins more viscerally than other signs. But this time around, it’ll be especially notable. This retrograde kicks off in your highly sensitive fourth house, which rules over your private life, familial issues, and childhood memories. Up through the middle of the month, the retrograde could trudge up some old family drama or bring up feelings from your past. Try to channel this energy into resolving whatever comes up.

On Aug. 14, Mercury shifts into your communication sector, where it could really stir the pot when it comes to texting, work emails, or frustrating misunderstandings in casual conversations. Take extra care to dot your I’s and cross your T’s over these few weeks. On Aug. 24, during the final days of the retrograde, your Mercury will harmonize with the high-octane planet Mars in your sign, making it a good time to act on an old idea or take initiative by reaching out to someone you’ve lost touch with.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

This retrograde is kicking off during your birthday season, so if you have any celebrations planned in August, you’ll want to make sure everyone’s clear on the details and leave some wiggle room with timing. But by Aug. 14, Mercury will be backspinning into your sign, meaning you’ll feel it even more. Now’s a time to review whatever you’re currently building toward and ensure your goals reflect what’s in your heart.

An important moment of the retrograde hits on Aug. 18, which is when the sun meets with Mercury to form what’s called a Mercury cazimi. This point in the backspin can bring some clarity around whatever themes have been coming up for you thus far, as well as some mental breakthroughs. The following day, the full moon in your relationship sector will activate Mercury as well, propelling beneath-the-surface issues up to the surface in an unexpected way. Prepare to deal with some things you may not have planned and use this as an opportunity to tie up loose ends once and for all.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Mercury is your ruling planet as a Virgo, so whenever it retrogrades, you tend to feel the shift in energy more than some signs do. But this backspin will be even more notable, as Mercury is in your sign as it stations retrograde, and it’ll be there through Aug. 14. This retrograde also spans through the first week of your birthday season, so prepare to double-check the details of your plans and think twice about what you say up through the end of the month.

One of the most meaningful moments of the retrograde is when Mercury makes a conjunction with love planet Venus in your sign on Aug. 7, giving you a chance to take a deeper look at your values. This alignment is potentially bringing an opportunity to rekindle a relationship from the past, too, so it’s a good time to reach out to an ex who you haven’t talked to in a while or extend an olive branch to someone who you’d like to reconnect with.