Here’s Your Horoscope For May 2021
The stars suggest that things are about to get better.

We are constantly fascinated by what astrology says about our lives, whether it’s which zodiac signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. In this May 2021 monthly horoscope, Astrologer Six, creator of BlackWomenCry, shares the astrological events happening this month that will affect every zodiac sign.
The stars suggest that things are about to get better. All the planets are moving direct, allowing for us to move freely without hesitation. May kicks off with the planet Pluto retrograde in the sign Capricorn, encouraging some existential thought and major reflections. Pluto symbolizes destruction, rebirth, and transformation. With Pluto being retrograde now through October 6, we’ll be practicing introspection, as well as looking back at our personal and communal growth.
The new moon in Taurus on May 11 will help us better understand our personal growth, highlighting what has been gained and lost. The sun and moon in Taurus will trine Pluto in Capricorn. When two planets make a trine to each other, they’re making a harmonious alignment and their energies are easily working together. This trine will help in the recognition and understanding of self and values that characterize our identity. Because Taurus is ruled by the benefic planet Venus, many rewards and reasons to treat ourselves will emerge post-new moon.
On May 21, the sun will enter the social and inquizitive sign Gemini, joining Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and Mercury, the planet of communication and Gemini’s ruler. Conversation, flirting, and connectivity will flow with ease during this time. Try not to get overwhelmed by all the moving parts, seeing that Gemini is a sign that tends to find itself in multiple different circles.
During the full moon in Sagittarius on May 26, be mindful of what you say to others, as this lunation could inspire us to run our mouth and ignite brash expressions. Emotionally, we may feel like we know it all and can handle more than we can, but we should avoid taking on more than what we can actually chew. Honor your feelings and halt the desire to act on solely emotion. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, in emotional Pisces during the time of the full moon, we may find ourselves juggling multiple tasks, people, and opportunities. Be careful to not overextend yourself or commit to more than you’re realistically able to handle.
Happy birthday, Gemini!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
Lead with an open and compassionate heart, Aries. Your ability to slow down and empathize with those closest to you will fuel your motivation. Approach family members with patience, as you may experience mild upsets and points of conflict throughout the month. The new moon will help you better identify with your values — and it can frustrate you if those around you aren’t willing to accept your truth. Try to recognize the balance between being strong in your values and having an open mind. Caring for others means knowing when to sacrifice and compromise.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Your attention needs to be on yourself during this month, Taurus. Direct your energy toward tending to your body and enjoying little luxuries. Bath bombs, body butters, and candles are simple ways to pay tribute to your body and lift your spirit. The more difficult parts of May will surface within your career. You’ll find yourself having to deal with quite a few heavy issues as it pertains to your own personal development and your relationships with others. Try not to worry though, as you’ll notice your efforts paying off toward the end of the month. The self-care you prioritize throughout the month will help you attract powerful people who can help you accomplish your goals.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Are there issues you’re pushing to the back of your mind? It’s time to bring them to the surface. More specifically, love is on your mind, so take time this month to deepen your understanding of what it means. During the new moon, you’ll find that new insights will come to you with ease. Don’t run from the realities of love, even if you find it difficult to admit to certain flaws and downfalls. Try to refrain from having a one-track mind, as it can hinder you from getting to the core of your issues. Opening your mind to abstract thoughts can help you to better understand yourself and others. Step outside your comfort zone, Gemini.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Lacking motivation? This month will change that. Your drive is about to turn into full gear, so avoid burnout by making sure that you’re eating and staying hydrated, Cancer. The more you prioritize yourself, the easier it’ll be to maintain your motivation. Take time to spend time with those closest to you. You might not be able to tell them everything you’re going through and that’s alright. Your inner circle may not be able to understand every single detail of your life and they don’t need to — all they need to do is show support.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
All eyes are on your future, Leo. The new moon will activate the energy needed to manifest the future you desire. Become clear on your career goals, which means imagining the lifestyle you wish to live. Are you happy living a cozy and comfortable life or are you looking for something more bold and adventurous? There’s no wrong answer. Ultimately, it’s your life and all that matters is that you’re happy with it. Keep your spirits high and walk through May with a sense of pride. You’re capable of manifesting the future you desire, so be sure to allow room for compromise. Practicing patience won’t hurt either.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The month of May is looking good for you, Virgo. There are plenty of reasons to feel motivated and many of them root from self. The stars are turning their attention toward your reputation. Take the beginning of the month to learn and take notes — reviewing old information can also be uniquely helpful to you. You’re no stranger to how facts and situations can change, so don’t hesitate to update what you think you know. The new moon will help to illuminate your knowledge and provide you with further direction. Don’t hold on too tightly to the past. Forward thinking is your best friend.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Approach the month of May with an open mind and clear intentions, Libra. Heavier aspects of your life may overwhelm you, but try to allot time each week for creativity and innovation — even if it seems difficult or uninteresting. Through perseverance, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of your hard work. The full moon will encourage you to speak your truth. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your opinions or your thoughts. However, a blunt approach likely won’t work in your favor. Keeping a calm mind and a leveled temper will pay off.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The month of May is putting emphasis on your love life, Scorpio. Take the beginning of the month with ease. Beautifying yourself and tending to your needs will only attract potential partners toward you. If you’re already in a relationship, your partner will appreciate the love that you show yourself. Expect romantic surprises and adventures during the new moon. While this month doesn’t require you to force anything, it may prove beneficial to keep quiet. You don’t need to tell everyone what’s going on with your love life.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Are you paying attention to your well-being, Sag? This month is challenging you to tune into your routine and lifestyle. You may be fixed in your ways and if it’s working for you, that’s fine. But ignoring symptoms of a larger problem won’t make it disappear. If something feels off, get it checked out! The full moon will help you acknowledge truths about yourself and your body. Approach your health and overall well-being with the intention to care for yourself as opposed to looking for what’s “wrong.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
A portal of creativity is opening for you, Cap. Are you going to enter through it? May is a month that’s encouraging your creativity. While you’re capable of handling numerous burdens and you may feel bogged down by responsibility, swimming with anchors will only exhaust you. Making time and space to have fun and enjoy yourself will only energize you. The full moon will help provide insight on truths that lay dormant in your subconscious. Try not to push aside any lessons or realizations that come to you during the end of the month. In fact, acknowledging them will only help propel you forward.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Growth and maturity is blossoming alongside the spring flowers, Aquarius. Your ability to compose yourself is apparent. The past few years have been met with many challenges and yet you still continue to rise. Regardless of your current circumstances, allow yourself time to celebrate your achievements and accomplishments. The new moon is turning attention to your family and home. May is a wonderful time to treat your relatives and to adorn your home. Begin your planning during the new moon and then again on May 14 when Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, enters Pisces. Start investing in valuables that speak to your soul. Be careful not to overspend though!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
May will come as a reminder for you to speak your mind, Pisces. You’re no stranger to holding your tongue. During the new moon, you will feel called to speak from your heart. Try not to overthink your words and trust that you have a natural charm in the way that you express yourself. Come May 14, you’ll be able to better recognize your wisdom when Jupiter enters Pisces. Take time to appreciate what you contribute to interactions. Your growth is worth being proud of.
This article was originally published on