May’s Full Flower Moon Is Bringing Major Changes For All Zodiac Signs
Another supermoon and the first eclipse of the year is on its way.

If April showers bring May flowers, then the May 2021 full moon (also known fittingly as this year’s Flower Moon) is sure to inspire all sorts of blossoming changes in our lives. Rising on the morning of May 26, this lunation is both a supermoon and the first eclipse of the year — meaning it has the power to affect major turning points, revelations, and shifts in our paths. The chaotic eclipse energy is buzzing with unpredictability, so you’ll want to get in the know about exactly how the May 2021 full moon eclipse will affect your zodiac sign.
This lunar eclipse takes place in the fiery and free-spirited zodiac sign of Sagittarius, which sparks our desire for adventure, travel, and spiritual expansion. It asks us to step back and assess our lives from a wider angle instead of getting so lost in the details that we lose sight of the big picture. Eclipses can be turbulent astrological periods, throwing sudden twists and turns into our lives — so having a broader perspective can help us integrate whatever the universe sends our way. Thankfully, as the mutable fire sign of the bunch, Sagittarius’ energy will encourage an optimistic approach and help us to embrace this fresh sense of direction.
This supermoon is also forming a tough T-square aspect with expansive planet Jupiter, which gives us a “go big or go home” attitude and makes us want to push the limits. However, given the unsteadiness brought on by the eclipse cycle, we’re better off leaning toward moderation instead of excess — no matter how tempted we are to go over the top with our emotions, decisions, or reactions to things.
Here’s how the May 2021 full supermoon will affect you, based on your zodiac sign, so you know what to expect when the year’s first eclipse finally hits.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Look out for sudden endings or revelations when it comes to anything related to a higher-minded journey, Aries — whether that’s related to school, travel, or even a spiritual quest. You may find yourself connecting with a new mentor or perhaps breaking away from a field of interest you thought you wanted to pursue. The changes may feel destabilizing, but trust that you know what’s best for you.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
As an earth sign, you’re naturally focused on tangible matters, Taurus — but this eclipse is asking you to pay equally close attention to your energetic belongings. Are there promises you’ve made but haven’t kept, or debts you’ve been putting off paying? These imbalances within our relationship may be invisible, but they’re still as heavy as steel, so free yourself of the burden.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Partnerships in your life are changing right now, Gemini, so be ready show up authentically and have some open-minded conversations with the people close to you. Relationships often require us to step outside of our comfort zones, even if we feel like staying in one place — so be willing to go with the flow and challenge yourself in order to maintain your closest connections.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You’ve been in a spiritual haze lately, Cancer, putting more focus on your subconscious fantasies than your daily tasks. But this eclipse is shaking up your productivity levels and restructuring your priority list, so be ready to get real with your responsibilities. Taking care of yourself means striking a balance between your dreams and your reality, so save some time and energy for both.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This eclipse is hitting the most romantic sector of your chart, Leo, so don’t be surprised if a hot date suddenly pops up on your radar or if you hit a turning point within a steamy fling. A friend could turn into a lover now, or a lover could turn into a partner — but either way, the influx of exciting energy in your love life will leave you flooded with inspiration that’ll shine through into other areas of your life, too.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Your home life is calling for your attention now, Virgo, so it’ll be important to take a step back from work so you can address these private matters with your full attention. Whether it’s roommate drama, a change in your living situation, or a family feud, these close-to-home issues could make you feel unsteady and emotional. Be gentle with yourself and trust what’s in your heart.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The fiery and outgoing energy of this full moon is inspiring you to connect with friends, family, and colleagues now, Libra — but all this socializing isn’t without some unexpected eclipse drama. Be cautious of taking gossip to an extreme or overbooking yourself with social plans, as tensions will be high and tempers will be hot for everyone, so things schedules and conversations might not flow as easily as usual.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Step away from the whirlpool of emotions happening in your heart, Scorpio, and distract yourself with the comforts of measurable money matters during this eclipse. It’s likely to bring some sudden changes within your financial life — you might get a raise, run into an unforeseen expense, or decide to drop a side gig so you can have some extra free time. However it manifests, use these changes to your advantage. There’s a silver lining to every cloud.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Happy full moon in your sign, Sag! With this year’s eclipses taking place on your relationship axis, this is a time to deeply examine your desires without any attachment. Relationship dynamics are changing, but you’re changing, too — so be willing to look clearly at your own reflection while also understanding that what you see is destined to transform into something new over time.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
This full moon is a spiritual one for you, Capricorn. And despite the reputation that eclipses hold for bringing chaos and change, this lunation is likely to hit you in a more subtle and quiet way, so you’ll have to pay attention in order to align with its vibrations. Your subconscious desires are shifting, so get in touch with your mystical side — it’s a great time for a witchy new moon ritual or crystal meditation session.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Look out for drama among your social squad now, Aquarius, because this feisty eclipse is hitting the friendship sector of your chart and stirring the gossip pot. Sudden changes in the group dynamic could shake up the status quo within your crew, but don’t get sucked into the game. It’s up to you to rise above the squabbles and try to see the big picture so you can help restore some harmony and diffuse the drama.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Things are shaking up and breaking up in your career right now, Pisces, so bring your A-game and be ready to roll with the changes. Whether it’s a job change, some sudden news at work, or some unexpected but welcome recognition for all of your professional efforts, there are big things happening. Stand tall and be confident in your talents and skills — this eclipse is aligning you with a new and better path.