For anyone who is into astrology, all of the monthly lunar events, like new moons and full moons, tend to feel like mini holidays thanks to the unique energy they bring.
The next one to look forward to is a new moon happening on March 10 at 5 a.m. ET, which comes only a few hours after daylight savings time begins. Add in the fact that this new moon is in Pisces, and you can expect extra powerful vibes coming along with it.
According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, the new moon always represents a potent time for beginnings, self-reflection, and the setting of intentions. “It’s a period when the moon, symbolically seen as a slate wiped clean, encourages us to initiate new chapters in our lives,” he tells Bustle.
Each new moon is also associated with the zodiac sign it appears in, which adds more unique insights and opportunities to grow spiritually and emotionally.
“Pisces, known for its deep sensitivity, intuition, and connection to the spiritual realm, invites us to dive into our inner worlds,” says Wang. It’s a good time to get dreamy, introspective, creative, and compassionate.
Keep reading below to see how the new moon in Pisces will affect your zodiac sign, as well as how to harness the extra special energy.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
The new moon on March 10 will urge you to slow down, Aries, especially if the past few months have felt extra busy or chaotic.
This is a good moment to turn inward and connect with your spiritual side in particular, says Wang. He recommends letting your intuition lead your actions, rather than your typical impulsive energy.
While it might feel weird at first to try to enjoy a moment of stillness this Sunday, give it a try. Grab a snack, sit down, and relax for a few minutes. Put your phone away and meditate to take it to the next level.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
For Taurus, this new moon will highlight the importance of community and friendship, so consider scheduling a meet-up with friends — yes, even though it’s a Sunday.
If you typically spend the day bed rotting, this lunar energy will encourage you to be more social, and it could be as easy as texting a friend to ask if they’d like to go to brunch.
According to Wang, this new moon is also an ideal time to envision your hopes and dreams for the future, and how your network of pals might be able to help support or elevate those visions.
To get there, focus on maintaining current friendships, building new ones, and setting boundaries with the people who drain you.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Gemini, this new moon will shine light on your career and public image. To lean into it, “reflect on your professional path and how you can infuse more of your authentic self into your work,” says Wang.
As an air sign, you tend to be outgoing and fun, so this could be your time to shine and show more playfulness in everything you do.
The creative Pisces energy could also inspire you to embrace your artistic side.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
With this new moon, Cancers will find themselves shifting to a mindset of expansion and exploration — and it’ll feel long overdue.
It’s been a hot minute since you stepped outside your well-worn path, so use this lunation as an excuse to do something exciting.
Book a trip, sign up for a class, talk to new people, or do something outside your comfort zone.
“Whether it’s through physical travel, academics, or spiritual discovery, open your heart to new wisdom and perspectives,” says Wang.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
March 10 will feel very transformative for you, Leo.
“The Pisces new moon asks you to release what you’ve outgrown, making way for a deeper connection with yourself and others,” says Wang. “It’s a period of emotional rebirth.”
To take full advantage of this particular lunar phase, you can look for ways to give yourself a clean slate and a fresh start.
Promise you’ll let go of failing friendships or habits no longer working for you. Wang also suggests working on paying off debt so that you feel light as air.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This new moon will highlight the relationship sector of Virgo’s birth chart.
According to Wang, that means it will be the perfect time to foster deeper, more empathetic connections with your partner and close friends.
One thing you might want to work on? Unhealthy attachment styles. “It’s a time for mutual healing and understanding,” he says, so consider having important conversations about boundaries and respect.
While that’s easier said than done, it’s always a good start when you can see what you might need to release or change, to create space for something new.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This new moon brings attention to your health and daily routines, Libra.
While you likely started a bunch of new wellness habits at the start of the year, this will be a good moment to check in and see if they’re still working for you.
“Seek balance in your physical wellness and consider how small, intuitive changes can bring harmony to your day-to-day life,” says Wang.
It’s tempting to follow all the cute routines you see on TikTok, but it’s also OK to create a few of your own, based on your needs.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Scorpios will feel a burst of joy and creativity in this new moon, so allow yourself to indulge in it by reconnecting with your inner child.
“It’s a time to reignite your passion and love for life,” says Wang, especially if you’ve been in a bit of a funk. With spring right around the corner and longer days ahead, you can officially come out of your cocoon and rejoin the world.
Wang recommends channeling your fellow water sign Pisces, who is always down to have fun, see friends, and do whatever makes them happy.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
According to Wang, the Pisces new moon will beckon Sagittarius to find sanctuary at home, wherever that may be. The feeling is about establishing emotional security and connecting deeply with your family or those you consider family, he says.
To do so, Wang suggests visiting your parents, having lunch with your favorite neighbor, or even connecting with a friend.
It could also be a good time to nest at home. As a fire sign always on the go, staying in and cozy for a change might feel nice.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Communication will come to the forefront for Capricorn, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself sending deep texts. “This new moon encourages heartfelt conversations and the expression of your innermost thoughts,” says Wang, and that could play out in a few ways.
Either you’ll connect with someone you rarely talk to, like your brother who never messages back, or you might start sharing dreams and big goals with friends.
While it might feel weird to open up at first, you’ll soon find yourself on a roll, and it’ll feel good to get it all out.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
“During this period, it’s crucial for Aquarius to lean into their intuition for financial decision-making,” says Wang. “The new moon’s influence invites a reevaluation of traditional fiscal strategies in favor of novel approaches, promising growth.”
Think about your cash flow and how this insight might apply. Maybe you’ll be inspired to learn a new skill, like investing, or you might realize you’ve been over-spending and need to cut back.
Even if you don’t have any money-related epiphanies or goals, you can still sit down and go over your finances so you know what’s what.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
This new moon is a powerful moment for you, Pisces, as it is in your sign. It’ll be a time of personal growth and renewal, says Wang, as well as the perfect moment to consider all the goals you’d like to chase in the months to come.
To make your goals feel more real, jot them all down in your notes app, or have a cute little moment and scribble them in a journal with your favorite pen.
As you envision the future, Wang suggests thinking about any emotional boundaries you may need to create, as a way to protect your peace from the people around you who drain your energy. It’s also a good time to let go of your people-pleasing habits, so you can be the best version of yourself.
Letao Wang, an astrologer, spiritual counselor