Here's Your Horoscope For March 2021
This month marks the start of the astrological new year.

We are constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which zodiac signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. In this March 2021 monthly horoscope, Astrologer Six, creator of BlackWomenCry, shares the astrological events happening this month that will affect every zodiac sign.
As the ice begins to melt and life reenters our slowly awakening Earth, we're required to be patient with ourselves and our surroundings. Change rarely comes without disruptions or difficulties, so be open to experiencing the occasional slip-up or dedicating extra time to ensure that projects are executed correctly.
The sun is currently in Pisces until March 20. Take the first half of the month as a time to meditate and reflect on the lessons learned from previous astrological seasons. Similar to the zodiac wheel, life is cyclical and we’re capable of utilizing the past to better understand how to navigate the future.
On March 4, Mars, the planet ruling drive and action, enters the sign Gemini, bringing with it more banter and witty expressions. Mars leaving the earth sign Taurus, which forced us to move slowly and practice patience, won’t be an inconsequential transit. While Taurus energy likes to stay in its lane and focus on what’s in front of it, Mars in Gemini encourages us to branch out, as well as understand perspectives and rationales that differ from our own. The new moon on March 13 will bring a sense of emotional renewal. Noteworthy dreams and remarkable ideas will surface during this time, so be sure to take notes and meditate over possible new ventures.
After going retrograde in February, Mercury, the planet ruling over communication and thinking, is direct within the sign Aquarius. Agile Mercury will remain in its post-shadow until March 13, meaning that it’s retracing its retrograde movements through the sign Aquarius until it returns to the point before going retrograde on Jan. 30. Take stock of the experiences had during Mercury retrograde periods. No matter how frustrating they can be, Mercury doesn’t have a vendetta against you. The post-shadow period is granting you time to recycle old material or ideas, along with making sure that you carefully improve on old projects.
On March 20, the sun enters feisty fire sign Aries, bringing with it more opportunities to take risks and put ourselves out there, which is key to starting the astrological new year off on the right foot.
Happy Birthday, Aries!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
Our subconscious mind is often in the driver’s seat of our lives, dictating our reactions to our daily experiences. March is capable of bringing up old ghosts, urging you to work through seemingly difficult and possibly painful memories. Patience with yourself is a necessity and can also prove to be your greatest strength. This month's new moon will bring forth new ideas, inspiring you to pursue creative endeavors and expand your mind. Understand that your past doesn’t always dictate your ability to thrive or prosper, but getting too preoccupied with what has been said and done could hinder your progress.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Consider taking space away from some of your friends. The people within your network may not have bad intentions, but it’s important that you recognize when endearing people are the ones leading you off a proverbial cliff. Don’t rush to make quick decisions, at least not until March 20 when Aries season starts. Take your time and be open to the possibility of expanding your social circle, especially during the new moon. Brand new faces will come with fun experiences and game-changing opportunities. An open mind and trust in your instincts will help you navigate this month.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Be still, Gemini, you’re in the process of cultivating the life you wish to live. Be sure that you’re not aimlessly going through experiences and people. Become clear on exactly what you want for the next five years. Be honest with where you currently are and realistic in your goal-setting. Grabbing scissors, cutting through magazines, and creating a vision board can help you develop your sense of style. Fashion and aesthetics have a way of influencing us — committing to developing yours during the new moon could be a fun way to treat yourself.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Your mind is brewing throughout the month of March, so feed it the necessary knowledge to fuel your creativity. You’re being pushed toward the opportunity to expand your learning and awareness. Crack open an interesting book, highlighting points and facts that pique your interest. Stimulating your thoughts may come as a challenge, especially when information can be difficult to process. However, the beginning of March doesn’t require that you speed through your days. It’s on March 20 when you’ll need to pick up the pace.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Transformation requires a willingness to push beyond blocks and boundaries, many of which in your case are self-imposed. This month allows you the opportunity to make the changes needed to reach new heights in your life. Decide for yourself if you will remain in your comfort zone or if you’re willing to expand your horizons by tapping into your community. Socializing and networking may not come easy, forcing you to get creative. Ask your friends for advice on how to branch out.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Life is always a bit more complex than we would like it to be. In an ideal world, there wouldn’t be any complications and joy would be easy to savor. That said, try not to drown in feelings of powerlessness or guilt. Though we’re sometimes victims in our relationships — platonic and romantic — recognize that you're a resilient individual who brings value to those closest to you. It may not be the right time to cut loose ends, so don’t worry about intentionally ending relationships quite yet. Let metaphorical branches fall where they land, and trust that loyalty will emerge from the debris.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
There’s much to gain from learning how to keep your head above water, even when you feel like giving up. Without a doubt, life can get tiring, exhausting, and downright debilitating. Keep your hopes high during this month, and try not to focus on what you cannot control. Putting your attention toward activities and ventures that’ll boost your mental health and well-being will benefit you far beyond the month of March. You might even find a romantic interest during the casual shuffle of your day-to-day life.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Let yourself feel good; that’s the whole point of this month’s new moon. Release the need to control the outcomes of your fun and let life take you for a ride. Sign up for a virtual meditation, or at least take part in activities that your body will positively respond to. Stretching, yoga, and performing arts can be a great way to channel your inner artist. Your mind and spirit will benefit when you let the dark clouds pass and let the sunshine in. Reap the benefits of your labor, and watch your personal wellness increase when you prioritize self-care.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The power of creating an environment that feels right for you is worth learning to weld, especially when March calls for us to engage in spring cleaning. Your physical space is often reflective of your mental space, so getting rid of clutter is a must. Invest in your home or apartment, even if it’s just one room. While you may not see the immediate benefits of beautifying your space, having faith in the process will reward you tenfold. Look through Pinterest to get inspiration; even the simple act of buying a plant can provide a much-needed burst of life.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You’re capable of making magic! Capricorns have the reputation for being stern and hardworking, which can make some people feel intimidated by your presence. Don’t let the insecurities of others get to you, especially when you consider that gossip is often a form of compliments in disguise. Keep your eyes on the prize, and maintain your confidence when you communicate your ideas and dreams to the world. Whatever you can imagine is capable of being achieved. Decide what it is you’re bringing life to, and manifest it during the new moon.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
After all the work that you’ve put into yourself and your values, it’s time to celebrate the fruits of your labor. The past two years have been filled with experiences that have made you question the person you’re becoming. These experiences may have been difficult and outright scary, but your ability to rise above them is worth celebrating. Even if you aren’t exactly where you want to be right now, relish in the fact that you’re where you need to be. Keep planting seeds for success, and you’ll have even more of a reason to celebrate the blooming flowers brought on by spring.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Enjoy having the sun within your sign until March 20, and let it be an excuse to be yourself — unapologetically. On March 16, you should find that it’s easier to communicate with others, especially if you’ve felt lost for words lately. You’re not usually one to blurt out what you're thinking, as taking your time to mow through your thoughts is your preferred method of communication. However, mid-March will be a time when your thoughts, ideas, and words reach a point of harmony, allowing you to present yourself to the world exactly how you wish to be perceived.