
March's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Will Be Dramatic For These 3 Zodiac Signs

Don’t be afraid of the truth.

by Nina Kahn
The zodiac signs most impacted by the March 14 full moon lunar eclipse
milorad kravic/E+/Getty Images

There’s a new eclipse cycle in town, and it kicked off with the lunar eclipse in Pisces back in September 2024. Now eclipse season is back, and it’s serving up a total lunar eclipse on March 14 — but this time, it’s in Pisces’ opposing sign of Virgo. Lunar eclipses are always powerful, as they’re believed to have the energy of multiple full moons charged up into one. Everyone will feel some of its cosmic rumblings, but the zodiac signs most affected by the March 14 full moon lunar eclipse should anticipate even more personal shake-ups.

It’s currently Pisces season, so the sun is traveling through this water sign’s sensitive seas, putting everyone in touch with their softer and dreamier sides. But this month’s full moon eclipse is rising directly across the sky in the earthy and organized sign of Virgo, meaning the luminaries will be lighting up both ends of this healing-oriented axis of the zodiac. This is the beginning of an eclipse journey that will continue over the next two years, so the tectonic plates that start shifting now will set up a new foundation in the parts of your birth chart ruled by these two mutable zodiac signs.

Virgo’s energetic influence is practical and logical — a far cry from the current Pisces season vibe, which is idealistic and driven by emotions. But this lunation teaches all zodiac signs to balance Virgo’s mundane with Pisces’ mystical. You need whimsy and fantasy just as much as realism and practicality, and this eclipse wants to ensure that you have room for both.

This may mean letting go of the Virgoan desire to control all of life’s little details and loosen up your grip on things beyond your control, leaving more room for serendipity. Alternately, this may mean reaching a crisis point in some area of your life that’s gotten messy, requiring you to start running a tighter ship and stepping up your game, Virgo-style.

The moon and sun will light up the Virgo-Pisces axis of the zodiac during this powerful total lunar eclipse, and people with major planetary placements in the mutable signs will feel it most — especially if you’re one of the following signs.

Gemini (May 20 - June 19)

It’s time to slow down and check in with your heart, Gemini — because if you don’t do it willingly, the universe will probably see to it anyway! The March 14 lunar eclipse is hitting your sensitive fourth house of personal foundations, family, and your past, sending you into a nostalgic journey down memory lane. You may have no choice but to start facing some emotional baggage from long ago and allowing yourself to accept what’s already in place. Sometimes things happen to people that aren’t fair or don’t make sense, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the impact these events might have on you. Start processing.

This lunation’s energy may also plant some seeds for a potential change of location in the next couple of years. Are shifts brewing in your professional life that could take you to a new city? Could issues in your living situation inspire a potential change of scenery soon? Now’s a time to explore.

Virgo (Aug. 22 - Sept. 21)

Welcome to a brand new chapter of your life, Virgo. The lunation rising on March 14 marks the very first eclipse in your sign since Sept. 1, 2016 — and it’s kicking off an evolutionary cycle that’ll transform you, your relationships, and your connection to the magic that’s all around you. You’ve been on a journey recently that involves tightening your relationships and setting stronger boundaries that honor your needs. But during this full moon eclipse, you may suddenly be bombarded with a desire for more freedom, or perhaps a frustrating sense of restriction from the people around you.

How can you release your need to micromanage your own life and image, allowing yourself to just be? Your true self needs space to grow, find its way, and align with a higher frequency. Don’t let your hang-ups or the those of others be what stands in your way.

Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 19)

The current eclipse cycle is kicking off a journey of spiritual transformation, and the total lunar eclipse on March 14 is teaching you a big lesson about letting go. No matter how much you try, you can’t control other people — and accepting that others will ultimately do what they want will be an extraordinarily freeing revelation in your life. This is a tough pill to swallow, especially as a sensitive sign, because it may make you feel like you’re easily influenced by surrounding energy. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to protect your heart from outside distractions and fully lock into your destiny.

With that in mind, you’re being challenged to step up and set boundaries for yourself during this eclipse — because being at the mercy of other people’s wants and needs will only disconnect you from your true path.

For more, check out your tarot reading.