3 Ways To Manifest Your Dreams During February's Full Snow Moon
You can't bring your future to life if you don't tend to your current self.

You don’t have to be an expert in astrology to sense the mystical energy of the full moon. Its glow is said to evoke powerful emotions and inspire action, so it makes sense that the lunar magic can be used to bring your biggest hopes to life. February’s full moon — also known as the Snow Moon — rises on Feb. 24, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. ET (4:30 a.m. PT) in practical Virgo. This earth sign’s energy will help you build a solid foundation for your future.
ICYDK, manifestation is the practice of speaking your dreams into existence by truly believing they’ve already come true. It takes a certain vibe to get into that mindset, which is where the magic of the full moon comes in. While new moons are for cracking down and getting practical about your goals and intentions, full moons let us access our emotions’ divine energy.
“Manifesting during full moons requires reflection and strategic thinking, and it's best suited for bringing in larger manifestations that have multiple hoops to jump through before landing at your door,” says astrologer Babs Cheung.
Because February’s full Snow Moon is in the dutiful, detail-oriented sign of Virgo, it’s important to hone in on the exact intention behind your goals. “[This is the] first step toward any kind of ritual you do during this full moon,” Cheung says.
When you’re ready, indulge in one of these manifestation practices for February’s full Snow Moon.
1. Create a Self-Care Menu
Organized Virgo is all about planning everything down to the smallest details, so Cheung suggests honoring the maiden’s energy by planning several activities that help sustain balance and self-love throughout the day.
For the main course, Cheung recommends booking a massage. A day at the sauna or hot yoga could work here, too.
“For snacks, think of self-care activities that take 15-30 seconds that you can do throughout your day to ground you and strengthen your mind-body connection,” Cheung says. She suggests drinking water, mindful breathing, or a shake-it-out dance break.
Dessert can be a total indulgence, whatever that looks like to you. One tip, though: “You’re better off doing it in moderation,” Cheung says.
2. Do Some Pre-Spring Cleaning
The full moon arrives during Pisces season, the final month of the zodiac cycle. As such, February’s full Snow Moon is about tying up loose ends. To honor Virgo’s neat-freak nature, take stock of your belongings.
“Your best bet is to take your disorganized closet and ask yourself, honestly, if you're ever going to wear that outfit, eat those refried beans well beyond expiration, or cook with chickpea flour ever again,” Cheung says. If it’s not a hell yes, donate what you can to a charity in need, and toss the rest.
3. Tend To Your Wellbeing
Virgo is associated with health. Whatever checkups you’ve been avoiding or putting off, now’s the time to book them.
“During this time it's important to get your health screenings and make the necessary appointments to ensure you are in tip-top health,” Cheung says.
Don’t forget about your mental health, either. “Because of Mercury's planetary rulership over Virgo, the earth sign is prone to anxiety and overthinking — so make sure you get the help you need,” she says.
Babs Cheung, astrologer
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