If you’re craving some fresh energy, consider yourself lucky, because the astrology of 2025 promises plenty of exciting changes and new beginnings. While there are certainly some rocky twists and turns ahead, there will also be some very promising cosmic moments sprinkled throughout the year that can potentially bring all zodiac signs an added boost of prosperity, success, and opportunities.
If you’re looking to the planets for good luck, a few sparkly astrological factors should be considered. The most influential force of good fortune in the cosmos is giant planet Jupiter, which is the planet of abundance, growth, and optimism. It’s known as the “greater benefic” planet in traditional astrology thanks to its Midas-touch-like energy and ability to bring blessings wherever it travels in the zodiac. In 2025, Jupiter kicks things off in the communication-forward sign of Gemini, but shifts into sensitive Cancer on June 9 for the remainder of the year, making it a lucky time for air and water signs alike.
When it comes to how the planets interact with one another, trine aspects are considered the luckiest connection of all. Planets form trines when they’re vibing between two different zodiac signs of the same element, which generates a gorgeously harmonious flow between them. Trines allow planets to easily work together and attract blessings. Another aspect that can be quite auspicious is a conjunction, which is when two planets meet at the same point in the zodiac, kicking off the start of a new cycle between their energies.
Lastly, when it comes to the houses of the zodiac, the adventurous and growth-oriented ninth house is considered the area of your birth chart that’s most directly linked with good luck. When planets interact positively with this cosmic region, you can expect to feel more in tune with your higher aspirations, and you may notice that you have a tendency to land on your feet if you take a risk.
If you’re ready to make the most of your cosmic kismet in the year ahead, read on to find out the luckiest day of 2025, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: April 19, 2025
The warm and confidence-boosting sun will be shining in your sign from March 20 until April 19, highlighting your talents and goals. One of the luckiest moments of the year comes on April 19 — the very last day of your birthday season — when your motivating cosmic ruler Mars will form a lucky trine aspect to dreamy planet Neptune, which will be in your sign for the first time in more than 150 years.
Mars will have just entered your chart’s passionate fifth house the day prior, and thanks to this auspicious connection to idealistic and spiritual Neptune, you can expect to be hit with loads of mystical inspiration that’ll get plenty of visionary creative juices flowing.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: July 10, 2025
Full moons are often climactic cosmic events that can bring big moments of fruition and emotional expression — and one of your luckiest days of the year comes under the rays of July’s brightest lunation. This full moon takes place in fellow earth sign Capricorn, and it activates your lucky ninth house of adventure, so expect to feel deeply connected with your loftiest and most thrilling goals. The moon will also be blowing a big kiss to action-oriented planet Mars in your passionate fifth house, giving you all the motivation, inspiration, and zeal you need to bring your sparkliest aspirations to life.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: June 8, 2025
Abundant planet Jupiter has been blessing your sign with its optimistic magic since May 2024, giving you opportunities for growth and success. And on June 8 — right in the middle of your birthday season — Jupiter will join forces with your clever cosmic ruler Mercury at the very final degree of your zodiac sign.
With intellectual Mercury coupling up with expansive Jupiter right as the Midas-touch planet takes its final steps through Gemini, expect all sorts of lucrative ideas and lucky connections to be made now. This cosmic energy could push you to the brink of an important and lucrative mental breakthrough that helps you take all the lessons you’ve learned in the past year and use them to your advantage.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: June 24, 2025
Lucky planet Jupiter is hitting your sign for the first time in over a decade on June 9, boosting your blessings and bringing loads of good fortune One of the luckiest moments of the year comes a couple of weeks later, on June 24 — just a few days after your birthday season begins.
At this time, Jupiter will align with the sun in your sign to form what’s known as a Jupiter cazimi, which beautifully amplifies the sense of abundance, depth, and magic Jupiter is celebrated for. Look forward to exciting opportunities beginning to unfold, and enjoy the Midas touch that’ll be bestowed upon you now.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Luckiest Day: July 24, 2025
New moons are considered auspicious times for manifestation, as their energy is believed to make it easier to begin new journeys and turn over new leaves. One of your luckiest moments of the year arrives under the new moon rising on July 24, during the very first days of your birthday season.
At the time of this lunation, the sun and moon will be making some beautiful trine aspects to visionary Neptune and down-to-business Saturn, which will have just recently entered your lucky ninth house of adventure. These fortuitous alignments make this lunar reset a powerful time to connect with your dreams and start acting on your long-term goals.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Luckiest Day: Sept. 12, 2025
The bright and confidence-boosting sun will be sparkling through your sign from Aug. 22 until Sept. 22, bringing loads of warmth and vitality to your goals. And some of the luckiest moments of your year will begin on Sept. 12, as the sun in your sign will be approaching a powerful conjunction aspect with your clever cosmic ruler Mercury.
This alignment is known as a Mercury cazimi, and it can bring a burst of mental clarity and new ideas. But what makes this one so special is that both the sun and Mercury will be collectively blowing a sweet kiss to lucky planet Jupiter, opening up all sorts of prosperous new doors of opportunity. This auspicious cosmic connection truly puts your hopes and wishes within reach.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Luckiest Day: Oct. 14, 2025
The glitzy and confident sun will be shining in your sign from Sept. 22 until Oct. 22, putting your talents, goals, and creativity on full display. Additionally, your romantic cosmic ruler Venus comes home to your sign on Oct. 13, and one of the most auspicious moments of the year arrives the following day — as amorous Venus will form a gloriously lucky grand air trine with wild-hearted Uranus and transformational planet Pluto. This electrifying cosmic triangle can bring about all sorts of exciting miracles, meaningful surprises, and spiritually-aligned opportunities.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Luckiest Day: Nov. 19, 2025
New moons are one of the most auspicious lunar phases, as they symbolize a new journey for the luminaries and their energy is highly supportive to manifestation. One of your luckiest moments of 2025 comes in the form of the annual new moon in your sign, which rises on Nov. 19, during the final days of Scorpio season.
These lunations are always great for new beginnings, but this one is especially magical, as the sun and moon will form a gorgeous grand water trine with the lucky planet Jupiter and the mystical planet Neptune. Your dreams know no bounds under this lunation, and you’ll feel more idealistic and spiritually connected to your goals than ever before. Make it count!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Luckiest Day: July 24, 2025
As a Sagittarius, you already have luck on your side, as this fire sign tends to land on its feet and run into good fortune. But if you want to harness the good vibes and make some magic, the new moon on July 24 will be one of the most auspicious moments of your year.
This lunation is rising in fellow fire sign Leo, and it’s activating your lucky ninth house of growth and knowledge — so look forward to connecting with your sparkliest aspirations and being allowed to embark on exciting adventures. Additionally, the sun and moon will collectively form a gorgeous trine to the dreamy planet Neptune and hardworking Saturn in your chart’s passion zone, which can inspire you to bring your visions to life and sustain your luck.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Luckiest Day: July 10, 2025
Full moons have the power to bring your dreams to fruition and heighten your energy to a buzzy climax — and this year, the annual full moon in your sign on July 10 is one of the luckiest cosmic moments. Your goals are coming into full view now, giving you a chance to make power moves and see your long-term visions through.
Additionally, the moon will be making a trine aspect to motivating planet Mars in your lucky ninth house, inspiring you to take action on your loftiest aspirations. This lunation also blows a sweet kiss to the North Node of Fate, infusing every move with a feeling of destiny.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Luckiest Day: Aug. 9, 2025
Starting this summer, your eccentric ruling planet Uranus will be hitting your passionate fifth house for the first time in more than 75 years, bringing all sorts of exciting flashes of inspiration and electrifying surprises into your life. And the annual full moon in your sign that peaks a month later, on Aug. 9, will be brimming with good luck, magic, and all the moxie you need to make the most of this thrilling cosmic vibe.
Under this lunation, your goals will become crystal clear — but what makes it extra special is that alongside the full moon, motivating planet Mars will be in your lucky ninth house forming a glorious grand air trine with both Uranus and transformation planet Pluto. With this intense but deeply auspicious energy at play, you have the power to act on your wildest and most unimaginably exciting dreams.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: March 17, 2025
You’re embarking on a deep and spiritual transformation this year, as the North Node of Destiny will hit your sign on Jan. 11 — a shift that won’t happen again for nearly two decades. This means that the next few years have a series of eclipses in store that will reconnect you with your most aligned path and help you level up.
One of the luckiest and most special moments of your year hits during the final week of Pisces season on March 17, when the sun in your sign connects with the North Node in an auspicious conjunction. This alignment comes just a few days after a powerful lunar eclipse, and it’s likely to bring some clarity about your higher purpose and true calling, allowing a new version of yourself to start emerging. Embrace the magic.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.