Here's Your Love Life Horoscope For 2022
Jupiter is going to shake things up.

Whether you’re single and looking, thinking about breaking up, or hoping to take your relationship to the next level, a new year gives us the opportunity to hit the refresh button on our love lives. If you’re wondering what’s in store for you in the areas of dating and relationships, astrologer Clarisse Monahan shared what each zodiac sign can look forward to in their 2022 love horoscope. Compared to 2021, it’s going to be a promising year for many signs.
“Though 2022 is a year bookended by a Venus and a Mars retrograde which can bring challenges for relationships, we are being helped out tremendously by Jupiter's transit into Pisces,” Monahan says.
If your love life hasn’t been too exciting in the past few years, you can thank Jupiter for that. According to Monahan, Jupiter has been a bit down on its luck and in 2020, it was in the sign of conservative Capricorn, which isn’t exactly the best place for them to be. “Jupiter returning to Pisces, the sign it rules, is really going to help everyone out,” Monahan says. “It will feel like a giant group hug for everyone, and we’ll all be feeling like connecting on a more profound level.”
Here’s the 2022 love horoscope for each zodiac sign, according to Monahan.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For Aries, May to October is going to be your “sweet spot” for love. “This is when luck-lord Jupiter bounds into your sign, highlighting your self sector and aspecting your 7th house of Relationships,” Monahan says. “Self-esteem and serendipity will be boosted these months.” You’ll be feeling blessed and your self-esteem will be high, so there’s a good chance you’ll have a hot summer full of romance in 2022.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Quirky Uranus is reaching its half-way mark in Taurus this year, which is going to bring an interesting energy for bulls. “Mid-points energize a planet more, so Uranus will be granting you license to be very un-Taurean in 2022,” Monahan says. When it comes to love, she recommends opening yourself up to dating outside of your type. “If you tend toward athletic types, go nerdy Jazz aficionado,” she says. “Uranus energy wants you to go against the grain and escape your Bullish comfort zone.”
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Do what you need to do in terms of love and dating early on in the year, Gemini. According to Monahan, the last quarter of the year may be a little challenging. “Belligerent Mars goes retrograde in your sign on Oct. 30,” she says. “Mars retrogrades are associated with stymied energy in relationships, so things may slow down towards the end of the year.” Her best advice? Go hard during the winter, spring, and summer months. Once Halloween comes, just relax and let things happen.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancers love being at home, but if you’re looking for love, be open to the possibilities of getting away. “With Jupiter-in-Pisces making rogue waves in your travel sector for most of the year, book a trip to find luck in love,” Monahan says. “Think someplace oceanic, since Pisces energy is being highlighted.”
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
In 2022, single Leos will be ready to find someone to settle down with. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll want to take things to the next level. According to Monahan, love has a more serious tone for you this year with Saturn, the planet of hard work and discipline, hanging out in your relationship zone. “You will gravitate toward partners and people who put you or the relationship first,” she says. “This can also be a year of making things formal: engagements, moving in, and the like. Saturn loves formalities, contracts, structure.”
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Lucky you, Virgo! According to Monahan, your sign has one of the best outlooks for love in 2022 as Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will be hanging out in your relationship zone. “Expect to connect more to loved ones or to bring new loved ones into your tidy heart,” she says. “Expansive Jupiter will be looking to enrich your life with splashes of color and romance.”
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libras love being in love more than anything else, and 2022 looks good for commitment. According to Monahan, serious Saturn will be making a helpful trine to your Sun all year long. “Saturn loves longevity, so you’ll be thinking long-term more,” she says. “The rings of Saturn may equal wedding rings.” Love will be in the air at the beginning of March as Venus and Mars and will be linking up in your fellow Air sign, Aquarius. If you’re single, get out there. You never know who you might meet. If you’re in a relationship, expect a lot of love and affection.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios tend to take dating and relationships really seriously. While that won’t really change, you’ll be open to having a lot more fun in 2022. “Not only are the eclipses falling in your sign this year (and eclipses always bring in new energy) but Jupiter, begetter of expansion, prosperity, and bounty, transits your house of romance,” Monahan says. “This is a great year to have more light-hearted fun.” You may meet someone who brings out a different side of you, one that you really like.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
When your ruling planet Jupiter is having a good year, you’re bound to have a good year as well. According to Monahan, Jupiter will be helping you out a lot in 2022. “Jupiter wants to enlarge your world, in particular your home sector,” she says. “Many Sagittarius will move in with their significant other or take things to the next level. When, risk-loving Jupiter is in a strong position like this, it usually means that more than ever it is good for you to take a gamble on love and commitment.”
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
For Capricorn, Venus will be hanging out in your sign for the first quarter of the year. When that happens, you can expect a lucky time for love. “The start of the year may be more about looking back to look forward, as Venus will be retrograde during for a short time, but the planet of love goes direct on Jan. 28.” From the end of January to early March, you may find yourself meeting someone new if you’re single, or connecting with your partner on a deeper level if you’re in a relationship.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
For Aquarius, Saturn will be in your sign which can make love feel a little more restrictive. If you’re looking for a relationship, you may find that you’re not meeting the right people. If you’re already in an established situation, you may feel like your relationship isn’t going anywhere. Instead of pushing for any major changes, Monahan suggests getting clear on your long-term emotional plans. This is not a year for settling — it’s for goal setting,” she says. “Saturn loves a good strategy.”
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
In 2022, Pisces is going to have a lot of luck in matters of the heart. In fact, Monahan says, “Great romantic potential is on the horizon for you with your ruling planet, Jupiter, in your sign for most of the year.” It will be a prime time to forge deep connections with new people; it’s not a year for “shallow waters.” According to Monahan, you’ll be digging a little deeper to find connections that will last. For Pisces, 2022 is about finding the real thing. With Jupiter giving you a helping hand, there’s a good chance it may happen.
Clarisse Monahan, astrologer
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