
What To Look Forward To During The Abundant Libra Season

Listen up, sun, moon, and rising signs.

by Nina Kahn
What To Look Forward To During The Abundant Libra Season
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It’s time to shake off the excessive abundance of summertime and find yourself a nice equilibrium. Thankfully, Libra season is coming through to balance everyone’s scales. After spending a month in down-to-earth and analytical Virgo, the sun will enter charming and aesthetic-loving Libra on Sept. 22, inspiring all zodiac signs to seek more beauty and symmetry.

Libra is the cardinal air sign of the zodiac, so its energy excels when it comes to creating social connections and building a mentally stimulating rapport with others. Libra’s ruling planet is amorous and relationship-oriented Venus, which infuses this season with grace, romance, and a heavy focus on partnerships. This makes Libra season a wonderful time to pour a little more energy into your love or social life. After tidying up your act via the responsible and organized vibes of Virgo season, the sun’s stint in Libra can help you shift some of your energy outward and explore the magic and synergy of working with others.

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The start of the Libra season always aligns with the date of the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, so the energy shift is palpable. The equinox is defined by its equal amount of daylight and night, so it beautifully echoes Libra’s themes of balance and harmony. However, finding your equilibrium during Libra season 2024 may not be as easy as usual, as it’s kicking off in the middle of eclipse season, known for bringing tumultuous changes. The Harvest Moon lunar eclipse peaked less than a week before Libra season began, and a powerful solar eclipse in the sign of Libra will follow that up on Oct. 2. This will shake things up for all zodiac signs, but if you have any important Libra placements in your chart, then expect this to be an especially transformational month.

The diplomacy and justice-mindedness of Libra season are available for everyone to align with from Sept. 22 through Oct. 22. But if you were born with a lot of Libran influences — especially if your sun, moon, or rising signs are in Libra — then you’re in for an even more unique journey. Here’s what Libras can look forward to during Libra season 2024, as the sun lights up their sign.

Attracting Material Abundance

Luxury-loving planet Venus entered stealthy and sultry Scorpio on the very day that Libra season began, and it’ll be activating Libras’ finance zone for most of the month ahead. If you’re a Libra, this makes it a fabulous time to focus on attracting more material abundance into your life.

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With Venus lighting up your house of wealth and tangible resources, money matters will be getting a boost, and you officially have a cosmic excuse to indulge in a little extra luxuriousness. And because Venus is your ruling planet, its whereabouts affect you even more than most people. With that in mind, a fancy self-care day is most definitely justified — it’s all about balance, right?

Making Confident Decisions

Intellectual planet Mercury enters your sign on Sept. 26, just a few days after Libra season begins. And on Sept. 30, it’ll meet with the sun in perfect alignment, forming what’s known as a Mercury cazimi in astrology. Mercury rules the mind and communication, so you may notice that you’re thinking a bit more clearly and can express your ideas more effectively during this time. The cazimi is also activating the release-oriented South Node Of Destiny, so this is also a good time to break out of old thought patterns or speak up about something you’ve been afraid to say out loud. Take advantage of the mental boost and use it to generate some creative inspiration or make some decisions with confidence.

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Embracing Emotional Breakthroughs

Speaking of the South Node, the new moon will align with this fateful point on Oct. 2, forming a powerful solar eclipse in Libra. If Libra is your sun or rising sign, you’ve been undergoing a period of major restructuring and growth over the past year and can expect this eclipse to be an important identity checkpoint.

This lunation is asking you to step into your independence and find your voice in relationships — which might mean having to ruffle some feathers, shift some dynamics, or let go of people who aren’t honoring your needs. There won’t be another eclipse in your sign for nearly a decade, so this concludes a meaningful cycle in your life that will leave you transformed.

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Spiritual & Philosophical Growth

Abundant planet Jupiter is currently in Libra’s adventure-seeking ninth house, bringing lots of opportunities to gain valuable life experiences. But on Oct. 8, the blessings will be even easier to integrate, as Mercury in your sign will form a lucky trine with Jupiter, which could open your mind to a flood of spiritual and philosophical realizations. It’s time to start looking at the world from a fresh perspective. Less than a week later, on Oct. 13, the sun in your sign will connect with Jupiter. Expect to feel a boost of confidence that inspires you to try new things, step outside your comfort zone, and perhaps even take a leap of faith.