Libra Season Is Bringing Balance To All Zodiac Signs This Month
There's a little cosmic drama on the menu.

Pumpkin spice is officially in the air, so you know what that means: Libra season 2020 is here! The sun moves out of analytical Virgo and into Libra's territory on Tuesday, September 22, which is turning our focus toward bringing balance into our lives and relationships over the coming month. This sun sign switch also heralds in the first day of autumn, officially closing the chapter on summer 2020, and helping us to take stock of anything we need to let go of in order to embrace the changing season and create harmony. Of course, how Libra season 2020 will affect you depends on your zodiac sign, so read on for the scoop.
Libra's ruling planet is Venus, and this energy bestows us with an inclination toward romance and beauty all season long. We'll be more focused on the intricacies within our one-on-one relationships right now, and we'll naturally embrace harmony rather than acknowledging conflicts. Libra season energy is charming, mentally energizing, and can inspire us to embrace a fresh start within partnerships, so let bygones be bygones and see if you can't find some common ground where conflict once laid.
That said, there's some hefty cosmic drama on the menu during the course of Libra season, too — between the kick-off of this year's final Mercury retrograde period and a whole bunch of frustrating planetary aspects involving Mars retrograde, we're in for a wild ride. Additionally, with communication-focused Mercury entering ultra-intense Scorpio and Venus entering nit-picky Virgo, things have potential to get thorny within love, work, and friendships. Thankfully, the sweet and diplomatic energy of Libra season inspires us to remain balanced, fair, and cordial in the way we handle our affairs.
Here's the inside scoop on how Libra season 2020 will affect your zodiac sign so you know what to expect from the first month of autumn.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
With your ruling planet Mars retrograding through your sign, it's been tough to express your more intense feelings — and that may be taking a toll on your partnerships, Aries. But Libra season offers you a chance to put your best foot forward within your closest relationships and deal with things more diplomatically and patiently than you might normally.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A new season means a new chance to restructure your daily routine and bring some balance to your life, Taurus. Splurge on a cute new planner or pretty pens to make cranking out daily to-do lists more enjoyable. No matter how busy you get with work or love life drama, social connections are important to your well-being — pencil in some virtual or socially-distanced dates with friends that'll offer you fresh perspectives.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
With the sun in a fellow air sign, your mental powers are sharper than ever, Gemini — and now's a beautiful time to express yourself and bring a sense of beauty and refinement to any personal passion projects that have been floating around your consciousness as of late. Your daily routine may get chaotic mid-season, so carve out designated space for enjoyable things like making art, blossoming romance, and having fun.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
With the seasonal shift to autumn, you're looking forward to embracing the comfort of your home and doing some nesting. But carrying emotional baggage with you through the rest of the year isn't the right move, so use Libra's social, connection-focused energy to smooth out any drama in your home or family life now. Bringing balance to your external affairs will allow you to enjoy this more inward-focused season.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This is a fun and social month for you, Leo, so use your sunshine-y nature to connect with friends or catch up on calls and texts. While getting caught up in the light and airy details can serve as a fun distraction, don't turn your eye too far away from your more intimate personal life, as Mercury retrograde could bring up some foundation-shaking feels mid-season that'll require you to focus on staying grounded and honest with yourself.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
After a busy birthday season full of self-expression and hopefully some fun, it's time focus your detail-oriented eye onto both the sensual and sensible parts of your life. Make sure your finances are in shape (especially before Mercury retrograde hits mid-season), and lean into your Venusian side and find beauty through luxurious scents, touches, and tastes. You may be watching your spending, but don't be afraid to splurge on a little something special to please your senses.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Happy birthday, Libra baby! There's no more beautiful season to embrace your inner social-butterfly and express your artistic nature, so plan a fun virtual birthday bash and express your creative side through fun make-up looks or fashion. As artistically inclined as you may be, beautifying the world around you is as easy as being kind to everyone you meet, so be your most diplomatic self. Just beware of too much birthday spending, as Mercury retrograde could unearth some financial stressors mid-season — balance is key.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This season marks an introspective inward journey for you, Scorpio, as you're trying to balance your intense emotions with your unconscious mind's instincts, all through a more conceptual lens. Instead of trying to make sense of everything you're feeling and experiencing, accept that sometimes life is confusing, and practice some higher-minded techniques like meditation, yoga, or dream journaling to keep you in touch with yourself and in control of your stress levels.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Your fiery and forward-thinking nature is coming out within your community right now, Sag, and you're bringing a renewed sense of justice and energy to the social causes that are close to your heart. You're feeling called to speak up for what's right and get your crew on board with being more socially active, especially with voting season upon us. Listen to your inner truth and don't shy away from fighting the good fight.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
This might be one of the more eventful chunks of the year for your work life yet, Capricorn, as you're feeling in-control of your public image and showing off your most polished and welcoming face to the world, which will definitely make a mark. You're focused on bringing a harmonious energy to your working relationships, so while you may run into some drama with friends or colleagues mid-season, you can rely on your solid reputation and natural sense of fairness to smooth over the disagreements diplomatically.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
With the sun lighting up a fellow air sign's territory, you're feeling more open-minded than usual, and are taking great delight in connecting with people and experiences that can shift your perspective and broaden your mental horizons. Things could begin to feel messy or unstable within your career life as the season goes on, but keep your eye on the big picture and look to balance any small-scale discord by seeking a much grander sense of peace and happiness.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Deep feelings are comfortable territory for a watery Pisces like you, and this season is chock-full of them — but because you're dealing with the feelings of others as well as your own, maintaining healthy boundaries is a must. Being vulnerable is a strength, but sacrificing your emotional safety to appease people in your life who won't handle your feelings with care is a dangerous game. Know when to ask for space or set a limit within your intimate relationships, and don't be afraid to speak up in ways you haven't in the past.
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