Leap Day Is The Perfect Time To Manifest Your Goals. Here's How.
It’s a powerful day in astrology.

If you’re into manifestation, then you probably love a vision board, a magical meditation, and a lucky number. You also likely look forward to the most powerful astrological days of the month, like the different parts of the lunar cycle moon, since there are plenty of good times to set your goals in motion.
On Feb. 29, you’ll get one extra magical day to add to your list, known as Leap Day. “In astrology, this day is often viewed as a powerful source of spiritual energy that can help people embrace a new chapter or path in life,” says Astrid Bly, a premier astrology expert with California Psychics.
It’s a day that only comes around once every four years, so it already has a unique energy to it. But if you’re into astrology and other esoteric goings-on, then you can use the uniqueness to your advantage. Bly says it’s the perfect day to manifest goals via meditation, journaling, and positive affirmations.
Feb. 29 is the perfect day to scribble down goals and send good thoughts into the universe, and it’s also a good one to keep an eye out for angel numbers and other coincidences. According to Bly, Leap Day tends to have one synchronicity after another, and it only adds to the magic.
Here, Bly shares various ways to manifest during Leap Day.
How To Manifest On Leap Day
To harness all the energy of Leap Day, Bly suggests zeroing in on your intentions and goals for the months ahead. Take the time to ponder what you’d like to focus on most, whether it’s emotional, mental, or spiritual growth, and then do some magic-making.
Mindfully Meditate
Bly suggests meditating ahead of Leap Day, as well as on the day itself. To do it, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus solely on things you’d like to achieve.
“Meditation is one of the most useful methods for practicing manifestation,” she says. “During this peaceful moment, your vibrations will align with those of the universe, and you will be able to give all your attention to what you desire.”
Write In A Journal
Writing things down also makes them more real, so spend Feb. 28 and Feb. 29 with your notebooks. “Putting pen to paper can sometimes be the best way to seek clarity on your desires, hopes, and goals,” says Bly. “Writing these thoughts down can be just as powerful as speaking them into existence.”
If you don’t know what to write, start with lists. What do you want in a dream job, a relationship, etc. “That will help you release this energy into the universe so your manifestations can begin working,” she says.
Say Positive Affirmations
“Another great manifestation method is to spend some time saying positive affirmations,” says Bly. Today’s the day to put a stop to any negative self-talk, as you don’t want to send the wrong message.
“Instead, try to focus on incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine and saying things such as, ‘I did really well on that work presentation today,’ or ‘I am making productive decisions to work toward my goals,’” says Bly. “Phrases like these will not only attract and manifest good things for you but will also be uplifting and supportive.”
Create A Vision Board
If you’re in the mood to get artsy, channel all of that into a vision board. By adding photos, quotes, and small trinkets to a vision board, Bly says it can help you to see your dreams more clearly. “Having a physical reminder that you can look at daily will help keep you on track.”
Construct A Mind Map
A mind map is a lot like a brainstorming sheet from elementary school. Think of a web with a bunch of circles connecting your ideas, only this time it will lay out your goals.
“This brainstorming methodology can actually be a helpful manifestation tactic for making your hopes and dreams come true,” says Bly. “Try putting a goal of yours in the center of your paper and surround it with plans, potential roadblocks, ideas, and anything else that comes to mind.”
When you’re finished doodling, take a step back and see what you made. According to Bly, it will help you see the bigger picture of what it will take to manifest your goals and dreams. And from there, you can take action.
Pay Close Attention To Angel Numbers
It’s fun to spot angel numbers and other synchronicities on an average day. If you’re looking for a sign, nothing beats spying a row of fours on a license plate or 11:11 on a clock. But according to Bly, Leap Day is extra special thanks to its spiritual energy, so you might notice even more coincidences than usual.
Don’t be surprised if you look at the clock every hour and see 1:11 or 2:22, and then also 3:33, 4:44, and maybe even 5:55. The day will be full of numbers and patterns, as well as other mystical moments.
“Another common synchronicity is that you may find yourself thinking of someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, only for them to reach out either that day or soon after,” says Bly.
Keep an eye out for moments like these, and as you spot them, take a moment to claim them. “When you experience a synchronicity, pause briefly and focus on something you desire or the person you want to be,” says Bly. “Throughout the day, and especially when these synchronicities occur, you can use Leap Day’s significant energy to practice goal setting and manifesting.”
Astrid Bly, premier astrology expert with California Psychics