
These 2 Zodiac Signs Can Rest Easy During The June New Moon

It’s a great time to chill out.

by Nina Kahn
Zodiac signs least affected by the June 6 new moon.
JulPo/E+/Getty Images

New beginnings are as abundant as the springtime flowers and June kicks off with a gorgeous new moon in Gemini. This refreshing lunation peaks on the morning of June 6, putting all zodiac signs in touch with the curious and open-minded energy of Gemini season that’s already swirling around the cosmos. June’s new moon has the power to bring about some big and bright new beginnings, depending on your chart — but for some zodiac signs, things will probably feel relatively chill.

At the time of the new moon, there will be a whopping five planets in Gemini, which emphasizes the Gemini themes of clear communication, curiosity, and open-mindedness. The quick-thinking and quizzical influence of this mutable air sign on this new moon can inspire you to start opening yourself up to new conversations and social connections, and to keep your antennae perked for any useful bits of info that may come flying your way. Gemini is the sign that rules information, so there’s lots of potential to discover something new that could set you off on an exciting path.

Because the new moon is peaking in close quarters with love planet Venus, it’s also an especially ripe time for starting anew in relationships — whether that means pursuing someone new or starting a new chapter in a current partnership. Unfortunately, the new moon and Venus will be clashing with tough-love planet Saturn, which could make these new beginnings a little more slow-going and frustrating than usual — but for a couple of lucky zodiac signs, this won’t be too difficult to deal with.

Cardinal zodiac signs might find that the Gemini new moon breezes by without much fanfare, but Cancer and Capricorn will likely have the most laid-back lunar experience this time. If you’re one of the zodiac signs least affected by June’s new moon, read on.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

There’s a whole lot of intense Gemini energy dominating the cosmos right now, but it may not affect you on a very tangible level. In fact, you may feel more like retreating into the safety and solitude of your Cancerian crab shell rather than starting any major new projects or chasing after big goals. While the general Gemini vibe is outgoing and social, for you, this lunar energy will be much better spent diving deep into your inner world and trying to connect with your subconscious.

While you may not feel like much is shifting externally, trust that new pathways and connections are being made on a soul level. Following a guided meditation to quiet your mind or dumping out your feelings in a journal are great ways to clear away some mental and emotional clutter so you can better hear any spiritual calls coming through to you now. You may also want to get more rest and spend a little extra time exploring the symbolic messages hidden in your dreams.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

The busy-bodied energy of Gemini season has you flitting about from one life obligation and work task to the next, so this new moon could be a productive time to start a refreshed to-do list or revamp your schedule to make room for a wider variety of projects. Because it’s rising in the part of your chart that rules your health and habits, you might also feel inspired to kick off a new wellness routine or otherwise add something new into your daily rhythm that supports your overall well-being.

While the effects of this new moon will definitely have you multi-tasking and figuring out ways to make your day-to-day grind run a little more smoothly, you’ll likely find that it’s not as emotionally charged or dramatic as some lunations can be. Stern planet Saturn happens to be your cosmic ruler, so its influence on the current cosmic weather probably won’t feel quite as challenging to work with for you as it may be for some other signs. Putting your nose to the grindstone and getting serious about things is how you roll, so you’ll know exactly how to flow with the lunar moment.