3 Zodiac Signs June's New Moon Will Affect The Least
Excitement is in the air for a few signs.

Eclipse season will soon come to a close, which means we can look forward to more peaceful months ahead — but don’t get too excited, because we have to get through the June 2021 new moon first. The lunar reset taking place on June 10 is also a solar eclipse, so it’s heralding in major changes for all zodiac signs (on top of putting on a pretty spectacular show in the sky). While some of us will have to cope with extreme twists and turns in our path, the few lucky zodiac signs least affected by the June 2021 new moon will have an easier time going with the cosmic flow.
This new moon eclipse is taking place in the chatty and communication-focused sign of Gemini, which will align us with all the themes we’ve already been vibing with throughout Gemini season 2021. Gemini has a super inquisitive and detail-oriented energy, so this eclipse will light up our sense of curiosity and encourage us to ask ourselves thoughtful questions. But because this new moon is aligning with Mercury retrograde, we may be impacted by some of the retrograde brain fog, which means it’ll be harder to see things clearly. Instead of seeking final answers on anything, use this eclipse as a jumping off point. New doors of opportunity are opening and your intuition will help you figure out which you should walk through.
Eclipses in astrology have a reputation for being intense and chaotic, but they’re not inherently bad. Solar eclipses (like the one we’re having with June’s new moon) tend to bring more positive vibes than others — and for the zodiac signs least affected by the June 2021 new moon eclipse, it’ll be a much smoother ride.
Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 21 - July 22)
The shifts brought on by this eclipse are happening internally for you, Cancer, so they’ll feel more subtle — and you’ll probably have an easier time coping as a result. However, you may still want to carve out some introspective quiet time for solitude to help you process the changes that are taking place. You’re being given opportunities to connect with your subconscious and intuitive senses more deeply, so pay attention to your dreams and gut feelings. Don’t ignore your inner voice.
Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Shake-ups and shifts don’t have to be a bad thing, Libra — especially when they lead to new adventures that expand your spirit and broaden your horizons. Take a risk and be willing to embark on a new journey, especially if it’s related to your interests, higher education, or traveling. New ideas always seem radical at first, but once you dip your toes into the water of this spiritual awakening, you’ll adjust to the new temperatures just fine. We are ever-evolving beings, and our beliefs should reflect that, too.
Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
The eclipse is taking place in your passionate fifth house of creativity, romance, and passion — which means there’s a huge potential for excitement in your life right now, Aquarius. As an air sign, you’re often more reserved about your feelings — but now’s a chance to wear your passions proudly. Whether it’s a romantic affair, an artistic endeavor, or an extracurricular hobby, this new moon is giving you full permission to pour your heart into everything that calls to you. Trust that the shifts in your life will make space for your heart to soar more freely.