June's Strawberry Moon Will Be Intense For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Expect a few challenges under this lunation.

With eclipse season finally ending, so too does its considerably dramatic energy. It comes just in time for June’s Full Strawberry Moon on June 24. This lunation officially marks the last supermoon of the year, signaling a prominent shift in celestial energies and a relieving sigh to those who struggled to survive eclipse season. Now’s the time to relax and watch your hard work pay off and ambitious goals to come to fruition. For the zodiac signs most affected by the June 2021 full moon, they’ll find out just how far they’re willing to push the limits to succeed.
The June 2021 Full Strawberry Moon will enter in the pragmatic and ambitious sign of Capricorn, encouraging our inner CEO to take charge of our career and creative endeavors. Capricorn’s grounded energy also inspires us to remain practical with our goals and focus on one tangible task at a time, rather than overwhelm ourselves with new ideas and projects. “It’s a good time to organize your space and your mind, and to commit to pursuing your ambitions,” Dana DeFranco, astrologer and co-host of the Allegedly Astrology podcast, tells Bustle. “Consider how you can be of service to yourself, your relationship, or your community. How can you show yourself and others more respect?”
Additionally, the moon will sextile Jupiter (the planet that governs expansion and intellectual growth), which will make ambitious signs more eager to conquer their career field or strengthen professional relationships. This harmonious aspect further initiates a positive balance between the moon’s pragmatic Capricorn energy and Jupiter’s thirst for knowledge and expansion. This might be your sign to explore an entirely new field or market a new skill of yours to create a unique side hustle.
Wondering if your zodiac sign will be deeply affected by this powerful supermoon energy? Whether you’re being drawn to sharpen up your skills or challenged to follow through, the June 2021 Full Strawberry Moon is here to deliver these messages to these zodiac signs. So, if your sun sign is most affected by the June 2021 full moon, brace yourself — this lunation will illuminate challenges before you’re able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21-April 19)
Firestarter Aries is known for leading the pack, and the Strawberry Moon rewards sun sign Aries who are especially driven to succeed. Approaching a new, eruptive idea comes easily to Aries, but this full moon is a guiding light to empower the passion you have behind every ethereal idea you have.
If, however, you’re resistant or avoidant to follow through on one of your brilliant new ideas, this lunation will bring that conflict to the surface. While you might see it as more productive to have a million COGS working at once, this time will serve as a reminder that being productive requires more than drive but also consistency. Focus on one creative or professional skill at a time — not to perfect it but to prove to yourself you can see your ideas through.
Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This lunation will illuminate a stark challenge of commitment, Libra. The sensible energy of the Capricorn moon will provoke you to come to terms with your tendency to float around between ideas and needs of your relationships or career field. Even if you’re working hard toward a sentimental goal or nourishing your surrounding relationships, if you aren’t fully committed to your intentions behind them, your efforts might feel superficial or insincere.
The supermoon’s grounding energy will guide you through making practical decisions within your workspace and relationships — whether they’re romantic, platonic, or professional. Committing to one priority at a time is critical during this lunation, so reflecting on your needs and wants within your environment will help empower you to be proactive. Sometimes it’s a radical thing to make practical decisions.
Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Now is your time to shine, Cap! Being the pragmatic workaholics of the zodiac, you’ll be one of the most impacted by the full moon’s initiative to focus on your career-related objectives. The full moon entering your sign implies supercharged energy, inviting you to focus on monetizing a new skill.
This lunation is a huge responsibility (and a bit of pressure) for Capricorn placements, as it heightens the need to check off your to-do lists and complete heavy-duty goals. It can also challenge you to be more adventurous in your professional life, rather than constantly thinking critically about it. That said, have fun with it! Finding a new skill can be scary, but you’ve always been one to rise to the occasion.