7 Dos & Don'ts For July's Full Buck Moon
It's time to channel Cancer-Capricorn energy.

Arriving on July 3 at 7:39 a.m. EST (4:39 a.m. PST), the July 2023 full Buck moon in non-nonsense Capricorn puts a pep in our step as we stretch toward our biggest dreams. With the earth sign lighting up your house of career and reputation, channel it’s energy by following these dos and don’ts.
DO: Put in The Hard Work
Capricorn is all about getting down to business. This lunation is a reminder that putting in the effort makes your accomplishments that much sweeter. Apply that diligence and hard work to all areas of life, whether in the office or in your relationships.
DON’T: Forget About The Rest Of Your Life
While the hustle is an admirable Capricorn trademark, it shouldn’t be pursued at the expense of all else. You can pour energy into your career without working overtime. Leave plenty of room for romance, family time, and your social life.
DO: Get Your Money Right
Capricorn is the workaholic of the zodiac, but with this lunation making a supportive trine aspect to lucky Jupiter, it's all the riper for manifesting your money goals. But achieving them also requires budgeting, hard work, and diligent planning, too!
DON’T: Goof Off
If distractions have gotten in the way, you might want to recenter your focus. Saturn retrograde is in full bloom, meaning the value of discipline and boundaries will prove to be especially important. Neglecting work could have extreme consequences.
DO: Set Boundaries
Letting go is part of the full moon deal. Once you know what you need to shed, Capricorn helps you establish your boundaries sternly. It's OK to turn down social invitations, overtime at work, or requests for favors. Honoring yourself is the priority here.
DON’T: Ignore Your Emotions
We're still in Cancer season, after all! The Cancer/Capricorn axis is a lesson in how to maintain a successful public life along with nourishing a functional private one, too. That requires emotional maturity, so don't skimp on facing your feelings.
DO: Practice Patience
Full moons are about completion, and with Saturn’s influence on Capricorn, it's important to remember that good things take time. Everything you need to check off will get done, so just trust the process. Right now, it's about building stamina.