4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel Unstoppable At Work During January's New Moon
Success is almost within reach.

The year’s first new moon is officially here, cosmic angels, and it’s not playing games. It rises on Jan. 11, 2024 at 6:57 a.m. ET (3:57 a.m. PT) in stoic Capricorn, giving everyone the confidence to make bold strides toward their goals. However, the four lucky zodiac signs who will be most affected by January’s new moon will benefit even more from Capricorn’s no-nonsense vibe.
In astrology, new moons are a time to slow your pace, reflect, and invite in the energy you want to bring into the next lunar cycle. As the first new moon of the year, you may feel additional pressure to buckle down. Additionally, Capricorn is the sign of practicality and discipline, so prepare to feel serious. As astrologer Tamerri Ater puts it, “The sea goat means big business.”
“The Capricorn stellium with Pluto is in its last degree before moving into Aquarius. Along with the sun, moon, and Mars — which is [currently] in Capricorn — this gives you the strategy and will to go after your dreams,” she says.
Here are the zodiac signs most affected by the new moon on Jan. 11, plus how to ride the lunar wave.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You’ve had your fun, Aries, but now it’s time to get to work. There are lots of eyes on you at the moment, and with it, extra pressure to look successful and make money. The next six months could be a fruitful time for your career, but only if you put in effort. With lucky Jupiter in your sign, and Mercury and Venus in your ninth house (which oversees expansion and travel), building up your expertise in a certain arena is likely to boost your bank account.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Life is getting deep, Taurus. Jupiter’s been smiling on you, and you may see an uptick in your self-esteem. Over the next six months, learning and traveling (especially abroad) can be “financially lucrative, especially if you team up with another person you trust,” Ater says. As you look toward a wealthier future, don’t forget to keep a practical budget.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This lunation is particularly potent for you, not only because Cancer is ruled by the moon, but also because Jan. 11’s new moon takes place in Capricorn, your sister sign. There may be a meet-cute or kismet introduction in store for you. “The people you meet over the next six months can be extremely beneficial on your path ahead,” Ater says. It’s a good time to nourish the relationships in your life. If you’re single, don’t turn down any invitations. You never know who you might meet.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Capricorn, this is your moment! With four planets in your first house, you’re ready to leap into action. “Creative projects or ones that involve communication or skill are especially supported during this time,” Ater says. Probing at your artistic abilities may lead to breakthroughs and an extra dose of confidence. While this new moon will amplify your strong sense of independence, it may also bring some challenges. You might find yourself questioning who you are and what you want. Do your best to stay true to yourself.
Tamerri Ater, astrologer and founder of Gift of the Nile